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Davidson's Essentials of Medicine E-Book

Davidson's Essentials of Medicine E-Book

J. Alastair Innes


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Book Details


For over half a century Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine has informed and educated students, doctors and other health professionals all over the world, providing a comprehensive account of the practice of medicine. Davidson’s Essentials of Medicine provides the core content of the main textbook in a condensed format which will be invaluable whenever you are on the move – whether commuting, travelling between training sites, or on electives.

  • This book provides a distillation of the core information required for clinical studies in medicine. While retaining the acclaimed readability of the main textbook it presents the key information in a format more appropriate for practical clinical work.

  • The contents have been carefully selected by a team of junior doctors, emphasising only the topics that will be essential for clinical studies.

  • The book includes additional chapters of content to aid clinical practice including a practically-focussed chapter on therapeutics and a useful guide to interpreting major clinical investigations.

  • The text draws directly on the depth and breadth of experience of the Davidson’s authors and its International Advisory Board.
  • Updated to include key changes and new illustrations included in Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Davidson's Essentials of Medicine i
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
Sir Stanley Davidson (1894–1981) vi
Preface vii
Acknowledgements viii
Contributors to Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine, 22nd Edition ix
List of abbreviations xiv
Picture credits xvi
Chapter 2 xvi
Chapter 5 xvi
Chapter 6 xvi
Chapter 8 xvi
Chapter 9 xvi
Chapter 10 xvii
Chapter 12 xvii
Chapter 13 xvii
Chapter 14 xvii
Chapter 16 xvii
Chapter 17 xvii
1 Good medical practice 1
The doctor–patient relationship 1
Communication and other clinical skills 2
Investigations 3
The ‘normal’ (or reference) range 3
Sensitivity and specificity 4
Predictive value 5
Screening 5
Estimating and communicating risk 5
Clinical ethics 6
Respect for persons and their autonomy 6
Truth-telling 6
Informed consent 6
Confidentiality 7
Beneficence 7
Non-maleficence 7
Justice 7
Personal and professional development 7
Complementary and alternative medicine 8
Evidence 8
Regulation 8
2 Ageing and disease 9
Comprehensive geriatric assessment 10
Investigation in the elderly 9
Presenting problems in geriatric medicine 9
Falls 11
Acute illness 11
Blackouts 12
Mechanical and recurrent falls 12
Dizziness 13
Delirium 13
Urinary incontinence 14
Adverse drug reactions 14
Hypothermia 15
Clinical assessment 15
Investigations 15
Management 16
Rehabilitation 16
The process 16
3 Critical care and emergency medicine 19
Clinical examination of the critically ill patient 20
Recognising the critically ill patient 19
Monitoring 19
Monitoring the circulation 19
Monitoring respiratory function 22
General principles of critical care management 22
Assessment and initial resuscitation 22
Daily clinical management in the ICU 23
Specific presenting problems in the ICU 23
Circulatory failure: ‘shock’ 23
Low stroke volume 23
Vasodilatation 24
Management 24
Respiratory failure, including ARDS 24
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 25
Management 26
Anaphylaxis 27
Investigations 28
Management 28
Acute kidney injury 28
Gastrointestinal and hepatic disturbance 29
Neurological problems in intensive care 29
Management 29
Sepsis 30
Management 30
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 31
Discharge from intensive care 31
Withdrawal of care 31
Outcomes of intensive care 31
4 Poisoning 33
Clinical examination of the poisoned patient 34
General approach to the poisoned patient 33
Triage 33
History 33
Clinical examination (p. 34) 35
Investigations 35
Psychiatric assessment 35
Management of the poisoned patient 35
Poisoning by specific pharmaceutical agents 36
Paracetamol 36
Salicylates (aspirin) 38
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 38
Antidepressants 38
Cardiovascular medications 38
Antimalarials 39
