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Remington and Klein's Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn E-Book

Remington and Klein's Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn E-Book

Christopher B. Wilson | Victor Nizet | Yvonne Maldonado | Jack S. Remington | Jerome O. Klein


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Book Details


Regarded as the definitive source of information in the field, Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant remains your indispensable source for authoritative, state-of-the-art answers. Edited by Drs. Wilson, Nizet, Maldonado, Remington, and Klein, this fully updated reference helps you apply the latest evidence-based recommendations in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of infections found in utero, during delivery, and in the neonatal period in both premature and term infants.

  • Consult this title on your favorite e-reader.
  • Form a definitive diagnosis and create the best treatment plans possible using evidence-based recommendations and expert guidance from world authorities.
  • Locate key content easily and identify clinical conditions quickly thanks to a consistent, highly user-friendly format now featuring a full-color design with hundreds of illustrations, and fresh perspectives from six new authoritative chapter lead authors.
  • Explore what’s changing in key areas such as:

             - emerging problems and concepts in maternal, fetal, and neonatal infectious diseases

             - anticipation and recognition of infections occurring in utero, during delivery, and in the neonatal period

  • Stay on the cutting edge of your field with new and improved chapters including: obstetric factors associated with infections of the fetus and newborn infant; human milk; borella infections; tuberculosis; bordetella pertussis and other bordetella sp infections; herpes simplex; toxoplasmosis; pneumocystis and other less common fungal infections; and healthcare-associated infections in the nursery.
  • Keep up with the most relevant topics in fetal/neonatal infectious disease including new antimicrobial agents, gram- negative infections and their management, and recommendations for immunization of the fetus/mother.
  • Overcome clinical challenges in developing countries where access to proper medical care is limited.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Remington and Klein’s Infectious Diseases\rof the Fetus and Newborn Infant iii
Copyright iv
Dedication v
Contributors vii
Preface xiii
Contents xv
1 -\rCurrent Concepts of Infections of the Fetus and Newborn Infant 3
Overview 3
Infections of the Fetus 5
Infections Acquired by the Newborn Infant During Birth 15
Infections of the Newborn Infant in the First Month of Life 18
References 20
2 - Neonatal Infections: A Global Perspective 24
Global Burden of Neonatal Infections 24
Selected Neonatal Infections 29
Indirect Causes of Neonatal Death Related to Infection 39
Strategies to Prevent and Treat Infection in the Neonate 39
Conclusion 45
Acknowledgment 45
References 45
3 - Obstetric Factors Associated with Infections of the Fetus and Newborn Infant 54
Overview 54
Infection as a Cause of Preterm Birth 55
Premature Rupture of Membranes 66
Conclusion 73
References 73
4 - Developmental Immunology and Role of Host Defenses in Fetal and Neonatal Susceptibility to Infection 81
Epithelial Barriers 82
Complement and Other Humoral Mediators of Innate Immunity 87
Phagocytes 89
Dendritic Cells: the Link between Innate and Adaptive Immunity 101
Natural Killer Cells and Innate Lymphoid Cells 107
T Cells and Antigen Presentation 111
B Cells and Immunoglobulin 146
Immunologic Approaches to Prevent or Treat Fetal and Neonatal Infections 165
References 167
5 - Human Milk 189
Developmental Anatomy of the Mammary Gland 189
Physiology of Lactation 190
Components of Human Milk and Their Potential Benefits for the Breastfed Infant 191
Benefits and Risks of Human Milk 199
Current Trends in Breastfeeding 205
Summary and Conclusions 206
References 207
6 -\rBacterial Sepsis and Meningitis 217
Bacteriology 218
Epidemiology 229
Pathogenesis 233
Pathology 237
Diagnosis 241
Management 248
Prognosis 252
Prevention 253
Sepsis in the Newborn Recently Discharged From the Hospital 255
Acknowledgment 257
References 257
7 - Bacterial Infections of the Respiratory Tract 272
Infections of the Oral Cavity and Nasopharynx 272
Otitis Media 275
Pneumonia 279
References 286
8 - Bacterial Infections of the Bones and Joints 291
Osteomyelitis 291
Primary Septic Arthritis 301
Osteomyelitis of the Maxilla 301
References 302
