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Williams' Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy - E-Book

Williams' Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy - E-Book

Staci Nix McIntosh


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Book Details


Williams’ Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy is a market leader for a reason — it provides coverage of hot topics, emerging trends, and cutting edge research, plus all the essentials for providing the best nutrition care. You’ll love it for the clear, conversational writing style and vivid illustrations that guide you from fundamental concepts of nutrition to the application of those concepts in clinical practice.

  • UNIQUE! Content threads share features with other LPN/LVN titles from Elsevier for a consistent learning experience.
  • Case studies in clinical care chapters focus on related patient care problems.
  • Critical thinking questions challenge you to analyze, apply, and combine concepts.
  • Cultural Considerations boxes discuss how a patient's culture can affect nutritional concepts in practice.
  • Clinical Applications and For Further Focus boxes highlight hot topics and analyze concepts and trends in depth.
  • Chapter Challenges use true/false, multiple-choice, and matching questions to test your understanding of chapter content.
  • Key concepts, key terms, and chapter summaries help you study more effectively and master essential content.
  • Diet therapy guidelines include recommendations, restrictions, and sample diets for a number of major clinical conditions.
  • Further Readings and Resources in each chapter provide focused and up-to-date print, multimedia, and online resources to supplement learning.
  • Useful appendixes include information on cholesterol content, fiber content, cultural and religious dietary patterns, and more.
  • NEW! Completely updated content incorporates Dietary Guidelines 2010 and Healthy People 2020 information throughout the text to ensure you have the most up-to-date content available.
  • NEW! Colorful and engaging design makes key content easy to find and more engaging with graphic artwork and vivid images of food.
  • NEW! Updated illustrations visually clarify important concepts and reflect current clinical practice.
  • NEW! Integrated assets in Pageburst version:
    • ADA Nutrition Care Process
    • Case Studies - Answers
    • Challenge Questions and Answers
    • Critical Thinking Question Answers
    • Growth Charts and Food Composition Table
    • Appendixes 1 & 2
    • Nutritrac 5.0

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
IFC (DRI tables) fm2
Half title page v
Evolve page vi
Williams' Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 14/e vii
Copyright page viii
Contributors and Reviewers ix
Dedication xi
Preface to the Instructor xii
Audience xii
Conceptual Approach xii
Organization xii
Content and Features xiii
Learning Aids xiii
Ancillaries xiv
Teaching and Learning Package for the Instructors xiv
For Students xiv
Acknowledgments xiv
Content Threads xvi
Preface to the Student xvii
Table of Contents xix
1 Introduction to Basic Principles of Nutritional Science 1
1 Food, Nutrition, and Health 1
Key Concepts 1
Health Promotion 1
Basic Definitions 1
Nutrition and Dietetics 1
Health and Wellness 1
National Health Goals 2
Traditional and Preventive Approaches to Health 2
Importance of a Balanced Diet 2
Food and Health 2
Signs of Good Nutrition 3
Functions of Nutrients in Food 3
Energy Sources 4
Carbohydrates 4
Fats 4
2 Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle 173
10 Nutrition during Pregnancy and Lactation 173
Key Concepts 173
Nutritional Demands of Pregnancy 173
Energy Needs 174
3 Community Nutrition and Health Care 237
