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The Human Body in Health & Disease - E-Book

The Human Body in Health & Disease - E-Book

Kevin T. Patton | Gary A. Thibodeau


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The Human Body in Health & Disease - E-Book

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Evolve learning system IFC-
Anatomical directions i
Front matter iii
The human body in health & disease iii
Copyright iv
Contributors v
Scientific review panel v
Reviewers of current edition v
Reviewers of previous editions vi
Preface viii
Instructional design viii
Unifying themes viii
Organization and content viii
Learning tools ix
Digital learning tools x
Online resources for instructors x
TEACH instructor resource manual x
Test bank xi
Image collection xi
Illustrations and page design xi
Clear view of the human body xi
Supplements xi
Summary of changes to the sixth edition xi
Global changes xi
A word of thanks xiii
How to use xiv
Table of contents xxiii
1 An introduction to the structure and function of the body 2
Objectives 2
The scientific method 6
Structural levels of organization 6
Anatomical position 9
Anatomical directions 9
Planes or body sections 10
Body cavities 10
Body regions 13
The balance of body functions 15
The scientific method 19
Structural levels of organization 19
Anatomical position 19
Anatomical directions 19
Planes or body sections (figure 1-4) 19
Body cavities (figure 1-5) 19
Body regions (figure 1-9) 20
The balance of body functions 20
Review questions 21
Critical thinking 21
Chapter test 21
Case studies 23
2 Chemistry of life 24
Objectives 24
Levels of chemical organization 27
Atoms 27
Elements, molecules, and compounds 28
Chemical bonding 29
Ionic bonds 29
Covalent bonds 30
Hydrogen bonds 30
Inorganic chemistry 30
Water 31
Acids, bases, and salts 32
Organic chemistry 33
Carbohydrates 33
Lipids 34
Proteins 35
Nucleic acids 36
Levels of chemical organization 38
Chemical bonding 38
Inorganic chemistry 38
Organic chemistry 39
Review questions 40
Critical thinking 40
Chapter test 41
Case studies 41
3 Cells 42
Objectives 42
Cells 45
Size and shape 45
Composition 45
Parts of the cell 45
Plasma membrane 45
Cytoplasm 46
Ribosomes 47
Endoplasmic reticulum 47
Golgi apparatus 48
Mitochondria 49
Lysosomes 49
Centrosome 50
Cell extensions 50
Nucleus 51
Nucleolus. 51
Chromatin and chromosomes. 51
Relationship of cell structure and function 52
Movement of substances through cell membranes 52
Passive transport processes 52
Diffusion 52
Osmosis and dialysis. 53
Filtration 54
Active transport processes 54
Ion pumps 55
Phagocytosis and pinocytosis 55
Cell transport and disease 56
Cell reproduction and heredity 57
DNA molecule and genetic information 57
Genetic code 58
RNA molecules and protein synthesis 59
Transcription. 59
Translation. 59
Cells, genetics, and disease 59
Cell division 60
DNA replication 60
Prophase 60
Metaphase 60
Anaphase 60
Telophase 60
Results of cell division 61
Changes in cell growth and reproduction 61
Cells 64
Movements of substances through cell membranes 65
Cell reproduction and heredity 65
Review questions 67
Critical thinking 67
Chapter test 67
Case studies 69
4 Tissues 70
Objectives 70
Introduction to tissues 73
Epithelial tissue 73
Shape of cells 73
Arrangement of cells 73
Simple squamous epithelium 74
Stratified squamous epithelium 74
Simple columnar epithelium 75
Pseudostratified epithelium 76
Stratified transitional epithelium 77
Cuboidal epithelium 77
Connective tissue 77
Areolar and adipose connective tissue 78
Dense fibrous connective tissue 79
Bone and cartilage 79
Blood and hematopoietic tissue 79
Muscle tissue 80
Skeletal muscle tissue 80