Antidiabetic agents 39
Drugs of misuse 39
Cannabis 39
Benzodiazepines 39
Cocaine 40
Amphetamines 40
Gamma hydroxybutyrate and gamma butyrolactone 40
d-Lysergic acid diethylamide 41
Opioids 41
Body packers and stuffers 41
Alcohol misuse and dependence 42
Consequences of alcohol misuse 42
Management and prognosis 43
Chemicals and pesticides 44
Carbon monoxide 44
Clinical features 44
Management 44
Organophosphorus insecticides and nerve agents 44
Methanol and ethylene glycol 45
Drinking water contamination 45
Envenoming 46
Management 46
5 Infectious disease 47
Clinical examination of patients with infectious disease 48
Principles of infectious disease 47
Detection of infection 47
Reservoirs of infection 49
Transmission of infection 49
Health care-acquired infection 49
Prevention of infection 49
Outbreak control 50
Immunisation 50
Presenting problems in infectious diseases 50
Fever 50
Pyrexia of unknown origin 50
Investigations and management 52
Prognosis 52
Fever in the injection drug-user 52
Clinical assessment 53
Management 53
Fever in the immunocompromised host 53
Severe skin and soft tissue infections 54
Necrotising fasciitis 54
Clostridial soft tissue infections 54
Gas gangrene or myonecrosis 54
Acute diarrhoea and vomiting 55
Clinical assessment 55
Investigations 56
Management of acute diarrhoea 56
Non-infectious food poisoning 57
Infections acquired in the tropics 57
Fever in travellers recently returned from the tropics 57
Clinical assessment 57
Investigations 57
Diarrhoea acquired in the tropics 59
Eosinophilia acquired in the tropics 59
Clinical assessment 59
Investigations 59
Skin conditions acquired in the tropics 60
Infection issues in adolescence 60
Infection issues in pregnancy 60
Viral infections 60
Systemic viral infections with exanthem 60
Measles 60
Clinical features 62
Management 64
Rubella (German measles) 64
Parvovirus B19 64
Human herpesvirus 6 and 7 64
Chickenpox 66
Shingles (herpes zoster) 66
Complications 67
Dengue 67
Investigations 68
Management and prevention 68
Systemic viral infections without exanthem 68
Mumps 68
Complications 68
Management 68
Influenza 68
Clinical features 68
Infectious mononucleosis 69
Clinical features 69
Complications 69
Investigations 69
6 Clinical biochemistry and metabolism 139
Water and electrolyte distribution 139
Investigation of water and electrolytes 140
Disorders of sodium balance 140
Sodium depletion 141
Clinical features 141
Management of sodium and water depletion 142
Sodium excess 142
Management 142
Disorders of water balance 142
Hyponatraemia 143
Investigations 143
Management 144
Hypernatraemia 144
Management 145
Disorders of potassium balance 145
Hypokalaemia 145
Investigations 146
Management 146
Hyperkalaemia 147
Investigations 147
Management 147
Disorders of acid–base balance 148
Metabolic acidosis 148
Management 149
Metabolic alkalosis 150
Management 150
Respiratory acidosis 150
Respiratory alkalosis 150
Mixed acid–base disorders 151
Disorders of divalent ion metabolism 151
Hypomagnesaemia 151
Clinical features 151
Management 151
Hypermagnesaemia 152
7 Kidney and urinary tract disease 159
Clinical examination of the kidney and urinary tract 160
Measurement of renal function 159
Presenting problems in renal and urinary tract disease 159
Dysuria 159
Loin pain 159
Oliguria/anuria 161
Polyuria 161
Nocturia 161
Frequency 161
Urinary incontinence 161
Incontinence syndromes 162
Clinical assessment and investigations 162
Erectile dysfunction 163
Haematuria 163
Proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome 163
Clinical assessment 165
Oedema 165
Investigations 165
Management 165
Hypertension 166
Acute kidney injury 167
Clinical features 167
Investigations 168
Management 168
Chronic kidney disease 170
Clinical features 172
Investigations 174
Management 175
Renal replacement therapy 176
Preparation for renal replacement therapy 176
Conservative treatment 178
Haemodialysis 178
Haemofiltration 178
Peritoneal dialysis 178
Renal transplantation 178
Management after transplantation 180
Renal vascular diseases 180
Renal artery stenosis 180
Clinical features 180
Investigations 181
Management 181
Acute renal infarction 181
Diseases of small intrarenal vessels 182
Glomerular diseases 182
Glomerulonephritis 182
Minimal change nephropathy 183
