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Ebersole & Hess' Toward Healthy Aging - E-Book

Ebersole & Hess' Toward Healthy Aging - E-Book

Theris A. Touhy | Kathleen F Jett


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Book Details


Grounded in the core competencies recommended by the AACN in collaboration with the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, Ebersole & Hess’ Toward Healthy Aging, 8th Edition is the most comprehensive resource on health promotion and maintenance for older adults and their caregivers. With coverage of communication, safety and ethical considerations, new genetic research, key aging issues, and common and uncommon conditions, you will have the knowledge you need to promote healthy lifestyle choices, properly address end-of-life issues, and provide effective, holistic care for older adults.

  • Consistent chapter organization with objectives, case studies with critical thinking questions, and research questions make information easy to access and use.
  • A strong focus on health and wellness emphasizes a positive approach to aging.
  • Disease processes are discussed in the context of healthy adaptation, nursing support, and responsibilities.
  • Research highlights help incorporate the latest research findings into practice.
  • Nutrition chapter includes the most current guidelines for older adults and addresses patients’ dietary needs.
  • Scales and guidelines for proper health assessment provide the essential information for assessing the older adult patient.
  • Case studies with critical thinking questions offer realistic situations to expand your knowledge and understanding.
  • Careful attention to age, cultural, and gender differences are integrated throughout and highlight important considerations when caring for older adults.
  • Content grounded in the core competencies offers the knowledge needed to achieve the National League for Nursing ACES program’s Essential Nursing Actions and meets the Recommended Baccalaureate Competencies and Curricular Guidelines for the Nursing Care of Older Adults, the Geriatric Nursing Education State of the Science Papers, and the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing Best Practices in Nursing Care to Older Adults.
  • NEW! QSEN content highlights quality and safety issues students need to know when treating older patients.

  • NEW! Chapter covering the role of communication emphasizes the importance of communication in improving care.

  • NEW! Focus on genetics highlights the vast amount of new genetic research and its effects on all aspects of health and aging.

  • NEW! Information on ethical considerations explores and illustrates potential issues when dealing with older adults.

  • NEW! Healthy People 2020 information assists your students in integrating their knowledge about healthy aging considerations into care.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover ifc1
Ebersole & Hess' Toward Healthy Aging, 8/e i
Evolve page ii
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
About the Authors vi
Contributors vii
Reviewers viii
Preface ix
Acknowledgments x
TOC xi
1 Foundations of Healthy Aging 1
1 Gerontological Nursing and an Aging Society 1
Learning Objectives 1
The Study of Aging 1
Gerontology 2
How Old Is Old? 2
Today’s Older People 3
Nonagenarians and Centenarians 3
The Future Old 4
Aging Today 4
Demographics of Aging 4
Aging in the United States 4
Life Expectancy 4
Marital Status 5
Living Arrangements 5
Education 6
Income and Employment 6
Diversity of Aging in the United States 6
Global Aging 7
Who Will Care for an Aging Society? 7
Development of Gerontological Nursing 8
Early History 10
Current Initiatives 10
Gerontological Nursing Education 12
Gerontological Nursing Roles 12
Organizations Devoted to Gerontology Research and Practice 14
Research on Aging 14
Nursing Research 15
The Politics of Aging 15
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 16
Key Concepts 17
Research Questions 17
References 18
APPENDIX 1-A Recommended Baccalaureate Competencies and Curricular Guidelines for the Nursing Care of Older Adults 19
Gerontological Nursing Competency Statements 19
2 Health and Wellness 21
Learning Objectives 21
Wellness 22
Dimensions of Wellness 23
Healthy Aging 23
Health Status of Older People 24
Self-reported Health 24
Disability and Chronic Illness 25
Causes of Death 25
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion for Older Adults 26
Goals 26
Primary and Secondary Disease Prevention 26