Cardiac muscle tissue 81
Smooth muscle tissue 81
Nervous tissue 82
Tissue repair 82
Tissues 84
Review questions 85
Critical thinking 86
Chapter test 86
Case studies 87
5 Organ systems of the body 88
Objectives 88
Organ systems of the body 91
Integumentary system 93
Skeletal system 93
Muscular system 94
Nervous system 94
Endocrine system 95
Cardiovascular system 96
Lymphatic and immune systems 96
Respiratory system 97
Digestive system 98
Urinary system 98
Reproductive systems 99
Male reproductive system 99
Female reproductive system 99
Integration of body organ system functions 100
Organ replacement 100
Artificial organs 100
Organ transplantation 102
Organ systems of the body 105
Integration of body organ system functions 107
Organ replacement 107
Review questions 107
Critical thinking 108
Chapter test 108
Case studies 109
6 Mechanisms of disease 110
Objectives 110
Studying disease 114
Disease terminology 114
Patterns of disease 114
Pathophysiology 116
Mechanisms of disease 116
Risk factors 117
Pathogenic organisms and particles 117
Viruses 118
SARS-CoV and flavivirus 119
Prions 119
Bacteria 120
Fungi 122
Protozoa 123
Pathogenic animals 123
Prevention and control 124
Tumors and cancer 128
Neoplasms 128
Causes of cancer 129
Pathogenesis of cancer 130
Inflammation 133
Inflammatory response 133
Inflammatory disease 134
Studying disease 135
Pathophysiology 135
Pathogenic organisms and particles 135
Prevention and control 136
Tumors and cancer 136
Inflammation 137
Review questions 138
Critical thinking 138
Chapter test 138
Case studies 139
7 The integumentary system and body membranes 140
Objectives 140
Classification of body membranes 144
Epithelial membranes 144
Cutaneous membrane 144
Serous membranes 144
Mucous membranes 145
Connective tissue membranes 145
The skin 145
Structure of the skin 145
Epidermis 146
Skin pigment 146
Dermal-epidermal junction 147
Dermis 150
Papillary layer 150
Reticular layer 150
Subcutaneous tissue 151
Accessory structures of the skin 151
Hair 151
Receptors 152
Nails 153
Skin glands 153
Sweat glands 153
Sebaceous glands 154
Acne 154
Functions of the skin 155
Protection 155
Temperature regulation 155
Sense organ activity 156
Excretion 156
Synthesis of vitamin D 156
Disorders of the skin 156
Skin lesions 156
Burns 157
Classification and severity of burns 157
Depth classification. 157
Estimating body surface area. 158
Skin infections 158
Vascular and inflammatory skin disorders 159
Skin cancer 161
Classification of body membranes 163
The skin 163
Disorders of the skin 165
Review questions 166
Critical thinking 166
Chapter test 167
Case studies 167
8 The skeletal system 168
Objectives 168
Functions of the skeletal system 172
Support 172
Protection 172
Movement 172
Storage 172
Hematopoiesis 172
Types of bones 172
Structure of long bones 172
Structure of flat bones (figure 8-2) 173
Microscopic structure of bone and cartilage 173
Bone formation and growth 174
Divisions of the skeleton 177
Axial skeleton 179
Skull 179
Spine (vertebral column) 181
Thorax 184
Appendicular skeleton 185
Upper extremity 185
Lower extremity 185
Differences between a man’s and a woman’s skeleton 190
Joints (articulations) 191
Joint types 191
Synarthroses 191
Amphiarthroses 191
Diarthroses 191
Structure. 191
Skeletal disorders 194
Tumors of bone and cartilage 195
Metabolic bone diseases 196
Osteoporosis 196
Rickets and osteomalacia 196
Paget disease 197
Bone infection 197
Bone fractures 199
Joint disorders 200
Noninflammatory joint disease 200
Inflammatory joint disease (arthritis) 200
Functions of the skeletal system 203
Types of bones 203
Microscopic structure of bone and cartilage 203
Bone formation and growth (figures 8-6 and 8-7) 203