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 184
Membranous nephropathy 184
IgA nephropathy and Henoch–Schönlein purpura 184
Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis 185
Glomerulonephritis associated with infection 185
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis 185
Inherited glomerular diseases 186
Tubulo-interstitial diseases 186
Acute interstitial nephritis 186
Investigations 186
Management 186
Chronic interstitial nephritis 186
Clinical features, investigations and management 186
Reflux nephropathy (chronic pyelonephritis) 187
Clinical features 187
Investigations 187
Management and prognosis 187
Sickle-cell nephropathy 187
8 Cardiovascular disease 201
Clinical examination of the cardiovascular system 202
Presenting problems in cardiovascular disease 201
Chest pain 201
Characteristics of cardiac pain 201
Differential diagnosis of chest pain 203
Initial evaluation of suspected cardiac pain 204
Breathlessness (dyspnoea) 204
Acute circulatory failure (cardiogenic shock) 205
Heart failure 205
Types of heart failure 207
Clinical features 207
Acute left heart failure 207
Chronic heart failure 208
Investigations 208
Management of acute pulmonary oedema 208
Management of chronic heart failure 210
General measures 210
Drug therapy 210
Non-drug therapies 211
Syncope and presyncope 212
Cardiac syncope 212
Neurocardiogenic syncope 212
Postural hypotension 213
Palpitation 213
Cardiac arrest 214
Ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia 214
Asystole 214
Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) 214
Management of cardiac arrest 214
Abnormal heart sounds and murmurs 216
Disorders of heart rate, rhythm and conduction 217
Sinoatrial nodal rhythms 217
Sinoatrial disease (sick sinus syndrome) 217
Tachyarrhythmias 217
Atrial tachyarrhythmias 218
Atrial fibrillation 218
Management 220
‘Supraventricular’ tachycardias 220
AV nodal re-entry tachycardia 220
Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome and atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia 221
Ventricular tachyarrhythmias 222
Ventricular ectopic beats (extrasystoles, premature beats) 222
Ventricular tachycardia 223
Torsades de pointes 223
Atrioventricular block 224
First-degree AV block 224
Second-degree AV block 224
Third-degree (complete) AV block 224
Stokes–Adams attacks 225
Management 225
Bundle branch block 225
Anti-arrhythmic drugs 226
Therapeutic procedures 226
External defibrillation and cardioversion 226
Catheter ablation 228
Temporary and permanent pacemakers 228
Temporary pacemakers 228
Permanent pacemakers 228
Implantable cardiac defibrillators 229
Cardiac resynchronisation therapy 229
Coronary artery disease 230
Stable angina 230
Clinical features 231
Investigations 231
Management 232
Acute coronary syndrome 233
Clinical features 233
Investigations 234
Risk stratification 235
Immediate management: the first 12 hrs 236
Antithrombotic therapy 237
Anti-anginal therapy 237
Reperfusion therapy in non-ST elevation MI 237
Reperfusion therapy in ST elevation acute coronary syndrome 237
Complications of acute coronary syndrome 238
Arrhythmias 238
Ischaemia 238
Acute circulatory failure 238
Pericarditis 239
Mechanical complications 239
Other recognised peri-infarct complications 239
Late management 239
Risk stratification and further investigation 239
Lifestyle and risk factor modification 239
Mobilisation and rehabilitation 240
Secondary prevention and drug therapy 240
Prognosis 240
Vascular disease 241
Peripheral arterial disease 241
Intermittent claudication 241
Critical limb ischaemia 242
Diabetic vascular disease 242
Buerger’s disease 242
Acute limb ischaemia 242
Diseases of the aorta 243
Abdominal aortic aneurysms 243
Thoracic aortic aneurysm 243
Aortic dissection 243
Hypertension 244
Approach to newly diagnosed hypertension 244
Target organ damage 245
‘Malignant’ or ‘accelerated’ phase hypertension 246
Investigations 246
Management 246
Diseases of the heart valves 248
Acute rheumatic fever 249
Clinical features 249
Investigations 250
Management 250
Chronic rheumatic heart disease 251
Mitral stenosis 251
Clinical features 251
Investigations 251
Management 252
Mitral regurgitation 252
Clinical features 252
9 Respiratory disease 265
Clinical examination of the respiratory system 266
