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Mosby's Pathology for Massage Therapists - E-Book

Mosby's Pathology for Massage Therapists - E-Book

Susan G. Salvo


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Book Details


Written by a massage therapist for massage therapists, Mosby's Pathology for Massage Therapists, 3rd Edition provides direct information along with focused recommendations. Coverage of over 340 pathologies helps you appropriately tailor massage treatment, and more than 750 full-color photographs and illustrations make it easier to recognize common pathologies. This edition includes a new chapter on geriatric massage and has been extensively reviewed by over a dozen experts in the massage and medical fields. Written by massage therapy educator and practitioner Susan Salvo, this resource provides the pathology knowledge you need to succeed on licensure and certification exams and in practice.

  • A traffic light icon appears before each pathology in the book, designating whether massage is contraindicated (red), local contraindication (yellow), or indicated (green) for that particular pathology.
  • Consistent format for each chapter makes it easy to find key information with learning objectives, list of pathologies, system overview, and pathologies, including description, etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment, and massage considerations.
  • Student-friendly features in each chapter include learning objectives and self-tests that measure your comprehension.
  • Medical Technology boxes highlight special populations, such as clients in wheelchairs or with pacemakers, and explain what the medical device is, and what special precautions or contraindications you should be aware of before working on these clients.
  • Spotlight on Research boxes summarize recent studies of massage therapy and its effects.
  • Student resources on an Evolve companion website include interactive activities, video clips of techniques, animations, the Body Spectrum coloring book, flashcards, review questions, additional case studies, an image collection, an audio glossary, study tips, stress-busting tips, research updates, and more.
  • Mosby's Pathology for Massage Therapists Online reinforces content covered in the book and provides a dynamic way to learn key concepts, with features including recall activities, rollover glossary terms and definitions, animations, quizzes, and Clinical Tips boxes. (Available separately.)