Divisions of the skeleton (figure 8-9 and table 8-1) 203
Differences between a man’s and a woman’s skeleton 204
Joints (articulations) 204
Skeletal disorders 204
Review questions 206
Critical thinking 206
Chapter test 206
Case studies 207
9 The muscular system 208
Objectives 208
Muscle tissue 212
Structure of skeletal muscle 213
Muscle organs 213
Microscopic structure and function 213
Function of skeletal muscle 215
Movement 216
Posture 216
Heat production 216
Fatigue 217
Role of other body systems in movement 217
Motor unit 218
Muscle stimulus 218
Types of skeletal muscle contraction 218
Twitch and tetanic contractions 218
Isotonic contraction 219
Isometric contraction 219
Effects of exercise on skeletal muscles 220
Movements produced by skeletal muscle contractions 220
Skeletal muscle groups 223
Muscles of the head and neck 223
Muscles that move the upper extremities 226
Muscles of the trunk 226
Muscles of the lower extremities 227
Major muscular disorders 227
Muscle injury 227
Muscle infections 228
Muscular dystrophy 228
Myasthenia gravis 230
10 The nervous system 238
Objectives 238
Organs and divisions of the nervous system 242
Cells of the nervous system 243
Neurons 243
Glia 244
Disorders of nervous tissue 244
Multiple sclerosis 244
Tumors 245
Nerves 245
Reflex arcs 246
Nerve impulses 247
The synapse 249
Central nervous system 251
Divisions of the brain 252
Brainstem 252
Cerebellum 252
Structure. 252
Function. 252
Diencephalon 252
Hypothalamus. 252
Thalamus. 253
Pineal gland. 254
Cerebrum 254
Brain disorders 254
Destruction of brain tissue 254
Seizure disorders 257
Spinal cord 259
Structure 259
Functions 259
Coverings and fluid spaces of the brain and spinal cord 260
Peripheral nervous system 263
Cranial nerves 263
Spinal nerves 266
Structure 266
Functions 266
Peripheral nerve disorders 266
Autonomic nervous system 268
Functional anatomy 268
Autonomic conduction paths 269
Sympathetic nervous system 269
Structure 269
Functions of the sympathetic nervous system 270
Parasympathetic nervous system 270
Structure 270
Functions of the parasympathetic nervous system 271
Autonomic neurotransmitters 271
Autonomic nervous system as a whole 271
Disorders of the autonomic nervous system 272
Stress-induced disease 272
Neuroblastoma 272
Organs and divisions of the nervous system (figure 10-1) 273
Cells of the nervous system 273
Nerves 273
Reflex arcs 273
Nerve impulses 273
The synapse 274
Central nervous system (figure 10-11) 274
Peripheral nervous system 275
Autonomic nervous system 275
Review questions 277
Critical thinking 277
Chapter test 278
Case studies 279
11 The senses 280
Objectives 280
Classification of sense organs 283
Converting a stimulus into a sensation 284
General sense organs 285
Special sense organs 286
The eye 286
Visual pathway 289
Visual disorders 290
Refraction disorders 290
Disorders of the retina 292
Disorders of the visual pathway 294
The ear 294
External ear 294
Middle ear 295
Inner ear 296
Hearing disorders 297
The taste receptors 299
The smell receptors 299
Classification of sense organs 301
Converting a stimulus into a sensation 301
General sense organs 301
Special sense organs 301
Review questions 303
Critical thinking 304
Chapter test 304
Case studies 305
12 The endocrine system 306
Objectives 306
Mechanisms of hormone action 310
Nonsteroid hormones 310
Steroid hormones 311
Regulation of hormone secretion 314
Mechanisms of endocrine disease 314
Prostaglandins 315
Pituitary gland 316
Anterior pituitary gland hormones 316
Posterior pituitary gland hormones 317
Hypothalamus 318
Thyroid gland 318
Parathyroid glands 320
Adrenal glands 321
Adrenal cortex 321
Adrenal medulla 322
Adrenal abnormalities 323