Guidelines 27
Cognitive Health 28
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 30
Key Concepts 30
Research Questions 31
References 31
3 Theories of Aging 33
Learning Objectives 33
What is Aging? 33
Biological Theories of Aging 34
Cellular Functioning 34
Programmed Aging Theories 35
Neuroendocrine Control or Pacemaker Theory 35
Immunity Theory 35
Error Theories 35
Wear-and-Tear Theory 36
Cross-linkage Theory 36
Oxidative Stress Theory (Free Radical Theory) 36
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 37
Psychosocial and Developmental Theories of Aging 37
Role Theory 37
Age Norms 37
Activity Theory 38
Disengagement Theory 38
Continuity Theory 38
Age-stratification Theory 38
Modernization Theory 38
Developmental Theories of Aging 38
Jung’s Theory of Personality 39
Erikson 39
Peck 39
Maslow 39
Tornstam 39
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 40
Key Concepts 41
Research Questions 42
References 42
4 Physiological Changes 44
Learning Objectives 44
The Integument 45
Skin 45
Epidermis 45
Dermis 46
Hypodermis 46
Thermoregulation. 46
Hair 47
Nails 47
The Musculoskeletal System 48
Structure and Posture 48
Bones 48
Joints, Tendons, and Ligaments 49
Muscles 49
The Cardiovascular System 49
Heart 49
Valves 49
Conductivity 50
Blood Vessels 50
The Respiratory System 50
Airways 51
Nose 51
Trachea and Larynx 51
Chest Wall and Lung 51
Oxygen Exchange 52
The Renal and Urological Systems 52
Kidneys 52
Glomerular Filtration Rate 52
Ureters, Bladder, and Urethra 52
The Endocrine System 52
Thyroid Gland 53
Adrenal Glands 53
Endocrine Pancreas 53
The Digestive System 53
Mouth and Teeth 53
Esophagus 53
Stomach 53
Small Intestine 54
Large Intestine 54
Accessory Organs of Digestion 54
Liver and Gallbladder 54
Exocrine Pancreas 54
The Nervous System 54
The Central Nervous System 54
The Peripheral Nervous System 56
Proprioception 56
Sensory Changes 56
Smell 56
Taste 56
Touch 56
Sight 56
Extraocular Changes 56
Ocular Changes 57
Intraocular Changes 57
Hearing 58
Outer Ear 58
Middle Ear 58
Inner Ear 58
The Reproductive System 58
The Female Reproductive System 59
The Male Reproductive System 59
The Immune System 59
Key Concepts 60
Research Questions 61
References 61
5 Culture, Gender, and Aging 62
Learning Objectives 62
The Gerontological Explosion 63
Health Disparities and Older Adults 65
Health Disparities 65
Cultural Proficiency 66
Cultural Awareness 66
Cultural Knowledge 68
Definitions of Terms. 68
Orientation to Time. 68
Orientation to Family and Self. 69
Intensity of Relationships. 69
Cohort Effect. 70
Beliefs about Health, Illness, and Treatment. 70
Biomedical. 70
Magico-religious. 70
Naturalistic or holistic. 70
Obstacles to Cultural Knowledge 71
Ethnocentrism 71
Stereotyping 71
Cultural Skills 71
Unspoken Communication. 71
The handshake. 71
Eye contact. 71
The use of silence. 72
Spoken Communication. 72
Gender 72
Older Women 73
Social Status 73
Economic Status 73
Health Status 73
Older Men 75
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 76
Assessment 76
Designing Interventions 77
The LEARN Model 77
Models of Cross-cultural Care 77
Integrating Concepts 77
Key Concepts 78
Research Questions 79
References 79
6 Communicating with Older Adults 81
Learning Objectives 81
Ageism and Communication 82
Elderspeak 82
Therapeutic Communication with Older Adults 82
Communicating with Older Adults with Sensory Impairments 83
Hearing Impairment 83
Types of Hearing Loss 84
Tinnitus 85
Assessment 85
Interventions 85
Interventions to Enhance Hearing 85
Hearing Aids 85
Cochlear Implants 86
Assistive Listening and Adaptive Devices 87
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 87
Vision Impairment 87
Diseases of the Eye 89
Glaucoma 89
Screening and Treatment 89
Cataracts 89
Diabetic Retinopathy 91
Macular Degeneration 91
Detached Retina 92
Dry Eye 92
Interventions to Enhance Vision 93
Use of Contrasting Colors 93
Low-vision Assistive Devices 93
Communicating through Touch 93
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nurses 93
Communicating with Older Adults with Neurological Disorders 94
Aphasia 94
Alternative and Augmentative Speech Aids 95
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 95
Dysarthria 95
Communicating with Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment 96
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 98
The Life Story 99
Reminiscing 99
Life Review 99
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 100
Communicating with Groups of Older Adults 100
Group Structure and Special Considerations 101