13 Community Food Supply and Health 237
Key Concepts 237
Food Safety and Health Promotion 237
Government Control Agencies 237
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration 238
Enforcement of Federal Food Safety Regulations. 238
Consumer Education. 238
Research. 238
Development of Food Labels 238
Early Development of Label Regulations 238
Food Standards. 238
Nutrition Information. 238
Background of Present U.S. Food and Drug Administration Label Regulations 239
Current Food Label Format 239
Nutrition Facts Label. 239
Health Claims. 240
Food Technology 240
Agricultural Pesticides 242
Reasons for Use 242
Problems 242
Alternative Agriculture 242
Organic Farming. 242
Biotechnology. 243
Irradiation. 245
Food Additives 245
Food-Borne Disease 245
Prevalence 245
Food Sanitation 247
Buying and Storing Food 247
Preparing and Serving Food 248
Food Contamination 250
Bacterial Food Infections 250
Salmonellosis. 250
Shigellosis. 250
Listeriosis. 251
Escherichia Coli. 251
Vibrio. 251
Bacterial Food Poisoning 251
Staphylococcal Food Poisoning. 251
Clostridial Food Poisoning. 252
Viruses 253
Parasites 256
Environmental Food Contaminants 256
Lead. 256
Natural Toxins. 256
Food Needs and Costs 256
Hunger and Malnutrition 256
Worldwide Malnutrition 256
Malnutrition in America 259
Food Assistance Programs 259
Commodity Supplemental Food Program 259
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 259
Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children 259
School Meals Programs 260
Nutrition Services Incentive Program 260
Food Buying and Handling Practices 260
Planning Ahead 260
Buying Wisely 260
Storing Food Safely 260
Cooking Food Well 260
Summary 261
Critical Thinking Questions 261
Chapter Challenge Questions 261
True-False 261
Multiple Choice 262
References 262
Further Reading and Resources 263
14 Food Habits and Cultural Patterns 264
Key Concepts 264
Social, Psychologic, and Economic Influences on Food Habits 264
Social Influences 264
Social Structure 264
Food and Social Factors 264
Psychologic Influences 265
Understanding Diet Patterns 265
Food and Psychosocial Development 265
Marketing and Environmental Influences 265
Economic Influences 265
Family Income and Food Habits 265
Cultural Development of Food Habits 265
Strength of Personal Culture 265
Food in a Culture 266
Traditional Cultural Food Patterns 266
Religious Dietary Laws 266
Jewish 266
Basic Food Pattern. 266
Representative Foods and Influence of Festivals. 266
Muslim 267
Basic Food Pattern. 267
Representative Foods. 267
Influence of Festivals. 268
Spanish and Native American Influences 268
Mexican 268
Puerto Rican 268
Native American 268
Influences of the Southern United States 270
African Americans 270
French Americans 272
Asian Food Patterns 273
Chinese 273
Japanese 273
Southeast Asian 273
Mediterranean Influences 274
Italian 274
Greek 275
Changes in American Food Habits 275
Personal Food Choices 275
Basic Determinants 275
Factors That Influence Change 275
Changing American Food Patterns 276
Household Dynamics 276
With Whom and Where We Eat 276
How Often and How Much We Eat 276
Fast Foods 277
Health and Fitness 277
Economical Buying 277
Summary 278
Critical Thinking Questions 278
Chapter Challenge Questions 278
True-False 278
Multiple Choice 278
References 279
Further Reading and Resources 279
15 Weight Management 280
Key Concepts 280
Obesity and Weight Control 280
Body Weight and Body Fat 280
Definitions 280
Body Composition 281
Measures of Weight Maintenance Goals 284
Standard Height/Weight Tables 284
Healthy Weight Range 284
Body Frame. 284
Individual Variation. 286
Necessity of Body Fat. 286
Obesity and Health 286
Weight Extremes 286
Overweight and Health Problems 286
Causes of Obesity 286
Basic Energy Balance 286
Hormonal Control 287
Leptin. 287
