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Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book

Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book

Adrianne Dill Linton


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Book Details


The leading medical-surgical text for LPN/LVN students, Linton's Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing, 6th Edition offers just the right level of information to equip today’s students to effectively care for adults and older adults. Covering both medical-surgical and psychiatric mental health conditions and disorders, this comprehensive text addresses the LPN/LVN's role in a variety of care settings, including acute care and long-term care, with a special emphasis on assignment and supervision responsibilities. It also emphasizes culturally competent care and holistic nursing, while thoroughly covering all relevant NCLEX-PN test plan content No other resource offers the breadth of topics at a level that is so perfectly tailored to the LPN/LVN student.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover ifc1
Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing i
Copyright page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgments iv
Contributors and Reviewers v
LPN Advisory Board ix
To the Instructor x
Organization x
Key Features x
Accessible Language x
Key Terms with Phonetic Pronunciations x
Nursing Diagnoses, Goals, and Outcome Criteria xi
Key Points xi
Boxed Features Content xi
Other Features xi
Updated Content Throughout xi
Multiple-Choice, Multiple-Response, and Short Answer Review Questions xi
Ancillaries xi
For the Instructor xi
To the Student xii
Key Features xii
Reading and Review Tools xii
Additional Learning Resources xii
Chapter Features xii
Table of Contents xiii
Unit I Patient Care Concepts 1
1 The Health Care System 1
Objectives 1
Key Terms 1
Organization of the Health Care System 1
Health Care Reform 2
Administration 2
Public Health 2
Primary Prevention. 2
Secondary Prevention. 2
Tertiary Prevention. 2
Components of the Health Care System 3
Outpatient Care 3
Physicians’ Offices 3
Clinics 3
Health Maintenance Organizations 4
Ambulatory Surgery Centers (Outpatient or Day Surgery) 4
Home Health Agencies 4
History of Home Health Care. 4
Focus of Home Health Care. 5
Funding of Home Care Services. 5
Types of Home Care Agencies. 5
Voluntary Agencies. 5
Official Agencies. 5
Proprietary Agencies. 6
Hospital-Based Agencies. 6
Home Health Care Services. 6
Physical Therapy. 6
Speech Therapy. 6
Occupational Therapy. 6
Social Work Services. 6
Home Health Aide Services. 6
Homemaker Services. 6
Enterostomal and Wound Care Therapy. 6
Other Home Health Care Services. 6
Specialty Home Care Services. 6
Pediatric Home Care. 7
Mental Health Home Care. 7
Hospice 7
Adult Day Centers 7
Inpatient Care 8
Hospitals 8
Psychiatric Hospitals 8
Rehabilitation Centers 8
Long-Term Care Facilities 9
Financing Health Care 10
Medicare 11
Medicaid 11
Nursing’s Role in Cost Containment 11
Quality and Safety in Health Care 12
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 13
Key Points 13
Additional Learning Resources 14
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 14
2 Nursing in Varied Patient Care Settings 16
Objectives 16
Key Terms 16
Community and Home Health Nursing 16
Community Health Nursing 16
Community Health Nursing Roles 16
Community-Based Nursing 17
Home Health Nursing 17
Reimbursement Realities in Home Health Nursing 17
Physician Must Design or Authorize a Plan of Care. 18
Care Must Be Skilled, Intermittent, Reasonable, and Necessary. 18
Patient Must Be Homebound. 18
Home Health Agency Must Be Medicare Certified. 18
Types of Home Health Services 18
Skilled Nursing. 19
Skilled Observation and Assessment. 19
Teaching. 19
Performing Skilled Procedures. 19
Specialty Home Care 19
Intravenous Therapy. 19
Ventilator Therapy. 20
Communication Between Home Health Care Team Members 20