Reminiscing and Storytelling with Individuals Experiencing Cognitive Impairment 101
Health Literacy and Communication 102
Learning in Late Life 103
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 103
Key Concepts 104
Research Questions 105
References 105
2 Foundations of Caring 107
7 Health Assessment 107
Learning Objectives 107
The Health History 108
Physical Assessment 108
Fancapes 109
Fluids 109
Aeration 109
Nutrition 109
Communication 109
Activity 109
Pain 109
Elimination 109
Social Skills 109
Spices 109
Functional Assessment 109
Activities of Daily Living 110
Katz Index 110
Barthel Index and Functional Independence Measure 111
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living 111
Function and Cognition 111
Screening Assessment of Cognition and Mood 111
Mental Status Examination 111
Mini-Mental State Examination 111
Clock Drawing Test 112
Mini-Cog 113
Assessment of Mood 113
Geriatric Depression Scale 113
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale 114
Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia 114
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment 114
The Minimum Data Set 114
Older Americans Resources and Services 115
Social Resources 115
Economic Resources 115
Mental Health 115
Physical Health 115
Activities of Daily Living 115
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 115
Key Concepts 116
Research Questions 116
References 116
8 Laboratory Values and Diagnostics 118
Learning Objectives 118
Hematological Testing 118
Red Blood Cell Count 119
Hemoglobin and Hematocrit 119
White Blood Cells 119
Platelets 120
Common Diagnostic Testing 120
Measures of Inflammation 120
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 120
C-reactive Protein 120
Iron Studies 121
Iron 121
Vitamins 121
B Vitamins 121
Vitamin D 122
Blood Chemistry Studies 122
Hormones: Thyroxin 122
Electrolytes 123
Sodium and Chloride 123
Potassium 124
Calcium and Phosphorus 124
Glucose 125
Uric Acid 125
Prostate-specific Antigen 125
Laboratory Testing for Cardiac Health 126
Acute Cardiac Events 126
Creatinine Kinase 126
Troponin 126
Monitoring Cardiovascular Risk and Health 126
Homocysteine 126
Brain Natriuretic Peptide 126
Lipids 126
Cholesterol. 126
Testing for Body Proteins 127
Total Protein 127
Serum Albumin 127
Laboratory Tests of Renal Health 127
Blood Urea Nitrogen 127
Creatinine 128
Monitoring for Therapeutic Blood Levels 128
Anticoagulants 128
Antiarrhythmics: Digoxin 129
Thyroid Hormones 129
Urine Studies 129
Implications for The Nurse in the Long-Term Care Setting 129
Key Concepts 130
Research Questions 130
References 131
9 Geropharmacology 132
Learning Objectives 132
Pharmacokinetics 133
Absorption 133
Distribution 134
Metabolism 135
Excretion 135
Pharmacodynamics 135
Issues in Medication Use 136
Polypharmacy 136
Drug Interactions 136
Drug–Supplement Interactions 136
Drug–Food Interactions 136
Drug–Drug Interactions 137
Adverse Drug Reactions 139
The “Do Not Use” List 139
Psychoactive Drugs 139
Antidepressants 139
Anxiolytic Agents 140
Mood Stabilizers 140
Antipsychotics 141
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) 141
Movement Disorders 141
Acute Dystonia. 141
Akathisia. 141
Parkinsonian Symptoms. 141
Tardive Dyskinesia. 141
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 141
Assessment 142
Education 143
Safe Medication Use 143
Key Concepts 145
Research Questions 146
References 146
10 The Use of Herbs and Supplements 148
Learning Objectives 148
Use of Herbs and Supplements in the United States 148
Standards in Manufacturing 149
Herb Forms 150
Teas 150
Select Commonly Used Teas, Herbs, and Supplements 151
Chamomile 151
Echinacea 151
Garlic 151
Ginkgo biloba 151
Ginseng 152
Glucosamine Sulfate 154
Hawthorn 154
Red Yeast Rice 154
St. John’s Wort 154
Saw Palmetto 155
Use of Herbs and Supplements for Select Conditions 155
Hypertension 155
Human Immunodeficiency Virus–related Symptoms 156
Gastrointestinal Disorders 156
Cancer 156
Alzheimer’s Disease 156
Diabetes 157
Herb and Supplement Interactions with Standardized Drugs 157
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 158
Perioperative Assessment 158
Interventions 158
Education 159
Key Concepts 159
Research Questions 160
References 160
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM): 162
Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine 162
Natural Standard: News 162
3 Wellness and Function 164
11 Elimination, Sleep, Skin, and Foot Care 164
Learning Objectives 164
Bladder Elimination 164
Bladder Function 165
Age-Related Changes 165