Ghrelin. 287
Genetic and Family Factors 287
Genetic Control. 287
Family Reinforcement. 287
Physiologic Factors. 287
Psychologic Factors. 288
Other Environmental Factors. 288
Individual Differences and Extreme Practices 288
Individual Energy Balance Levels 288
Energy Out. 288
Energy In. 289
Extreme Practices 289
Fad Diets. 289
Fasting. 289
Specific Macronutrient Restrictions. 289
Clothing and Body Wraps. 292
Drugs. 292
Surgery. 292
A Sound Weight-Management Program 294
Essential Characteristics 294
Behavior Modification 294
Basic Principles 294
Basic Strategies and Actions 294
Defining Problem Behavior. 294
Recording and Analyzing Baseline Behavior. 294
Planning a Behavior Management Strategy. 294
Dietary Principles 294
Basic Energy Balance Components 295
Energy Input: Food Behaviors 295
Energy Output: Exercise Behaviors 296
Principles of a Sound Food Plan 296
Energy Balance 296
Nutrient Balance 296
Distribution Balance and Portion Control 300
Food Guide 300
Preventive Approach 300
Food Misinformation and Fads 300
Food Fads 301
Types of Claims 301
Erroneous Claims 301
Dangers 301
Danger to Health. 301
Cost. 301
Lack of Sound Knowledge. 301
Distrust of the Food Market. 301
What Is the Answer? 301
Using Reliable Sources 301
Recognizing Human Needs 302
Remaining Alert to Teaching Opportunities 302
Thinking Scientifically 302
Knowing Responsible Authorities 302
Underweight 302
General Causes and Treatment 302
Causes 303
Dietary Treatment 303
Disordered Eating 303
Anorexia Nervosa 305
Bulimia Nervosa 305
Binge Eating Disorder 305
Treatment 307
Summary 308
Critical Thinking Questions 308
Chapter Challenge Questions 308
True-False 308
Multiple Choice 309
References 309
Further Reading and Resources 310
16 Nutrition and Physical Fitness 311
Key Concepts 311
Physical Activity Recommendations and Benefits 311
Guidelines and Recommendations 311
Health Benefits 312
Coronary Heart Disease 314
Heart Muscle Function. 314
Blood Lipid Levels. 314
Oxygen-Carrying Capacity. 314
Hypertension 314
Diabetes 316
Weight Management 316
Bone Disease 316
Mental Health 316
Types of Physical Activity 316
Activities of Daily Living 316
Resistance Training 317
Aerobic Exercise 317
Weight-Bearing Exercise 318
Meeting Personal Needs 318
Health Status and Personal Gains 318
Achieving Aerobic Benefits 318
Exercise Preparation and Care 318
Dietary Needs During Exercise 319
Muscle Action and Fuel 319
Structure and Function 319
Fuel Sources 319
Oxygen 319
Cardiovascular Fitness. 319
Body Composition. 319
Fluid and Energy Needs 319
Fluid 319
Energy and Nutrient Stores 319
Macronutrient and Micronutrient Recommendations 320
Carbohydrate 320
Fat 321
Protein 321
Vitamins and Minerals 321
Athletic Performance 321
General Training Diet 321
Total Energy 321
Carbohydrate 322
Fat 322
Protein 322
Competition 323
Carbohydrate Loading 323
Pregame Meal 324
Hydration Before, During, and After Exercise 324
Energy During Exercise 325
Energy After Exercise: Recovery 325
Ergogenic Aids and Misinformation 326
Summary 327
Critical Thinking Questions 327
Chapter Challenge Questions 328
True-False 328
Multiple Choice 328
References 328
Further Reading and Resources 329
4 Clinical Nutrition 331
17 Nutrition Care 331
Key Concepts 331
The Therapeutic Process 331
Setting and Focus of Care 331
Health Care Setting 331
Person-Centered Care 331
Health Care Team 332
Physician and Support Staff 332
Roles of the Nurse and the Clinical Dietitian 333
Coordinators and Advocates. 333
Interpreters. 333
Teachers and Counselors. 334
Phases of the Care Process 334
Nutrition Assessment 334
Food- and Nutrition-Related History 335
Anthropometric Measurements 335
Height. 337
Weight and Body Mass Index. 337
Body Composition. 338
Waist Circumference. 339
Biochemical Data, Medical Tests, and Procedures 339