Presenting problems in respiratory disease 265
Cough 265
Breathlessness (dyspnoea) 265
Chronic exertional breathlessness 267
How is your breathing at rest and overnight? 267
How much can you do on a good day? 267
Did you have breathing problems in childhood or at school? 267
Do you have other symptoms with your breathlessness? 267
Acute severe dyspnoea 268
Investigations and management 268
Chest pain 268
Haemoptysis 270
Investigations and management 270
The incidental pulmonary nodule 270
Pleural effusion 271
Investigations 272
Management 273
Empyema 273
Clinical features 273
Investigations 274
10 Endocrine disease 327
Clinical examination in endocrine disease 328
Major endocrine functions and anatomy 327
Presenting problems in endocrine disease 330
The thyroid gland 330
Presenting problems in thyroid disease 331
Thyrotoxicosis 331
Clinical assessment 331
Investigations 331
Management 332
Hypothyroidism 334
Clinical assessment 335
Investigations 335
Management 337
Asymptomatic abnormal thyroid function tests 338
Thyroid lump or swelling 338
Clinical assessment and investigations 338
11 Diabetes mellitus 381
Clinical examination of the patient with diabetes 382
Functional anatomy, physiology and investigations 381
Normal glucose and fat metabolism 381
Aetiology and pathogenesis of diabetes 383
Type 1 diabetes 383
Genetic predisposition 383
Environmental factors 383
Metabolic disturbances in type 1 diabetes 384
Type 2 diabetes 384
Genetic predisposition 385
Environmental and other risk factors 385
Metabolic disturbances in type 2 diabetes 385
Other forms of diabetes 386
Investigations 386
Urine testing 386
Glucose 386
Ketones 386
Protein 386
Blood testing 387
Glucose 387
Ketones 387
Glycated haemoglobin 387
Presenting problems in diabetes 387
Newly discovered hyperglycaemia 387
Establishing the diagnosis of diabetes 387
Clinical assessment 388
Management 389
Long-term supervision of diabetes 390
Therapeutic goals 390
Diabetic ketoacidosis 391
Clinical assessment 391
Investigations 391
Management 392
Hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state 393
Hypoglycaemia 394
Clinical assessment 394
Management 395
Prevention of hypoglycaemia 396
Diabetes in pregnancy 396
Gestational diabetes 396
Management of gestational diabetes 396
Pregnancy in women with established diabetes 397
Surgery and diabetes 397
Pre-operative assessment 397
Peri-operative management 398
Diabetes presenting through complications 399
Management of diabetes 399
Diet and lifestyle 399
Healthy eating 399
Carbohydrate 400
Fat 400
Salt 400
Weight management 400
Exercise 400
Alcohol 401
Drugs to reduce hyperglycaemia 401
Biguanides 401
Sulphonylureas 401
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors 402
Thiazolidinediones 402
Incretin-based therapies: DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1 analogues 402
Insulin 403
Subcutaneous multiple dose insulin therapy 403
Insulin dosing regimens 404
Transplantation 404
Complications of diabetes 404
Preventing diabetes complications 405
Diabetic retinopathy 405
Clinical features 406
Prevention 408
Management 408
Other causes of visual loss in diabetes 408
Diabetic nephropathy 408
Diagnosis and screening 409
Management 409
Diabetic neuropathy 409
Clinical features 409
Management 410
The diabetic foot 410
Management 411
12 Gastrointestinal and nutritional disorders 413
Clinical examination of the gastrointestinal tract 414
Presenting problems in gastrointestinal disease 413
Dysphagia 413
Dyspepsia 413
Vomiting 415
GI bleeding 416
Acute upper GI haemorrhage 416
Management 416
Lower GI bleeding 417
Severe acute lower GI bleeding 417
Subacute or chronic lower GI bleeding 417
Obscure major GI bleeding 417
Occult GI bleeding 418
Diarrhoea 418
Acute diarrhoea 418
Chronic or relapsing diarrhoea 418
Malabsorption 418
Weight loss 418
History and examination 419
Investigations 420
Constipation 420
Abdominal pain 421
The acute abdomen 421
Management 421
Chronic or recurrent abdominal pain 422
Constant abdominal pain 422
Disorders of nutrition 423
Obesity 423
Complications of obesity 423
Clinical features and investigations 423
Management 424
Under-nutrition 425
Starvation and famine 425
Clinical features 425
Investigations 425
Management 426
Under-nutrition in hospital 426