Urinary Incontinence 165
Prevalence of UI 165
Risk Factors for UI 165
Consequences of UI 166
Types of UI 166
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 167
Assessment 167
Interventions 170
Behavioral 170
Lifestyle Modifications 172
Urinary Catheters 172
Urinary Tract Infections 173
Absorbent Products 173
Pharmacological 173
Surgical 173
Nonsurgical Devices 173
Bowel Elimination 175
Fecal Impaction 175
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 176
Assessment 176
Interventions 177
Exercise 177
Positioning 177
Regularity 177
Laxatives 177
Enemas 177
Fecal Incontinence 177
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 178
Assessment 178
Interventions 179
Sleep 179
Biorhythm and Sleep 179
Sleep and Aging 179
Sleep Disorders 180
Insomnia 180
Sleep Apnea 180
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 181
Assessment 181
Interventions 181
Restless Legs Syndrome 181
Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder 181
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders 182
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 182
Assessment 182
Interventions 183
Nonpharmacological Treatment 183
Pharmacological Treatment 183
Skin 184
Common Skin Problems 184
Xerosis 184
Pruritus 184
Scabies 185
Purpura 185
Keratoses 185
Herpes Zoster 185
Photo Damage of the Skin 185
Skin Cancers 186
Actinic Keratosis 186
Basal Cell Carcinoma 186
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 186
Melanoma 187
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 187
Xerosis 187
Pruritus 188
Cancer 188
Other Skin Conditions 188
Candidiasis (Candida albicans) 188
Pressure Ulcers 189
Definition 189
Prevalence 189
Cost and Regulatory Requirements 189
Characteristics 189
Classification 189
Risk Factors 191
Prevention 191
Consequences 191
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 192
Assessment 192
Interventions 192
Healthy Feet 193
Common Foot Problems 193
Corns, Calluses, and Bunions 193
Hammer Toes 194
Fungal Infections 194
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 194
Assessment 194
Interventions 194
Care of the Toenails 194
Key Concepts 196
Research Questions 197
Elimination 197
Rest and Sleep 197
Skin and Foot Care/Pressure Ulcers 197
References 197
12 Mobility 200
Learning Objectives 200
Mobility and Aging 200
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 201
Assessment 201
Interventions 201
Physical Fitness 201
Guidelines for Physical Activity 202
Special Considerations 203
Exercise Prescription 204
Falls 207
Consequences of Falls 208
Hip Fractures 208
Traumatic Brain Injury 208
Fallophobia 208
Factors Contributing to Falls 208
Gait Disturbances 209
Foot Deformities 210
Postural and Postprandial Hypotension 210
Cognitive Impairment 210
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 210
Screening and Assessment 210
Fall Risk Assessment Instruments 210
Postfall Assessment 212
Interventions 212
Exercise 213
Medication Review 214
Environmental Modifications 214
Behavior and Education Programs 214
Assistive Devices 214
Other Interventions 216
Restraints and Side Rails 216
Definition and History 216
Consequences of Restraints 216
Side Rails 216
Restraint-Free Care 217
Promotion of Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 218
Key Concepts 219
Research Questions 220
References 220
APPENDIX 12-A Tinetti Balance and Gait Evaluation 223
Balance 223
Gait 223
13 Environmental Safety and Security 225
Learning Objectives 225
Influences of Changing Health and Disability on Safety and Security 225
Physical Vulnerability 225
Home Safety 226
Vulnerability to Environmental Temperatures 226
Thermoregulation 226
Temperature Monitoring in Older Adults. 226
Hyperthermia 228
Hypothermia 228
Vulnerability to Natural Disasters 230
Crimes Against Older Adults 230
Risks and Vulnerability 230
Fraudulent Schemes Against Elders 231
Fire Safety for Elders 231
Risk Factors for Elders 231
Reducing Fire Risks in Group Residential Settings 232
Transportation Safety 232
Driving 233
Driving Safety 233
Driving and Dementia 233
Driving Cessation 234
Emerging Technologies to Enhance Safety of Older Adults 235
Elder-Friendly Communities 236
Key Concepts 237
Research Questions 237
References 238
14 Nutrition and Hydration 240
Learning Objectives 240
Age-Related Requirements 241
Modified MyPyramid 241
Other Dietary Recommendations 241
Fats 241
Protein 241
Fiber 241
Vitamins and Minerals 242
Obesity (Overnutrition) 243
Malnutrition 243
Factors Affecting Fulfillment of Nutritional Needs 244
Age-Associated Changes 245
Taste 245