Pancreatic islets 324
Female sex glands 327
Male sex glands 327
Thymus 327
Placenta 327
Pineal gland 327
Other endocrine structures 327
Mechanisms of hormone action 329
Regulation of hormone secretion 329
Mechanisms of endocrine disease (table 12-1) 329
Prostaglandins 329
Pituitary gland 329
Hypothalamus 330
Thyroid gland 330
Parathyroid glands 330
Adrenal glands 330
Pancreatic islets 331
Female sex glands 331
Male sex glands 331
Thymus 332
Placenta 332
Pineal gland 332
Other endocrine structures 332
Review questions 333
Critical thinking 333
Chapter test 333
Case studies 335
13 Blood 336
Objectives 336
Blood composition 340
Blood tissue 340
Blood plasma 340
Formed elements 341
Mechanisms of blood disease 342
Red blood cells 343
RBC structure and function 343
RBC count 343
Hemoglobin 344
RBC abnormalities 344
Blood types 345
ABO system 346
Rh system 347
Red blood cell disorders 348
Polycythemia 348
Anemia 348
Hemorrhagic anemia 349
Aplastic anemia 349
Deficiency anemias 349
Hemolytic anemias 350
White blood cells 351
Introduction to WBCs 351
WBC count 351
WBC types 352
Granular leukocytes 352
Agranular leukocytes 352
White blood cell disorders 353
Multiple myeloma 353
Leukemia 353
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia 353
Acute lymphocytic leukemia 354
Chronic myeloid leukemia 354
Acute myeloid leukemia 354
Infectious mononucleosis 355
Platelets and blood clotting 355
Platelets 355
Blood clotting 355
Clotting disorders 356
Abnormal blood clots 356
Hemophilia 357
Thrombocytopenia 358
Vitamin K deficiency 358
Blood composition 359
Mechanisms of blood disease 359
Red blood cells 359
Blood types 360
Red blood cell disorders 360
White blood cells (leukocytes) 361
White blood cell disorders 362
Platelets and blood clotting 363
Clotting disorders 363
Review questions 364
Critical thinking 364
Chapter test 364
Case studies 365
14 The heart 366
Objectives 366
Location, size, and position of the heart 369
Anatomy of the heart 370
Heart chambers 370
The pericardium and pericarditis 371
Heart action 373
Heart valves and valve disorders 373
Heart sounds 373
Blood flow through the heart 374
Coronary circulation and coronary heart disease 374
Cardiac cycle 377
Conduction system of the heart 379
Electrocardiography 379
Cardiac dysrhythmia 380
Cardiac output 382
Heart rate 382
Stroke volume 382
Heart failure 383
Location, size, and position of the heart 385
Anatomy of the heart 385
Heart sounds 386
Blood flow through the heart 386
Coronary circulation and coronary heart disease 386
Cardiac cycle 386
Conduction system of the heart 386
Cardiac output 387
Heart failure 387
Review questions 388
Critical thinking 388
Chapter test 388
Case studies 389
15 The circulation of the blood 390
Objectives 390
Blood vessels 393
Types 393
Structure 393
Functions 394
Disorders of blood vessels 394
Disorders of arteries 394
Disorders of veins 397
Circulation of blood 399
Systemic and pulmonary circulation 399
Hepatic portal circulation 400
Fetal circulation 401
Blood pressure 402
Defining blood pressure 402
Factors that influence blood pressure 403
Blood volume 403
Strength of heart contractions 404
Heart rate 404
Blood viscosity 404
Resistance to blood flow 405
Fluctuations in blood pressure 405
Pulse 406
Hypertension 407
Circulatory shock 408
Blood vessels 410
Disorders of blood vessels 410
Circulation of blood 410
Blood pressure 411
Pulse 411
Hypertension (HTN) 411
Circulatory shock 411
Review questions 412
Critical thinking 412
Chapter test 413
Case studies 413
16 The lymphatic system and immunity 414
Objectives 414
The lymphatic system 417
Lymph and lymphatic vessels 417
Lymphedema 419
Lymph nodes 419
Defense function: Biological filtration 420