Nutritional support of the hospital patient 426
Refeeding syndrome 427
Ethical aspects 427
Vitamin deficiency 427
Anorexia nervosa 427
Management and prognosis 429
Diseases of the mouth and salivary glands 429
Diseases of the oesophagus 430
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease 430
Clinical features 430
Complications 430
Investigations 431
Management 432
Other causes of oesophagitis 432
Motility disorders 432
Pharyngeal pouch 432
Achalasia of the oesophagus 432
Clinical features and investigations 433
Management 433
Other oesophageal motility disorders 434
Tumours of the oesophagus 434
Carcinoma of the oesophagus 434
Clinical features and investigations 434
Management and prognosis 435
Perforation of the oesophagus 435
Diseases of the stomach and duodenum 435
Gastritis 435
Peptic ulcer disease 436
Gastric and duodenal ulcer 436
Clinical features and investigations 437
Management 437
Complications of gastric resection or vagotomy 438
Complications of peptic ulcer 439
Zollinger–Ellison syndrome 440
Functional disorders 440
Functional dyspepsia 440
Clinical features and investigations 441
Management 441
Functional vomiting 441
Gastroparesis 441
Tumours of the stomach 442
Gastric carcinoma 442
Clinical features 442
Investigations 443
Management and prognosis 443
Gastric lymphoma 443
Diseases of the small intestine 443
Disorders causing malabsorption 443
Coeliac disease 443
Clinical features 444
Investigations 444
Management 445
Complications 446
Dermatitis herpetiformis 446
Tropical sprue 446
Small bowel bacterial overgrowth (‘blind loop syndrome’) 446
Whipple’s disease 447
Ileal resection 448
Short bowel syndrome 448
Radiation enteritis and proctocolitis 448
Miscellaneous disorders of the small intestine 449
Protein-losing enteropathy 449
Meckel’s diverticulum 449
Infections of the small intestine 449
Travellers’ diarrhoea, giardiasis and amoebiasis 449
Abdominal tuberculosis 450
Tumours of the small intestine 450
Benign tumours 450
Malignant tumours 450
Carcinoid tumours 450
Lymphoma 451
Diseases of the pancreas 451
Acute pancreatitis 451
Clinical features and complications 452
Investigations 452
Management and prognosis 453
Chronic pancreatitis 454
Clinical features and complications 455
Investigations 455
Management 455
Congenital abnormalities of the pancreas 456
Annular pancreas 456
Cystic fibrosis 456
Tumours of the pancreas 456
Clinical features 457
Investigations 457
Management 457
Pancreatic neuro-endocrine tumours 457
Inflammatory bowel disease 458
Clinical features of ulcerative colitis 459
Clinical features of Crohn’s disease 459
Complications 460
Investigations 460
General management 462
Medical management of ulcerative colitis 462
Medical management of Crohn’s disease 463
Surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis 463
Surgical treatment of Crohn’s disease 463
Prognosis 464
Irritable bowel syndrome 464
Clinical features and investigations 464
13 Liver and biliary tract disease 475
Clinical examination of the abdomen for liver and biliary disease 476
Presenting Problems in Liver Disease 475
Acute liver failure 475
Clinical assessment 475
Investigations 478
Management 478
Abnormal liver function tests 479
Jaundice 479
Bilirubin metabolism 479
Pre-hepatic jaundice 479
Hepatocellular jaundice 481
Obstructive (cholestatic) jaundice 482
14 Blood disease 519
Clinical examination in blood disease 520
Presenting problems in blood disease 519
Anaemia 519
Clinical assessment 519
Investigations 521
High haemoglobin 521
Clinical assessment and investigations 521
Leucopenia (low white count) 522
Leucocytosis (high white count) 523
Lymphadenopathy 523
Splenomegaly 523
Bleeding 524
Normal haemostasis 524
Clinical assessment 525
Investigations 526
Thrombocytopenia (low platelets) 526
Thrombocytosis (high platelets) 526
Venous thrombosis 527
Management 528
Blood products and transfusion 529
Blood products 529
Adverse effects of transfusion 530
Red cell incompatibility 530
Transfusion reactions 530
Safe transfusion procedures 531
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation 531
Allogeneic HSCT 531
Graft-versus-host disease 532
Autologous HSCT 532
Anticoagulant and antithrombotic therapy 532
Heparin 532
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia 533
Warfarin 533