Skeletal System Integrity. 339
Gastrointestinal Function. 339
Resting Metabolic Rate. 339
Nutrition-Focused Physical Findings 339
Client History 339
Nutrition Diagnosis 341
Problem 341
Etiology 341
Signs and Symptoms 341
Nutrition Intervention 341
Food and/or Nutrient Delivery 342
Personal Adaptation. 342
Mode of Feeding. 342
Nutrition Education and Counseling 343
Coordination of Nutrition Care 343
Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation 343
Drug Interactions 344
Drug-Food Interactions 344
Drug-Nutrient Interactions 344
Drug-Herb Interactions 344
Summary 349
Critical Thinking Questions 349
Chapter Challenge Questions 349
True-False 349
Multiple Choice 350
References 350
Further Reading and Resources 351
18 Gastrointestinal and Accessory Organ Problems 352
Key Concepts 352
The Upper Gastrointestinal Tract 352
Problems of the Mouth 352
Dental Problems 352
Surgical Procedures 352
Oral Tissue Inflammation 353
Salivary Gland Problems 353
Swallowing Disorders 354
Problems of the Esophagus 355
Central Tube Problems 355
Lower Esophageal Sphincter Problems 355
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 355
Hiatal Hernia 356
Problems of the Stomach and Duodenum: Peptic Ulcer Disease 357
Causes 357
Helicobacter pylori. 357
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. 358
Psychologic Factors. 358
Clinical Symptoms 358
Medical Management 359
Rest. 359
Drug Therapy. 359
Dietary Management 359
Eating a Well-Balanced and Healthy Diet. 359
Avoiding Acid Stimulation. 360
Lower Gastrointestinal Tract 361
Small Intestine Diseases 361
Malabsorption 361
Cystic Fibrosis 361
Disease Process. 361
Nutrition Management. 362
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 363
Crohn’s Disease. 364
Ulcerative Colitis. 365
Diarrhea 365
Large Intestine Diseases 366
Diverticular Disease 366
Irritable Bowel Syndrome 366
Constipation 367
Food Allergies and Intolerances 367
Food Allergies 367
The Problem 367
Common Food Allergens 368
Celiac Disease 368
Disease Process. 368
Nutrition Management. 369
Problems of the Gastrointestinal Accessory Organs 369
Liver Disease 370
Steatohepatitis 370
Hepatitis 371
Cirrhosis 372
Gallbladder Disease 373
Cholecystitis and Cholelithiasis 373
Pancreatic Disease 374
Pancreatitis 374
Summary 375
Critical Thinking Questions 375
Chapter Challenge Questions 376
True-False 376
Multiple Choice 376
References 376
Further Reading and Resources 378
19 Coronary Heart Disease and Hypertension 379
Key Concepts 379
Coronary Heart Disease 379
Atherosclerosis 379
Disease Process 379
Relation to Fat Metabolism 381
Triglycerides. 381
Cholesterol. 381
Lipoproteins. 381
Risk Factors 382
Dietary Recommendations for Reduced Risk 383
Dietary Guidelines. 383
Adult Treatment Panel III Guidelines. 383
Drug Therapy 386
Acute Cardiovascular Disease 387
Objective: Cardiac Rest 387
Principles of Medical Nutrition Therapy 387
Energy. 387
Texture. 387
Fat. 387
Sodium. 387
Heart Failure 388
Control of Pulmonary Edema 388
Fluid Shift Mechanism. 388
Hormonal Alterations. 388
Principles of Medical Nutrition Therapy 389
Essential Hypertension 389
The Problem of Hypertension 389
Incidence and Nature 389
Hypertensive Blood Pressure Levels 390
Prehypertension. 390
Stage 1 Hypertension. 391
Stage 2 Hypertension. 391
Principles of Medical Nutrition Therapy 391
Weight Management. 391
Sodium Control. 391
Other Nutrients. 392
The DASH Diet. 392
Additional Lifestyle Factors 393
Education and Prevention 393
Practical Food Guides 393
Food Planning and Purchasing 393
Food Preparation 393
Special Needs 396
Education Principles 396
Starting Early 396
Focusing on High-Risk Groups 396
Using a Variety of Resources 396
Summary 396
Critical Thinking Questions 397
Chapter Challenge Questions 397
True-False 397
Multiple Choice 397