Lymphoma 422
Thymus 422
Tonsils 422
Spleen 423
The immune system 423
Function of the immune system 423
Nonspecific immunity 423
Specific immunity 424
Immune system molecules 425
Antibodies 425
Definition 425
Functions 425
Complement proteins 427
Immune system cells 428
Phagocytes 428
Lymphocytes 429
B cells 429
Development of B cells 429
Function of B cells 430
T cells 430
Development of T cells 430
Functions of T cells 430
Hypersensitivity of the immune system 431
Allergy 431
Autoimmunity 432
Isoimmunity 433
Immune system deficiency 434
Congenital immune deficiency 434
Acquired immune deficiency 435
The lymphatic system 436
The immune system 437
Immune system molecules 437
Immune system cells 437
Hypersensitivity of the immune system 438
Immune system deficiency 438
Review questions 439
Critical thinking 439
Chapter test 440
Case studies 441
17 The respiratory system 442
Objectives 442
Structural plan 446
Respiratory tract 447
Respiratory mucosa 448
Nose 448
Pharynx 449
Larynx 451
Disorders of the upper respiratory tract 451
Upper respiratory infection 451
Anatomical disorders 452
Trachea 453
Bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli 453
Respiratory distress 455
Infant respiratory distress 455
Adult respiratory distress 455
Lungs and pleura 455
Respiration 457
Mechanics of breathing 457
Inspiration 457
Expiration 457
Exchange of gases in lungs 457
Exchange of gases in tissues 458
Blood transportation of gases 459
Transport of oxygen 460
Transport of carbon dioxide 460
Volumes of air exchanged in pulmonary ventilation 461
Regulation of respiration 462
Brainstem 462
Cerebral cortex 462
Receptors influencing respiration 463
Chemoreceptors 463
Pulmonary stretch receptors 463
Breathing patterns 463
Disorders of the lower respiratory tract 464
Lower respiratory infection 464
Restrictive pulmonary disorders 466
Obstructive pulmonary disorders 466
Lung cancer 467
Structural plan 468
Respiratory tract 468
Respiratory mucosa 468
Nose 468
Pharynx 468
Larynx 468
Disorders of the upper respiratory tract 469
Trachea 469
Bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli 469
Lungs and pleura 469
Respiration 469
Blood transportation of gases 470
Regulation of respiration 470
Breathing patterns 471
Disorders of the lower respiratory tract 471
Review questions 472
Critical thinking 472
Chapter test 472
Case studies 473
18 The digestive system 474
Objectives 474
Mouth 479
Teeth 480
Types of teeth 480
Typical tooth 481
Disorders of the mouth and teeth 482
Salivary glands 484
Pharynx 485
Wall of the digestive tract 486
Esophagus 486
Stomach 487
Disorders of the stomach 489
Small intestine 490
Disorders of the small intestine 492
Liver and gallbladder 492
Disorders of the liver and gallbladder 493
Pancreas 494
Large intestine 496
Disorders of the large intestine 496
Appendix and appendicitis 498
Peritoneum 499
Extensions 499
Peritonitis 499
Ascites 500
Digestion 500
Enzymes and chemical digestion 501
Carbohydrate digestion 501
Protein digestion 501
Fat digestion 501
Absorption 501
Surface area and absorption 502
Structures of the digestive system (figure 18-1) 503
Mouth 503
Teeth 503
Disorders of the mouth and teeth 504
Salivary glands (figure 18-9) 504
Pharynx 504
Wall of the digestive tract (figure 18-11) 504
Esophagus 504
Stomach (figure 18-15) 505
Small intestine (figure 18-17) 505
Liver and gallbladder (figure 18-18) 505
Pancreas (figure 18-18) 506
Large intestine (figure 18-22) 506
Appendix and appendicitis 506
Peritoneum (figure 18-23) 506
Digestion (table 18-2) 506
Absorption 507
Review questions 508
Critical thinking 508
Chapter test 508
Case studies 509
19 Nutrition and metabolism 510
Objectives 510