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Evolve page IFC1
Mosby's Pathology for Massage Therapists, 3/e i
Copyright page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgments iii
Contributors & Reviewers iv
Foreword vi
Preface vii
The Key to Safe, Effective Practice vii
The study of pathology is essential for safe practice and the application of massage therapy. vii
Why do you need to learn pathology? vii
A Tour of the Text vii
Why This Book is Important to the Profession xiii
For Instructors xiii
Note to the Student xiii
Table of Contents xv
1 Infection Control and Safe Practice Procedures for Massage Therapists 1
Learning Objectives 1
Introduction 1
Massage Therapy and Pathology 1
Language of Pathology 2
Health and Disease 2
Signs and Symptoms 2
Diagnosis and Prognosis 3
Etiology and Risk Factors 3
Disease Complications 3
Epidemics and Pandemics 4
Risk Factors of Disease 4
Age 4
Gender 4
Genetics 4
Lifestyle 4
Environment 4
Stress 6
Types of Diseases 6
Autoimmune Diseases 6
Cancer 6
Deficiency Diseases 6
Degenerative Diseases 6
Genetic Diseases 7
Metabolic Diseases 7
Infectious Diseases 7
Congenital Disorders 7
Traumatic Disorders 8
Agents of Disease 8
Viruses 8
Bacteria 9
Fungi 10
Protozoa 10
Prions 10
Pathogenic Animals 10
Other Agents of Disease 10
Chain of Infection 11
Disease Transmission 11
Contact 11
Direct Contact 11
Indirect Contact 11
Vehicle Transmission 11
Foodborne Transmission 11
Waterborne Transmission 11
Airborne Transmission 11
Vector Transmission 11
Infection 12
Host Defenses 12
Inflammation 12
Standard Precautions 12
General Hygiene 13
Use Clean Linens for Each Massage 13
Disinfect Contaminated Massage Linens, Table/Accessory Fabric, and Tools 13
If linens are contaminated: 14
If table and accessory fabric are contaminated: 14
If massage tools are contaminated: 14
Dispensing Massage Lubricant 14
Sanitize Your Hands 14
Use Disposable Gloves When Appropriate 14
Do Not Perform Massage When Ill or When Experiencing Coldlike Symptoms 14
Avoid Massaging Clients Who Are Ill 14
Maintain a Clean and Sanitary Office and Treatment Environment 14
Do Not Work Under the Influence of Alcohol or Recreational Drugs 14
Follow a Personal Health Plan, and Get Regular Physical Examinations 14
Hand Hygiene 15
Hand Washing 15
Six-Step Procedure 15
Hand Sanitizer 15
Three-Step Procedure 15
Glove Use 15
Latex Gloves 16
Nitrile Gloves 17
Vinyl Gloves 17
Glove Removal 17
Contraindications 17
Absolute Contraindication 18
Local Contraindication 18
Treatment Modifications 18
Cautionary Sites 18
Throat 18
Abdomen 18
Matching One 21
Matching Two 21
References 20
Web Reference 20
2 Treatment Planning 23
Learning Objectives 23
Introduction 23
Documentation 24
Documentation Formats 25
Subjective Information 26
Objective Information 26
Scope of Practice 26
What’s In 26
What’s Out 27
Informed Consent 27
Shared Decision Making 28
Treatment Planning 29
Client Intake 29
Intake Location 29
Intake Form 29
Filling Out the Form 31
The Interview 31
Length of the Interview 31
Communication 32
Body Language 32
Interview Skills 32
Open and Closed Questions 32
Organizing the Interview 33
Ppalm: Assessment Domains 33
Purpose 33
Pain 33
Allergies and Skin Conditions 33
Lifestyle and Vocation 36
Medical History 36
Interview Conclusion 36
Formulating the Plan 36
Screening for Contraindications 36
Elements of a Treatment Plan 36
After the Massage and Subsequent Sessions 38
Client Education 38
Updating the Plan During Subsequent Sessions 38
Help Clients Achieve Their Goals 38
Networking with Other Health Care Providers 39
Prescriptions 39
Referrals 39
Medical Release 40
Matching One 42
Matching Two 42
References 40
3 Pharmacology and Massage Therapy 44
Medications 44
Learning Objectives 44
Introduction 45
Drug Nomenclature 45
Chemical Name 45
Trade Name 45
Generic Name 45
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs 45
Prescription Drugs 46
Prescriptions 46
Over-the-Counter Drugs 46
Supplements 47
Routes of Drug Administration 47
Oral 47
Injection 47
Inhalation 47
Transdermal 48
Pharmacokinetics 48
Absorption 48
Distribution 48
Metabolism 49
Excretion 49
Half-Life 49
Pharmacodynamics 49
Drugs and Cell Receptors 50
Effects of Drugs 51
Therapeutic Effect 51
Side Effect 51
Unpredictable Effect 51
Medications and Treatment Planning 51
Drug Administration and Massage Modifications 52
Injections 52
Drug Pumps 52
Topical Applications and Transdermal Patches 52
Medications to Manage Pain and Inflammation 52
Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs 52
Description 52
4 Dermatologic Pathologies 67
Pathologies 67
Learning Objectives 67
Integumentary System Overview 68
Dermatologic Pathologies 69
Bacterial Skin Infections 69
Acne (Acne Vulgaris, Pimples, Zits) 69
Description 69
5 Musculoskeletal Pathologies 108
Pathologies 108
Learning Objectives 108
Musculoskeletal System Overview 109
Musculoskeletal Pathologies 113
Skeletal Disorders 113
Osteoporosis 113
Description 113
Etiology 114
Signs and Symptoms 115
Treatment 115
Massage Considerations 115
Paget Disease (Osteitis Deformans) 115
Description 115
6 Neurologic Pathologies 165
Pathologies 165
Learning Objectives 165
Neurologic System Overview 166
Neurologic Pathologies 168
Central Nervous System Disorders 168
Spina Bifida 168
Description 168
Etiology 169
Signs and Symptoms 169
Treatment 170
Massage Considerations 170
Cerebral Palsy 172
Description 172
Etiology 172
Signs and Symptoms 172
Treatment 172
Massage Considerations 172
Attention Deficit–Hyperactivity Disorder (Attention Deficit Disorder) 173
7 Endocrine Pathologies 204
Pathologies 204