Smell 245
Digestive System 245
Buccal Cavity 245
Regulation of Appetite 246
Lifelong Eating Habits 246
Socialization 246
Chronic Diseases and Conditions 247
Socioeconomic Deprivation 247
Transportation 247
Hospitalization and Long-Term Care Residence 248
Dementia 249
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 250
Nutritional Screening and Assessment 250
Interview 252
Diet Histories 252
Physical Examination 252
Anthropometrical Measurements 252
Biochemical Examination 252
Interventions 253
Pharmacological Therapy 253
Patient Education 253
Special Considerations in Nutrition for Older People: Hydration, Dysphagia, Oral Care 253
Hydration Management 253
Dehydration 253
Risk Factors for Dehydration 254
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 254
Assessment 254
Interventions 255
Dysphagia 256
Promotion of Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 256
Assessment 256
Interventions 256
Feeding Tubes 257
Oral Care 258
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 259
Assessment 259
Interventions 260
Key Concepts 262
Research Questions 263
References 263
4 Wellness and Chronic Illness 265
15 Chronic Conditions 265
Learning Objectives 265
Theoretical Frameworks for Chronic Disease 267
Chronic Illness Trajectory 267
Cardiovascular Disease 268
Hypertension 268
Etiology 269
Signs and Symptoms 269
Complications 269
Promoting Healthy Aging; Implications for Gerontological Nursing: Hypertension 269
Coronary Heart Disease 270
Etiology 270
Signs and Symptoms 270
Complications 271
Promoting Healthy Aging; Implications for Gerontological Nursing: Coronary Artery Disease 271
Heart Failure 272
Etiology 272
Signs and Symptoms 272
Complications 273
Promoting Healthy Aging; Implications for Gerontological Nursing: Heart Failure 273
Peripheral Vascular Disease 274
Etiology 274
Signs and Symptoms 274
Complications 275
Promoting Healthy Aging; Implications for Gerontological Nursing: Peripheral Vascular Disease 275
Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis 276
Polymyalgia Rheumatica 276
Giant Cell Arteritis 276
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 277
Neurological Disorders 277
Cerebrovascular Disorders 277
Etiology: Ischemic Events 277
Etiology: Hemorrhagic Events 277
Signs and Symptoms 278
Complications 278
Promoting Healthy Aging; Implications for Gerontological Nursing: Transient Ischemic Attack 278
Parkinson’s Disease 279
Etiology 279
Signs and Symptoms 279
Complications 280
Promoting Healthy Aging; Implications for Gerontological Nursing: Parkinson’s Disease 280
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 280
Endocrine Disorders 281
Diabetes Mellitus 281
Etiology 281
Signs and Symptoms 282
Complications 282
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 283
Assessment 284
Medications 284
Nutrition 285
Exercise 285
Self-Care 285
Implications for the Long-Term Care Setting 285
Thyroid Disease 286
Etiology 286
Signs and Symptoms 286
Complications 286
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 286
Gastrointestinal Disorders 286
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 287
5 Healthy Aging for Elders and Their Families 391
20 Economic, Legal, and Ethical Issues 391
Learning Objectives 391
Finance in Late Life 391
Social Security 392
Supplemental Security Income 392
Other Late Life Income 393
Paying for Health Care 393
Medicare 393
History 393
Overview 394
Medicare Part A 395
Medicare Part B 395
Medicare Part C 396
Medicare Part D 396
Supplemental Insurance/Medigap Policies 397
Care for Veterans 397
TRICARE for Life 397
Medicaid 397
Long-Term Care Insurance 398
Legal and Ethical Issues in Gerontological Nursing 398
Decision Making 399
Powers of Attorney 400
Guardians and Conservators 400
Elder Mistreatment 400
Abuse 401
Physical Abuse 401
Psychological/Emotional Abuse 402
Sexual Abuse 402
Financial or Material Exploitation 402
Undue Influence 402
Neglect 402
Caregiver Neglect 403
Self-Neglect 403
Risk Factors 403
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 404
Mandatory Reporting 405
Prevention of Abuse 405
Advocacy 407
Key Concepts 407
Research Questions 408
References 408
21 Intimacy and Sexuality 409
Learning Objectives 409
Touch 409
Response to Touch 410
Fear of Touching 410
Touch Zones 410
Touch Deprivation 410
Adaptation to Touch Deprivation 411
Therapeutic Touch 411
Intimacy 411
Sexuality 412
Acceptance and Companionship 412
Femininity and Masculinity 412
Sexual Health 413
Factors Influencing Sexual Health 413
Expectations 413
Redefinitions 413
Activity Levels 413