Prevention of venous thrombosis 534
Anaemias 534
Iron deficiency anaemia 534
Investigations 535
Management 535
Anaemia of chronic disease 535
Megaloblastic anaemia 535
Vitamin B12 535
Causes of vitamin B12 deficiency 536
Folate 536
Management of megaloblastic anaemia 537
Haemolytic anaemia 537
Red cell membrane defects 537
Hereditary spherocytosis 537
Hereditary elliptocytosis 538
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 538
Acquired haemolytic anaemia 538
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia 538
Warm autoimmune haemolysis 540
Cold agglutinin disease 540
Non-immune haemolytic anaemia 540
Physical trauma 540
Infection 541
Haemoglobinopathies 541
Sickle-cell anaemia 541
Clinical features 541
Investigations 542
Management and prognosis 542
The thalassaemias 542
Beta-thalassaemia 542
Alpha-thalassaemia 543
Haematological malignancies 543
Leukaemias 543
Acute leukaemia 544
Investigations 544
Management 544
Specific therapy 544
Supportive therapy 545
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation 545
Prognosis 546
Chronic myeloid leukaemia 546
Clinical features 546
Investigations 546
Management 546
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia 547
Clinical features 547
Investigations 547
Management and prognosis 547
Myelodysplastic syndrome 548
Lymphomas 548
Hodgkin lymphoma 548
Clinical features 548
Investigations 548
Management and prognosis 549
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 549
Clinical features 549
Investigations 549
Management 549
Prognosis 550
Paraproteinaemias 550
Monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance 550
Waldenström macroglobulinaemia 551
Multiple myeloma 551
Clinical features and investigations 551
15 Rheumatology and bone disease 561
Clinical examination of the musculoskeletal system 562
Presenting problems in musculoskeletal disease 561
Acute monoarthritis 561
Polyarthritis 561
Generalised musculoskeletal pain 563
Regional musculoskeletal pain 563
Back pain 563
Clinical assessment 563
Investigations 565
Management 565
Neck pain 566
Shoulder pain 566
Elbow pain 566
Hand and wrist pain 566
Lower limb pain 567
Muscle pain and weakness 568
Principles of management of musculoskeletal disorders 568
Education and lifestyle interventions 568
Pharmacological treatment 569
Analgesia 569
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 569
Topical agents 569
Non-pharmacological interventions 569
Surgery 570
Osteoarthritis 571
Clinical features 572
Generalised nodal OA 573
Knee OA 573
Hip OA 574
Spine OA 574
Investigations 574
Management 574
Crystal-induced arthritis 574
Gout 574
Clinical features 575
Investigations 576
Management 576
Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition 577
Clinical features 577
Investigations 577
Management 577
Fibromyalgia 577
Clinical features and investigations 578
Management 578
Bone and joint infection 578
Septic arthritis 578
Clinical features 578
Investigations 579
16 Neurological disease 605
Clinical examination of the nervous system 606
Presenting problems in neurological disease 605
Headache and facial pain 605
Ocular pain 607
Facial pain 607
Dizziness, blackouts and ‘funny turns’ 607
Loss of consciousness 607
Syncope 609
Seizures 609
Non-epileptic attack disorder, psychogenic seizures, pseudoseizures, psychogenic non-epileptic seizures 609
Status epilepticus 610
Coma 610
Brain death 611
Delirium and acute confusion 611
Diagnosis 612
Management 612
Amnesia 612
Transient global amnesia 612
Permanent amnesia 614
Weakness 614
The motor system 614
Clinical assessment of weakness 615
Facial nerve palsy (Bell’s palsy) 616
Sensory disturbance 617
A diagnostic approach to sensory symptoms 618
Patterns of sensory disturbance 618
Sensory loss in peripheral nerve lesions 618
Sensory loss in nerve root lesions 618
Sensory loss in spinal cord lesions 618
Sensory loss in brainstem lesions 620
Sensory loss in hemispheric lesions 620
Neuropathic pain 621
Abnormal movements 621
Tremor 621
Other hyperkinetic syndromes 621
Abnormal perception 622
Altered balance and vertigo 622
Gait disorders 622
Abnormal speech and language 623
Dysphonia and dysarthria 623
Dysphasia 624
Disturbance of smell 624
Visual disturbance and ocular abnormalities 624
Visual loss 624
Eye movement disorders 624