Learning Objectives 204
Endocrine System Overview 204
Endocrine Pathologies 205
Diseases of the Pituitary 205
Hyperpituitarism 205
Description 205
8 Cardiovascular Pathologies 225
Pathologies 225
Learning Objectives 225
Cardiovascular System Overview 225
Cardiovascular Pathologies 230
Disorders of Blood and Circulation 230
Anemia 231
Description 231
Etiology 232
Signs and Symptoms 233
Treatment 233
Massage Considerations 233
Leukemia 234
Description 234
Signs and Symptoms 234
Treatment 234
Massage Considerations 234
Hemophilia 235
9 Lymphatic and Immune Pathologies 266
Pathologies 266
Learning Objectives 266
lymphatic System Overview 266
Lymphatic Immune Pathologies 270
Conditions of the Lymphatic System 270
Lymphedema and Edema 270
Description 270
Etiology 271
Signs and Symptoms 271
Treatment 272
Massage Considerations 272
Lymphangitis (Angioleukitis) 272
Description 272
Etiology 272
10 Respiratory Pathologies 287
Pathologies 287
Learning Objectives 287
Respiratory System Overview 287
Respiratory Pathologies 289
Upper Respiratory Tract Conditions 289
Common Cold (Head Cold, Infectious Rhinitis, Upper Respiratory Infection) 289
Description 289
Etiology 289
Signs and Symptoms 290
Treatment 290
Massage Considerations 290
Sinusitis 290
Description 290
Etiology 291
Signs and Symptoms 291
Treatment 291
11 Gastrointestinal Pathologies 315
Pathologies 315
Learning Objectives 315
Gastrointestinal System Overview 316
General Dysfunctions of the Gastrointestinal Tract 318
Nausea 318
12 Urinary Pathologies 354
Pathologies 354
Learning Objectives 354
Urinary System Overview 354
Urinary Pathologies 356
Kidney Disorders 357
Glomerulonephritis (Glomerular Disease) 357
Description 357
Etiology 357
Signs and Symptoms 357
Treatment 357
Massage Considerations 357
Kidney Cancer 358
Description 358
Signs and Symptoms 358
Treatment 358
13 Reproductive Pathologies, Conditions, and Sexually Transmitted Infections 372
Pathologies and Conditions 372
Learning Objectives 372
Reproductive System Overview 373
Reproductive Pathologies and Conditions 374
Pathologies of the Prostate 374
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) 375
Description 375
14 Cancer 405
Cancer Types 405
Learning Objectives 405
Introduction 406
Tumors 406
Benign Tumors 406
Malignant Tumors 406
Tumor Nomenclature 408
Benign Tumor Nomenclature 408
Malignant Tumor Nomenclature 408
Nomenclature Exceptions 408
Cancer Cells 409
Anaplasia 409
Genetically Unstable 409
Angiogenesis 409
Lack Contact Inhibition 409
Anchorage Independent 409
Immortal 409
Causes of Cancer 410
External Factors 410
Internal Factors 411
Cancer Progression 411
Metastasis 411
Sentinel Nodes 412
Evaluation: Staging and Grading 412
Cancer Staging 413
Roman Numeral Staging 413
TNM Staging 413
Tumor Grading 414
Gleason System 414
Signs and Symptoms of Cancer 415
Caution 415
Cancer and Massage 416
Educate Yourself 417
Be a Team Player 417
Client Intake 417
Screen for Deep Vein Thrombosis 418
Teach Massage to Caregivers 418
Teach Self-Massage 418
Be Accepting and Reverent 419
Treatment Planning and Cancer Treatments 419
Scheduling 419
Technique 419
Palliative Care 419
Surgery 419
Clot Formation 420
Lymphedema 420
Reduced Function 420
Radiation Therapy 421
Skin Reactions 421
Fatigue 421
Chemotherapy 422
Malaise 422
Anemia 422
Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea 422
Mouth Sores 423
Infection 423
Fever 423
Neuropathy 423
Hair Loss 423
Biologic Therapy 424
Hormone Therapy 424
Heat and Cold Intolerance 424
Bone Marrow Transplant 424
Cancer Types 424
Cancer of the Breasts 425
Breast Cancer 425
Description 425
Risk Factors 426
Signs and Symptoms 426
Treatment 426
Massage Considerations 427
Gynecologic Cancers 427
Uterine Cancer 427
Description 427
Risk Factors 427
Signs and Symptoms 428
Treatment 428
Massage Considerations 428
Cervical Cancer 428
Description 428
15 Mental Disorders 452
Disorders 452
Learning Objectives 452
Introduction 452
Anxiety Disorders 454
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 454
Description 454
16 Aging and Massage 469
Learning Objectives 469
Introduction 469
The Aging Process 469
Skin, Hair, and Nails 470
Respiratory Changes 471
Cardiovascular Changes 471
Musculoskeletal Changes 471
Hormonal Changes 472
Neurologic Changes 472
Changes in Vision and Hearing 472
Urinary System Changes 473
Gastrointestinal Changes 473
Disease and the Elderly 473
Massage for the Elderly 474
Client Intake 474
Robust or Frail 474
Visual, Speech, or Hearing Impairments 475
The Massage Room 475
Treatment Guidelines 475
The Elderly: Musings 476
Massage for Persons Nearing the End of Life 477
Assessments and Activities 480
Matching One 480
Matching Two 480
References 478
Appendices 482
Appendix A Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols 482
Appendix B Medical Prefixes, Suffixes, and Plurals 487
Prefixes 487
Suffixes 488
Commonly Used Plural Endings 489
Appendix C Research Article 490
Appendix D Body Planes, Cavities, Regions, Fluid Compartments, and Body Movement* e1
Body Planes e1
Body Cavities e1
Body Regions e2
Body Fluid Compartments e2
Common Body Movements e3
Glossary 495
Illustration Credits 506
Chapter 1 506
Chapter 2 506
Chapter 3 506
Chapter 4 506
Chapter 5 507
Chapter 6 508
Chapter 7 508
Chapter 8 509
Chapter 9 509
Chapter 10 510
Chapter 11 510
Chapter 12 511
Chapter 13 511
Chapter 14 512
Chapter 15 513
Chapter 16 513
Index 515
A 515
B 516
C 518
D 520
E 521
F 522
G 523
H 523
I 525
J 525
K 525
L 526
M 527
N 528
O 528
P 529
Q 531
R 531
S 532
T 534
U 535
V 535
W 535
Z 535
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