Metabolic function of the liver 513
Nutrient metabolism 513
Carbohydrate metabolism 513
Fat metabolism 515
Protein metabolism 516
Vitamins and minerals 517
Metabolic rates 518
Metabolic and eating disorders 520
Body temperature 521
Abnormal body temperature 522
Definitions 524
Metabolic functions of the liver 524
Nutrient metabolism 524
Vitamins and minerals 524
Metabolic rates 525
Metabolic and eating disorders 525
Body temperature 525
Review questions 526
Critical thinking 526
Chapter test 526
Case studies 527
20 The urinary system 528
Objectives 528
Kidneys 531
Location of the kidneys 531
Gross structure of the kidney 532
Microscopic structure of the kidney 533
Kidney function 534
Ureters 536
Urinary bladder 537
Urethra 537
Micturition 538
Renal physiology 539
Filtration 539
Reabsorption 540
Secretion 541
Control of urine volume 542
Urinalysis 543
Renal and urinary disorders 543
Obstructive disorders 545
Renal calculi 545
Tumors 546
Urinary tract infections 546
Urethritis 546
Cystitis 546
Pyelonephritis 547
Glomerular disorders 547
Nephrotic syndrome 547
Acute glomerulonephritis 547
Chronic glomerulonephritis 547
Kidney failure 547
Acute renal failure 547
Chronic renal failure 547
Kidneys 551
Ureters 551
Urinary bladder 551
Urethra 551
Micturition 552
Renal physiology 552
Urinalysis 552
Renal and urinary disorders 552
Review questions 554
Critical thinking 554
Chapter test 554
Case studies 555
21 Fluid and electrolyte balance 556
Objectives 556
Body fluid volumes 558
Body fluid compartments 559
Mechanisms that maintain fluid balance 560
Regulation of fluid output 561
Regulation of fluid intake 561
Exchange of fluids by blood 563
Fluid imbalances 563
Dehydration 563
Overhydration 563
Importance of electrolytes in body fluids 564
Electrolytes 564
Ions 564
Electrolyte functions 564
Electrolyte imbalances 566
Sodium imbalance 566
Potassium imbalance 566
Calcium imbalance 567
Body fluid volumes 568
Body fluid compartments 568
Mechanisms that maintain fluid balance 568
Fluid imbalances 569
Importance of electrolytes in body fluids 569
Electrolyte imbalances 569
Review questions 570
Critical thinking 571
Chapter test 571
Case studies 571
22 Acid-base balance 572
Objectives 572
pH of body fluids 574
Using the pH scale 574
The pH unit 574
Mechanisms that control pH of body fluids 575
Factors that affect pH 575
Buffers 576
Respiratory mechanism of pH control 578
Urinary mechanism of pH control 578
pH imbalances 580
Metabolic and respiratory disturbances 582
pH of body fluids 584
Mechanisms that control pH of body fluids 584
pH imbalances 584
Review questions 585
Critical thinking 586
Chapter test 586
Case studies 587
23 The reproductive systems 588
Objectives 588
Sexual reproduction 592
Common structural and functional characteristics between the sexes 593
Male reproductive system 593
Structural plan 593
Essential organs 593
Accessory organs 593
Testes 593
Structure and location 593
Testis functions 595
Spermatogenesis. 595
Sperm. 596
Production of testosterone. 597
Reproductive ducts 597
Epididymis 597
Vas deferens 597
Ejaculatory duct and urethra 598
Accessory or supportive sex glands 598
Seminal vesicles 598
Prostate gland 598
Bulbourethral glands 598
External genitals 598
Disorders of the male reproductive system 599
Disorders of the testes 599
Disorders of the prostate 600
Disorders of the penis and scrotum 600
Female reproductive system 602
Structural plan 602
Essential organs 602
Accessory organs 602
Ovaries 602
Structure and location 602
Ovary functions 603
Oogenesis. 603
Production of estrogen and progesterone. 603
Reproductive ducts 604
Uterine tubes 604
Uterus 604
Vagina 605
Accessory or supportive sex glands 605
Vestibular glands 605