Diplopia (‘double vision’) 624
Nystagmus 627
Ptosis 627
Abnormal pupillary responses 627
Optic disc disorders 627
Hearing disturbance 629
Bulbar symptoms – dysphagia and dysarthria 630
Bladder, bowel and sexual disturbance 630
Bladder 630
Rectum 630
Erectile failure and ejaculation failure 631
Changes in personality and behaviour 631
Stroke disease 631
Acute stroke 631
Cerebral infarction 632
Intracerebral haemorrhage 632
Clinical features 632
Investigations 633
Neuroimaging 633
Vascular imaging 636
Cardiac investigations 636
Management 636
The deteriorating stroke patient 636
Thrombolysis 638
Aspirin 638
Coagulation abnormalities 639
Management of risk factors 639
Carotid endarterectomy and angioplasty 639
Subarachnoid haemorrhage 639
Clinical features 639
Investigations 639
Management 640
Cerebral venous disease 640
Cortical vein thrombosis 640
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis 640
Headache syndromes 640
Tension-type headache 640
Clinical features 640
17 Skin disease 687
Clinical examination in skin disease 688
Presenting problems in skin disease 687
Lumps – new or changing lesions 687
Melanocytic naevus or malignant melanoma? 689
Rashes – papulosquamous eruptions 690
History 690
Blisters 691
Itch (pruritus) 692
Management 693
Photosensitivity 693
Clinical assessment 693
Investigations and management 693
Leg ulcers 694
18 Therapeutics and prescribing 731
Writing a drug prescription 732
Altering dosages in renal impairment 732
Altering dosages in hepatic failure 732
Altering dosages in older people 736
Drugs commonly used in clinical practice 739
GI diseases 739
Drugs used for dyspepsia and peptic ulcer disease 739
Drugs used for irritable bowel syndrome 740
Drugs used for diarrhoea 741
Drugs used for constipation 742
Drugs used in inflammatory bowel disease 743
Drugs used in diverticular disease 744
Other drugs 744
Cardiovascular diseases 744
Drugs for hypertension 744
Drugs for heart failure 748
Drugs for angina 749
Anti-arrhythmic drugs 750
Antiplatelet drugs 752
Anticoagulants and fibrinolytics 753
Lipid-lowering drugs 754
Respiratory diseases 755
Bronchodilators 755
Corticosteroids 756
Other drugs used for asthma and COPD 757
Antihistamines 758
Drugs used in anaphylaxis 758
Oxygen 758
Neurological diseases 758
Analgesic drugs 758
Anti-migraine drugs 760
Anti-epileptic drugs 760
Drugs for nausea and vertigo 763
Drugs for Parkinson’s disease 765
Drugs for dementia 766
Other drugs 767
Psychiatric diseases 767
Hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs 767
Antidepressant drugs 768
Antipsychotic drugs 770
Infectious diseases 772
Antibacterial drugs 772
Antifungal drugs 779
Antiviral drugs 780
Other drugs 781
Endocrine diseases 781
Insulin 781
Drugs for type 2 diabetes 782
Drugs for thyroid disease 783
Corticosteroids 784
Other endocrine drugs 786
Bone diseases 786
Drugs for osteoporosis 786
Diseases affecting women 788
Drugs used for the menopause 788
Musculoskeletal diseases 788
Drugs used for rheumatic diseases 788
Drugs used for immunosuppression 790
Drugs used for gout 791
Diseases of the urinary tract 792
Drugs used in benign prostate hypertrophy 792
Drugs used for bladder instability 793
19 Interpreting key investigations 795
Electrocardiography 795
Systematic approach to ECG interpretation 795
Patient details and ECG calibration 795
The normal ECG 795
P wave 797
PR interval 797
QRS complex 797
ST segment 798
T wave 798
QT interval 798
U wave 798
Rate 799
Rhythm 799
Cardiac axis 799
Quick method 799
Chest X-ray 799
The normal chest X-ray 799
Systematic approach to CXR interpretation 800
Patient details and date 800
Technical quality 800
Trachea 801
Heart and mediastinal contours 802
Lung fields and pleura 802
Diaphragm 802
Soft tissues and bones 802
Review areas 803
Respiratory function tests 803
Peak expiratory flow 804
Spirometry 804
Flow-volume loops 804
Lung volumes 804
Gas transfer 805
Inflammatory markers 805
C-reactive protein 805
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 805
CRP versus ESR 805
Unexplained raised ESR 806
20 Laboratory reference ranges 809
Units 809
Exceptions to the use of SI units 809
Index 817
A 817
B 821
C 823
D 827
E 829
F 831
G 832
H 833
I 837
J 838
K 839
L 839
M 841
N 843
O 845
P 846
Q 850
R 850
S 852
T 855
U 858
V 859
W 860
X 860
Y 860
Z 860