Documentation. 20
Case Conferences. 20
Rehabilitation 21
Rehabilitation Concepts 21
Rehabilitation Is a Process of Restoration 21
Impairment Is a Disturbance in Functioning 21
Disability Is a Measurable Loss of Function 21
Handicap Is an Inability to Perform Daily Activities 21
Levels of Disability 21
Goals of Rehabilitation 21
Return of Function 21
Prevention of Further Disability 22
Legislation 22
Rehabilitation Team 23
Approaches to Rehabilitation 23
Long-Term Care 24
Risks for Institutionalization 24
Levels of Care 24
Domiciliary Care Homes 25
Personal Care Homes 25
Intermediate Care Facilities 25
Skilled Nursing Facilities 25
Impact of Relocation 25
Effects of Institutionalization 25
Depersonalization 26
Indignity 26
Redefinition of “Normal” 26
Regression 26
Social Withdrawal 27
Principles of Long-Term Residential Care 27
Promotion of Independence 27
Maintenance of Function 27
Maintenance of Autonomy 28
Assisted Living 28
Continuing Care Retirement Communities 28
Other Patient Care Settings 28
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Key Points 28
Additional Learning Resources 29
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 29
3 Legal and Ethical Considerations 31
Objectives 31
Key Terms 31
Ethics 31
Principles of Ethics 32
Values 32
Values Clarification 33
Values Conflicts 33
Philosophical Bases for Ethics 33
Steps in Processing Ethical Dilemmas 33
Institutional Ethics Committees 34
Legal Implications for Nursing Practice 34
Types of Law 38
Tort 38
Malpractice Insurance 39
Legal Considerations in Specific Situations 39
Confidentiality 39
Consent 39
Physicians’ Orders 40
DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) Orders 40
Short Staffing 40
Floating 41
Right to Refuse Treatment 41
Risk Management 41
Summary 41
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Key Points 41
Additional Learning Resources 42
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 42
4 The Leadership Role of the Licensed Practical Nurse 44
Objectives 44
Key Terms 44
Leadership versus Management 45
Leadership Styles 46
Autocratic Leadership 46
Democratic Leadership 46
Laissez-Faire Leadership 47
Multicratic Leadership 47
Transformational Leadership 47
Classic Management Theories 47
Theory X 47
Theory Y 48
Functions in the Management Process 48
Planning 48
Organizing 49
Directing 49
Coordinating 50
Controlling 50
Continuous Quality Improvement 50
Conflict Resolution 51
Tips for Effective Management 52
Licensed Practical Nurse as a Leader 52
Team Nursing 52
Role of the Team Leader 52
Issues Related to Team Leadership 52
Making Assignments 52
Accident Prevention and Safety 53
Accountability 53
Characteristics of an Effective Team Leader 54
Characteristics of an Effective Team 54
Licensed Practical Nurse as Charge Nurse 54
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 55
Key Points 55
Additional Learning Resources 55
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 55
5 The Nurse-Patient Relationship 57
Objectives 57
Key Terms 57
Holistic View of Nursing Care 57
Use of the Self in Nursing 57
Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes 58
Knowledge 58
Skills 58
Perspective of the Patient 59
Patient versus Client 59
Patients’ Rights 59
Patients’ Expectations 60
Explanation of the Care 60
Patients as Partners in Care 60
Acceptance of Patient Behaviors 60
Safety and Security 60
Guidelines for the Nurse-Patient Relationship 60
Helping Role 60
Communication 61
Empathetic Response 64
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 65
Key Points 65
Additional Learning Resources 65
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 65
6 Cultural Aspects of Nursing Care 67
Objectives 67
Key Terms 67
Cultural Concepts 67
Characteristics of Culture 67
Similarities 67
Differences 68
Family. 68
Religion. 68
Communication. 68
Educational Background and Economic Level. 75
Cultural Beliefs Related to Health and Illness 75