Cohort and Cultural Influences 414
Biological Changes with Age 414
Sexual Dysfunction 415
Male Dysfunction 415
Female Dysfunction 416
Alternative Sexual Lifestyles: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender 416
Intimacy and Chronic Illness 417
Intimacy and Sexuality in Long-Term Care Facilities 419
Intimacy, Sexuality, and Dementia 419
HIV/AIDS and Older Adults 420
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 421
Assessment 421
Interventions 421
Key Concepts 422
Research Questions 423
References 423
22 Relationships, Roles, and Transitions 425
Learning Objectives 425
Later Life Transitions 425
Retirement 426
Retirement Planning 426
Special Considerations in Retirement 427
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 427
Death of a Spouse 427
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 428
Assessment 428
Interventions 428
Relationships in Later Life 429
Friendships 429
Mentoring Relationships 429
Families 430
Types of Families 430
Traditional Couples 430
Divorce. 431
Nontraditional Couples 431
Elders and Their Adult Children 431
Never Married Older Adults 432
Grandparents 432
Siblings 432
Other Kin 433
Fictive Kin 433
Family Caregiving 433
Impact of Caregiving 434
Spousal Caregiving 435
Aging Parents Caring for Developmentally Disabled Children 435
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren 436
Long-Distance Caregiving 437
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 438
Assessment 438
Family Assessment 438
Caregiver Assessment 438
Interventions 439
Key Concepts 441
Research Questions 442
References 442
23 Loss, Death, and Palliative Care 444
Learning Objectives 444
Loss, Grief, and Bereavement 444
Grief Work 445
A Loss Response Model 445
Types of Grief 445
Anticipatory Grief 445
Acute Grief 446
Chronic Grief 446
Complicated Grief 446
Disenfranchised Grief 446
Factors Affecting Coping with Loss 447
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 447
Assessment 448
Interventions 448
Loss Response Model 448
Countercoping 449
Clarification and Control. 449
Collaboration. 449
Directed Relief. 449
Cooling Off. 450
Dying and Death 450
Conceptual Model for Understanding the Dying Process 450
The Living-Dying Interval 450
The Family 452
Promoting a Good Death: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 452
Interventions 452
Care 453
Control 453
Composure 454
Communication 454
Continuity 454
Closure 454
Spirituality 455
Hope 455
The Family 455
Palliative Care 455
Providing Palliative Care through Hospice 456
Palliative Care in the Long-Term Care Setting 457
Decision Making at the End of Life 457
Advance Directives 458
Barriers to Completing Advance Directives 458
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 459
Approaching Death 459
Physician-Assisted Suicide 459
Terminal Sedation or Sedation to Relief 460
Promoting Healthy Dying While Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 460
Key Concepts 461
Research Questions 462
References 462
24 Self-Actualization, Spirituality, and Transcendence 463
Learning Objectives 463
Self-Actualization 464
Characteristics of the Self-Actualized 464
Courage 464
Altruism 465
Humor 465
Continuous Moral Development 465
Self-Renewal 465
Collective Self-Actualization 465
Wisdom 465
Creativity 466
Creative Arts for Older Adults 467
Creative Expression Through Theater, Dance, Music, and Poetry 467
Theater 467
Dance 467
Music 468
Poetry 468
Reading for Self-Development 469
Creative Arts and People with Dementia 469
Recreation 469
Bringing Young and Old Together 470
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 470
Spirituality 470
Spirituality and Religion 471
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 471
Assessment 471
Spiritual Responses 473
Nurturing the Spirit of the Nurse 473
Faith Community Nursing 474
Transcendence 474
Gerotranscendence 475
Achieving Transcendence 475
Time Transcendence 475
Peak Experiences 475
Meditation 475
Hope as a Transcendent Mechanism 476
Transcendence in Illness 476
Legacies 477
Types of Legacies 477
Autobiographies and Life Histories 477
Creation of Self Through Journaling 478
Collective Legacies 478
Legacies Expressed Through Other People 478
Living Legacies 478
Property and Assets 479
Personal Possessions 479
Promoting Healthy Aging: Implications for Gerontological Nursing 479
Key Concepts 480
Research Questions 481
References 481
Index 483
A 483
B 484
C 485
D 487
E 488
F 489
G 489
H 490
I 491
J 492
K 492
L 492
M 493
N 494
O 495
P 495
Q 496
R 497
S 497
T 498
U 499
V 499
W 500
X 500
Y 500
Z 500