Breasts 605
External genitals 606
Menstrual cycle 607
Phases and events 607
Control of menstrual cycle changes 609
Disorders of the female reproductive system 609
Hormonal and menstrual disorders 609
Infection and inflammation 611
Tumors and related conditions 611
Infertility 613
Summary of male and female reproductive systems 613
Sexually transmitted diseases 614
Sexual reproduction 616
Common structural and functional characteristics between the sexes 616
Male reproductive system 616
Disorders of the male reproductive system 617
Female reproductive system 617
Disorders of the female reproductive system 618
Summary of male and female reproductive systems 619
Sexually transmitted diseases 619
Review questions 620
Critical thinking 620
Chapter test 620
Case studies 621
24 Growth and development 622
Objectives 622
Prenatal period 625
Fertilization to implantation 625
Periods of development 628
Formation of the primary germ layers 628
Histogenesis and organogenesis 629
Birth or parturition 630
Stages of labor 630
Multiple births 632
Disorders of pregnancy 633
Implantation disorders 633
Preeclampsia 633
Fetal death 633
Birth defects 634
Postpartum disorders 634
Postnatal period 635
Infancy 636
Childhood 637
Adolescence 637
Adulthood 638
Older adulthood 638
Effects of aging 639
Aging 639
Integumentary system (skin) 640
Skeletal system 640
Central nervous system 640
Special senses 640
Cardiovascular system 641
Respiratory system 641
Urinary system 641
Reproductive systems 641
Prenatal period 643
Birth or parturition 643
Disorders of pregnancy 643
Postnatal period 644
Effects of aging (figure 24-15) 645
Review questions 646
Critical thinking 646
Chapter test 646
Case studies 647
25 Genetics and genetic diseases 648
Objectives 648
Genetics and human disease 651
Chromosomes and genes 651
Mechanisms of gene function 651
The human genome 651
Distribution of chromosomes to offspring 652
Gene expression 653
Hereditary traits 653
Sex-linked traits 654
Genetic mutations 655
Genetic diseases 656
Mechanisms of genetic disease 656
Single-gene diseases 657
Epigenetic conditions 658
Chromosomal diseases 659
Prevention and treatment of genetic diseases 660
Genetic counseling 660
Pedigree 661
Punnett square 661
Karyotype 661
Treating genetic diseases 663
Treating symptoms 663
Gene therapy 663
RNA interference 666
Genetics and human disease 666
Chromosomes and genes 666
Gene expression 666
Genetic diseases 667
Prevention and treatment of genetic diseases 667
Review questions 668
Critical thinking 668
Chapter test 669
Case studies 669
Appendix A Examples of pathological conditions 671
Appendix B Medical terminology 684
Hints for learning and using medical terms 684
Appendix C Clinical and laboratory values 694
Conversion factors to international system of units (SI units) 700
Glossary 703
A 703
B 707
C 708
D 713
E 715
F 718
G 719
H 720
I 723
J 724
K 724
L 725
M 726
N 729
O 730
P 731
Q 735
R 735
S 737
T 741
U 743
V 743
W 744
Y 744
Z 744
Illustration/photo credits 745
Chapter 1 745
Chapter 2 745
Chapter 3 745
Chapter 4 745
Chapter 5 745
Chapter 6 745
Chapter 7 745
Chapter 8 746
Chapter 9 746
Chapter 10 746
Chapter 11 746
Chapter 12 746
Chapter 13 746
Chapter 14 747
Chapter 15 747
Chapter 16 747
Chapter 17 747
Chapter 18 747
Chapter 19 747
Chapter 20 748
Chapter 21 748
Chapter 22 748
Chapter 23 748
Chapter 24 748
Chapter 25 748
Clear view of the human body 1
Introduction 1
Hints for using the clear view of the body 1
Key 2
Index 749
A 749
B 749
C 752
D 754
E 755
F 756
G 757
H 757
I 758
J 759
K 759
L 760
M 760
N 761
O 762
P 763
Q 764
R 765
S 766
T 768
U 769
V 769
W 770
X 770
Y 770
Z 770
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