Dimensions of American Culture 76
Traditional Health Habits and Beliefs of Major Ethnic Groups in the United States 76
Caucasians (Euro-Americans) 76
African Americans 77
Latinos/Hispanics 77
Asians 77
Native Americans 77
Middle Easterners 77
Cultural Influences on Patient and Family Interactions with the Health Care System 78
Hospital Health Care 78
Community and Home Health Care 78
Long-Term Facility Health Care 78
Cultural Expressions and Implications for Nursing Care 79
Therapeutic Relationship 79
Basic Physiologic Needs 79
Drug Therapy 80
Patient Teaching 80
Complementary and Alternative Therapies 81
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Key Points 81
Additional Learning Resources 81
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 81
7 The Nurse and the Family 83
Objectives 83
Key Terms 83
Types of Families 83
Family and Culture 84
Family Developmental Theory 84
Two-Parent Nuclear Family Life Cycle and Developmental Tasks 84
Beginning Families 84
Families with Young Children 84
Families with Adolescents 84
Launching Children and Moving On 84
Families in Later Life 85
Divorced Family and Stepparent Family Life Cycle and Developmental Tasks 85
Gay and Lesbian Family Life Cycle and Developmental Tasks 85
Family Roles and Communications 85
Family Role Structure 85
Family Interaction 86
Family Communication Patterns 86
Functional Communication 86
Dysfunctional Communication 87
Family Coping 87
Stress and Adaptation 87
Coping Strategies 87
Family Nursing Care 88
Role of the Nurse 88
Community Resources 88
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Key Points 89
Additional Learning Resources 89
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 89
8 Health and Illness 91
Objectives 91
Key Terms 91
Health-Illness Continuum 91
Traditional Views of Health and Illness 91
Current Views of Health and Illness 91
Basic Human Needs 92
Adaptation to Stress 93
Stress Response 93
Coping 94
Adaptation 94
Homeostasis 95
Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Health Maintenance 95
Concept of Illness 96
Illness Behavior 96
Sick Role 97
Impact of Illness on the Family 97
Implications for Nursing Care 97
Prevent Health Problems 97
Help to Satisfy the Patient’s Unmet Basic Human Needs 97
Increase Adaptability 97
Foster Independence 98
Prevent and Manage Crises 98
Carry Out Prescribed Regimens 98
Manage Symptoms 98
Reorder Time 98
Adjust to Changes in the Course of the Illness 98
Prevent Social Isolation 98
Attempt to Normalize Social Interactions 99
Help Family Members to Deal with the Patient’s Illness 99
Assist Terminally Ill Patients to a Peaceful Death 99
Complementary and Alternative Therapies 99
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 101
Key Points 101
Additional Learning Resources 102
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 102
9 Nutrition 103
Objectives 103
Key Terms 103
Anatomy and Physiology of the Gastrointestinal System 103
Digestion and Absorption 103
Regulators of Gastrointestinal Activity 104
Digestive Process 104
Mechanisms of Absorption 104
Nutrients 104
Carbohydrates 104
Protein 105
Fat 105
Fluids, Vitamins, and Minerals 105
Factors Affecting Digestion 105
Psychologic State 105
Bacterial Action 105
Food Processing 105
Energy 105
Energy Expenditure 105
Measurement of Energy Expenditure 105
Body Size and Composition. 105
Periods of Growth. 105
Hormones. 106
Other Factors. 106
Energy Measurements and Calculations 106
Dietary Reference Intakes 106
Carbohydrates 106
Definition and Composition of Carbohydrates 106
Classification and Food Sources of Carbohydrates 106
Carbohydrate Metabolism 106
Dietary Fiber 107
Functions of Carbohydrates in the Body 107
Recommended Dietary Allowance/Dietary Reference Intake 108
Lipids 108
Lipid Transport and Storage 109
Lipid Metabolism 110
Recommended Dietary Allowance/Dietary Reference Intake 110
Food Sources of Fat 110
Functions of Lipids 110
Proteins 110
Definition and Composition of Proteins 110