9 - Bacterial Infections of the Urinary Tract 307
Epidemiology 307
Microbiology 308
Pathogenesis 309
Pathology 311
Clinical Manifestations 311
Diagnosis 312
Management and Prevention 315
Prognosis 315
References 316
10 - Focal Bacterial Infections 319
Infections of the Liver 319
Splenic Abscess 322
Infections of the Biliary Tract 322
Infections of the Adrenal Glands 322
Appendicitis 323
Peritonitis 325
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 329
Endocarditis 333
Pericarditis 335
Mediastinitis 336
Esophagitis 336
Infections of Endocrine Organs 336
Infections of the Salivary Glands 336
Infections of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 337
Conjunctivitis and Other Eye Infections 342
References 343
11 - Microorganisms Responsible for Neonatal Diarrhea 350
Enteric Host Defense Mechanisms 350
Protective Factors in Human Milk 351
Bacterial Pathogens 352
Other Bacterial Agents and Fungi 378
Parasites 379
Viruses 381
Differential Diagnosis 385
References 387
12 - Group B Streptococcal Infections 411
Organism 411
Epidemiology and Transmission 414
Immunology and Pathogenesis 419
Pathology 428
Clinical Manifestations and Outcome 429
Diagnosis 435
Treatment 436
Prognosis 438
Prevention 439
References 444
13 - Listeriosis 457
The Organism 457
Epidemiology 458
Pathogenesis 459
Pathology 462
Clinical Manifestations 463
Diagnosis 464
Therapy 465
Prognosis 466
Prevention and Outbreak Management 467
References 467
14 - Staphylococcal Infections 475
Epidemiology and Transmission 475
Microbiology 477
Pathogenesis of Disease 478
Pathology 483
Clinical Manifestations 483
Diagnosis 491
Antibiotic Treatment (see also Chapter 37) 491
Prevention 494
Conclusion 496
Acknowledgment 496
References 496
15 - Gonococcal Infections 504
Epidemiology and Transmission 504
Microbiology 505
Pathogenesis 506
Pathology 507
Clinical Manifestations 507
Diagnosis 507
Differential Diagnosis 508
Treatment 508
Prognosis 509
Prevention 509
References 510
16 - Syphilis 512
Organism 512
Transmission 513
Acquired Syphilis 513
Congenital Syphilis 513
Epidemiology 514
Pathogenesis 515
Pathology 517
Clinical Manifestations 518
Diagnosis 525
Differential Diagnosis 530
Therapy 532
Prevention 535
References 536
17 - Borrelia Infections: Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever 544
Lyme Disease 544
Relapsing Fever 554
References 555
18 - Tuberculosis 558
Brief History 558
Epidemiology 559
Bacteriology 560
Pathogenesis and Pathology 560
Clinical Presentation 562
Diagnosis 563
Management 566
Prognosis 570
Infection Control 570
Prevention 570
Special Considerations in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection or Exposure 571
Special Considerations in Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) 572
References 573
19 - Chlamydia Infections 576
Epidemiology and Transmission 576
Microbiology 577
Pathogenesis 578
Pathology 578
Clinical Manifestations 579
Diagnosis 579
Differential Diagnosis 580
Prognosis 581
Therapy 581
Prevention 581
References 581
20 - Mycoplasmal Infections 583
Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma hominis: Colonization and Diseases of the Urinary and Reproductive Tracts in Adults 583
Adverse Pregnancy Outcome 586
Transmission of Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma hominis to the Fetus and Newborn 587
Perinatal Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma hominis Infection 587
Other Mycoplasmas 591
Diagnosis 592
Treatment of Neonatal Infections 592
References 593
21 - Bordetella pertussis and Other Bordetella spp. Infections 598
Organisms 598
Epidemiology and Transmission 599
Pathogenesis 600
Pathology 601
Clinical; Bordetella pertussis Infections 601
Other Bordetella Infections 603
Prognosis 606
Prevention 606
References 609
22 -\rHuman Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in the Infant 619
Epidemiology 620
Transmission 622
Molecular Biology 625
Immunopathogenesis 627
Diagnosis 629
Classification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Children 631
Clinical Manifestations and Pathology 631
Prognosis 638
Treatment 639
Prevention 644
Future Goals 658
References 658
23 - Varicella, Measles, and Mumps 675
Varicella and Zoster 675
Measles 698
Mumps 708
References 712
24 - Cytomegalovirus 724
The Virus 725
Epidemiology 730
Pathogenesis 736
Pathology 746
Clinical Manifestations 749
Diagnosis 756
Differential Diagnosis 761
Treatment 762
Prevention 764
References 765
25 - Enterovirus, Parechovirus, and Saffold Virus Infections 782
The Viruses 783
Epidemiology and Transmission 787
Pathogenesis 792
Pathology 794
Clinical Manifestations 796
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis 812
