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Learning Power in Practice: A Guide for Teachers

Learning Power in Practice: A Guide for Teachers

Ruth Deakin Crick


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Book Details


' This is not a gimmicky approach..The approach here fosters deeper understanding for both the teacher and learner of exactly what the process involves..It contains much to interest schoolteachers, senoir managers and those involved with learners of any age' -ESCalate. This book puts the findings of the well-known Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory (ELLI) research programme into the practical context of the classroom, helping teachers to improve their own learning power as well as that of all the children in their class. It looks at: o learning power - what it is and how it can be achieved. o creating the right classroom environment for powerful learning. o how learning power works in the primary and secondary school classroom. o how animal metaphors can be used with children to explain concepts. This is an exciting read for anyone interested in how children learn, and how we can help them to learn more effectively. It fits in very well with the debate around such concepts as accelerated learning, thinking skills and learning styles.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
The original Brazilians
Black Brazil
Land for the few
Exploding cities
The coup
Human rights
The political system
The economy
Children at work
The Northeast
The amazing Amazon
Facts & Figures
Dates & events
Oxfam in Brazil