Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology E-Book
Ross E Petty | Ronald M. Laxer | Carol B Lindsley | Lucy Wedderburn
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Book Details
Matchless in reputation, content, and usefulness, Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology, 7th Edition, is a must-have for any physician caring for children with rheumatic diseases. It provides an up-to-date, global perspective on every aspect of pediatric rheumatology, reflecting the changes in diagnosis, monitoring, and management that recent advances have made possible – all enhanced by a full-color design that facilitates a thorough understanding of the science that underlies rheumatic disease.
- Get an authoritative, balanced view of the field with a comprehensive and coherent review of both basic science and clinical practice.
- Apply the knowledge and experience of a who’s who of international experts in the field.
- Examine the full spectrum of rheumatologic diseases and non-rheumatologic musculoskeletal disorders in children and adolescents, including the presentation, differential diagnosis, course, management, and prognosis of every major condition.
- Diagnose and treat effectively through exhaustive reviews of the complex symptoms and signs and lab abnormalities that characterize these clinical disorders.
- Keep current with the latest information on small molecule treatment, biologics, biomarkers, epigenetics, biosimilars, and cell-based therapies.
- Increase your knowledge with three all-new chapters on laboratory investigations, CNS vasculitis, and other vasculitides.
- Understand the evolving globalization of pediatric rheumatology, especially as it is reflected in the diagnosis and management of childhood rheumatic diseases in the southern hemisphere.
- Choose treatment protocols based on the best scientific evidence available today.