Prognosis 814
Therapy 815
Prevention 816
References 817
26 - Hepatitis 828
Hepatitis A Virus 828
Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis D Virus 830
Hepatitis C Virus 834
Hepatitis E Virus 836
Other Hepatotropic Viruses 838
Conclusion 838
References 839
27 - Herpes Simplex Virus Infections 843
Herpes Simplex Virus 843
Epidemiology and Transmission 846
Immunologic Response 850
Neonatal Infection 851
Diagnosis 854
Treatment 856
Prevention 859
Conclusion 862
References 862
28 - Human Parvovirus 866
Microbiology 867
General Aspects of Pathogenesis 868
Epidemiology and Transmission 869
Clinical Manifestations (Other Than Intrauterine Infection) 873
General Aspects of Diagnosis 876
Epidemiology of Parvovirus B19 Infections and Risk of Acquisition in Pregnant Women 877
Clinical Manifestations of Parvovirus B19 Infections in Pregnant Women 878
Intrauterine Transmission Rates, Clinical Manifestations, and Fetal Outcomes 879
Pathogenesis of Infection in the Fetus 882
Pathology in the Fetus 882
Differential Diagnosis 886
Prognosis 886
Prevention 887
References 887
29 - Rubella 894
Virus 895
Epidemiology 898
Transmission In Utero 900
Natural History 902
Pathogenesis 907
Pathology 908
Clinical Manifestations 909
Laboratory Diagnosis 913
Management Issues 915
Prevention of Congenital Rubella 917
References 921
30 - Less Common Viral Infections 933
Human Papillomavirus 933
Epstein-Barr Virus 934
Human Herpesvirus 6 935
Human Herpesvirus 7 936
Influenza A and B 936
Respiratory Syncytial Virus 938
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus 939
Molluscum Contagiosum 939
Rabies Virus 940
West Nile Virus 940
Smallpox 940
Dengue 941
Chikungunya 942
References 943
31 -\rToxoplasmosis 949
Biology of the Parasite 950
Epidemiology 967
Drugs Active Against Toxoplasma gondii 970
Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Infections in the Mother and the Unborn Child 975
Treatment and Prevention of Infections in the Mother and the Unborn Child 990
Infection in the Newborn 1001
Management of Congenitally Infected Children and Long-Term Outcome 1008
Effectiveness of Current Approaches to Prevent Congenital Toxoplasmosis and Its Sequelae and Proposal for Improvement 1017
Conclusion 1023
References 1024
32 - Malaria and Less Common Protozoan and Helminth Infections 1043
Ascaris 1043
Giardiasis 1044
American Trypanosomiasis: Chagas Disease 1044
African Trypanosomiasis: African Sleeping Sickness 1046
Entamoeba Histolytica 1047
Malaria 1047
Schistosomiasis 1053
Trichomonas Vaginalis 1053
Trichinosis 1053
Babesiosis 1054
Pneumocystis Jirovecii 1054
References 1054
33 - Candidiasis 1058
Epidemiology and Transmission 1058
Microbiology 1059
Pathogenesis 1061
Pathology 1063
Clinical Manifestations 1063
Candidemia and Disseminated Candidiasis 1066
Diagnosis 1067
Treatment 1070
Prevention 1074
References 1075
34 - Pneumocystis and Other Less Common Fungal Infections 1080
Pneumocystis jirovecii (Formerly Known as Pneumocystis carinii) Infection 1081
Aspergillosis 1093
Blastomycosis 1096
Histoplasmosis 1097
Coccidiodomycosis 1098
Cryptococcosis 1099
Malassezia 1101
Zygomycosis 1101
Dermatophytoses 1102
References 1103
35 -\rHealth Care–Associated Infections in the Nursery 1111
Special Issues for Neonates 1111
Epidemiology 1112
Etiologic Agents 1113
Device-Related Infections 1117
Preventing Transmission of Health Care–Associated Infections 1120
Other Related Issues 1123
References 1125
36 - Laboratory Aids for Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis 1132
Diagnostic Utility of Laboratory Tests 1132
In Search of the Ideal Laboratory Test 1133
Blood Cell Counts, Ratios, and Flow Cytometric Markers 1134
Acute-Phase Reactants 1137
Other Biomarkers of Host Inflammation 1139
Improvements in Pathogen Detection 1141
Combination Diagnostic Screening Panels 1141
Perspectives and Conclusions 1142
References 1143
37 - Clinical Pharmacology of Antiinfective Drugs 1147
Basic Principles of Clinical Pharmacology 1148
Placental Transport of Antimicrobial Drugs 1152
Excretion of Antibiotics in Human Milk 1154
Penicillin 1156
Ampicillin 1157
Antistaphylococcal Treatment 1158
Aminoglycosides (Table 37-8) 1165
Aztreonam 1172
Cephalosporins 1172
Broad-Acting Agents With Activity Against Pseudomonas or Anaerobes (See Table 37-10) 1176
Ticarcillin-Clavulanate (See Table 37-10) 1178
Carbapenems (See Table 37-10) 1179
Metronidazole 1181
Antiviral Medications 1182
Antifungal Therapy 1186
Conclusions 1193
References 1193
38 - Prevention of Fetal and Early Life Infections Through Maternal−Neonatal Immunization 1203
Overall Principles 1203
References 1224
Index 1229