References 397
Further Reading and Resources 399
20 Diabetes Mellitus 400
Key Concepts 400
The Nature of Diabetes 400
Defining Factor 400
Classification of Diabetes Mellitus and Glucose Intolerance 400
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 401
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 401
Gestational Diabetes 402
Other Types of Diabetes 404
Impaired Glucose Tolerance 404
Symptoms of Diabetes 404
Initial Signs 404
Laboratory Test Results 405
Progressive Results 405
The Metabolic Pattern of Diabetes 405
Energy Supply and Control of Blood Glucose 405
Energy Supply 405
Blood Glucose Control 405
Sources of Blood Glucose. 405
Uses of Blood Glucose. 405
Pancreatic Hormonal Control 405
Insulin. 405
Glucagon. 407
Somatostatin. 407
Abnormal Metabolism in Uncontrolled Diabetes 407
Glucose 407
Fat 407
Protein 408
Long-Term Complications 408
Retinopathy 408
Nephropathy 408
Neuropathy 408
Heart Disease 409
Dyslipidemia. 409
Hypertension. 409
General Management of Diabetes 409
Early Detection and Monitoring 409
Basic Goals of Care 410
General Objectives 410
Maintaining Optimal Nutrition. 410
Avoiding Symptoms. 410
Preventing Complications. 410
Importance of Good Self-Care Skills 411
Basic Elements of Diabetes Management 411
Special Objectives During Pregnancy 411
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Individuals with Diabetes 411
Medical Nutrition Therapy 411
Prediabetes 411
Diabetes 411
Additional Considerations 411
Total Energy Balance 411
Normal Growth and Weight Management 411
Energy Intake 412
Nutrient Balance 412
Carbohydrate 412
Starch and Sugar. 412
Glycemic Index. 412
Fiber. 412
Sugar Substitutes and Sweeteners. 412
Protein 413
Fat 413
Food Distribution 414
Daily Activity Schedule 414
Exercise 414
Drug Therapy 415
Diet Management 415
General Planning 415
Individual Needs 415
Carbohydrate Counting 415
Food Exchange System 415
Special Concerns 416
Special Diet Food Items. 416
Alcohol. 416
Hypoglycemia. 416
Illness. 418
Travel. 418
Eating Out. 418
Stress. 419
Diabetes Education Program 419
Goal: Person-Centered Self-Care 419
Diabetes Self-Management Education 419
Necessary Skills 419
Healthy Eating. 419
Being Active. 419
Monitoring. 420
Medications. 420
Problem Solving. 420
Health Coping. 421
Reducing Risk. 421
Resources 422
Staff Education 422
Summary 422
Critical Thinking Questions 423
Chapter Challenge Questions 423
True-False 423
Multiple Choice 423
References 424
Further Reading and Resources 424
21 Kidney Disease 425
Key Concepts 425
Basic Structure and Function of the Kidney 425
Structures 425
Glomerulus 425
Tubules 426
Proximal Tubule. 426
Loop of Henle. 427
Distal Tubule. 427
Collecting Tubule. 427
Function 427
Excretory and Regulatory Functions 427
Endocrine Functions 428
Disease Process and Dietary Considerations 428
General Causes of Kidney Disease 428
Infection and Obstruction 428
Damage From Other Diseases 428
Toxins 428
Genetic or Congenital Defects 429
Risk Factors 429
Medical Nutrition Therapy in Kidney Disease 429
Length of Disease 429
Degree of Impaired Kidney Function and Clinical Symptoms 429
Nephron Diseases 429
Acute Glomerulonephritis or Nephritic Syndrome 429
Disease Process 429
Clinical Symptoms 429
Appendixes 499
Appendix A Cholesterol Content of Select Foods 499
Appendix B Dietary Fiber in Selected Plant Foods 501
Appendix C Suggestions for Salt-Free Seasoning 503
Fish 503
Beef 503
Poultry and Veal 503
Gravies and Sauces 503
Soups 503
Salads 503
Pasta, Beans, and Rice 504
Vegetables 504
Appendix D 505
Appendix E Calculation Aids and Conversion Tables 509
Metric System of Measurement 509
Glossary 516
Index 522
A 522
B 523
C 524
D 526
E 527
F 528
G 529
H 530
I 531
J 531
K 531
L 532
M 532
N 533
O 534
P 534
Q 536
R 536
S 536
T 537
U 537
V 537
W 538
X 538
Y 538
Z 538