Protein Metabolism and Synthesis 110
Protein Deficiency 111
Evaluation of Protein Quality 111
Functions of Proteins 112
Recommended Dietary Allowance/Dietary Reference Intake 112
Kilocalories of Macronutrients 112
Vitamins 112
Fat-Soluble Vitamins 112
Water-Soluble Vitamins 113
Minerals 113
Water 113
Age-Related Changes 113
Energy 113
Nutritional Care of the Older Adult 117
Dietary Planning 117
Nutrition Programs 117
Nutritional Needs during Prolonged Illness 117
Nutritional Care in Institutional Settings 117
Guidelines for Dietary Planning 117
MyPlate 117
Food Labeling 120
Vegetarian Diets 120
Nursing Assessment of Nutritional Status 120
Dietary History 121
Anthropometric Data 121
Biochemical Assessment: Laboratory Data 123
Weight Management and Eating Disorders 123
Overweight and Obesity 124
Underweight 124
Eating Disorders 124
Anorexia Nervosa 124
Bulimia Nervosa 124
Binge Eating Disorder 125
Nutritional Support with Supplemental Feedings 125
Enteral Tube Feedings 125
Parenteral Nutrition 126
Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition 126
Total Parenteral Nutrition 126
Transitional Feeding 126
Therapeutic Diets 126
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Key Points 127
Additional Learning Resources 128
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 128
10 Developmental Processes 129
Objectives 129
Key Terms 129
Young Adulthood 129
Developmental Tasks 129
Health Problems 130
Health Care Needs 130
Middle Years 132
Developmental Tasks 132
Health Problems 132
Health Care Needs 133
Older Adults 133
Developmental Tasks 134
Health Problems 134
Health Care Needs 134
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Key Points 135
Additional Learning Resources 135
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 135
11 The Older Patient 137
Objectives 137
Key Terms 137
Definitions 137
Roles of the Gerontological Nurse 137
Ageism—Myths and Stereotypes 138
Myths about Aging 138
Biologic and Physiologic Factors in Aging 140
Theories of Biologic Aging 140
Physiologic Changes in Body Systems 140
Nervous System 140
Respiratory System 141
Cardiovascular System 141
Renal System 142
Integumentary System 142
Gastrointestinal System 142
Musculoskeletal System 143
Sensory System 143
Hearing 143
Vision 143
Taste and Smell 144
Psychosocial Theories of Aging 144
Erikson’s Developmental Tasks 145
Disengagement, Activity, and Continuity Theories 145
Coping and Adaptation 145
Family 146
Functional Assessment 146
Drug Therapy and Older Adults 147
Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion 147
Adverse Drug Reactions 148
The Nurse and the Older Patient 149
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Key Points 149
Additional Learning Resources 149
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 149
12 The Nursing Process and Critical Thinking 151
Objectives 151
Key Terms 151
Components of the Nursing Process 151
Assessment 152
Subjective Data: Health History Interview 152
Objective Data 154
Physical Examination. 154
Inspection. 155
Palpation. 155
Percussion. 155
Auscultation. 155
Diagnostic Tests. 156
Patient Records. 156
Nursing Diagnosis 157
Planning 159
Intervention (Implementation) 160
Evaluation 160
Clinical Pathways 160
Concept Maps 160
Nursing Documentation 161
Documentation Formats 161
Evidence-Based Practice 163
Critical Thinking 163
Relationship of Critical Thinking to the Nursing Process 163
Characteristics of a Critical Thinker 164
Critical Thinking Tools 165
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 165
Key Points 165
Additional Learning Resources 166
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 166
Unit II Physiologic Responses to Illness 167
13 Immunity, Inflammation, and Infection 167
Objectives 167
Key Terms 167
Physical and Chemical Barriers 167
Immunity 168
Innate (Natural) versus Acquired Immunity 168
Cells and Organs Involved in Immunity 169
Nonspecific Defenses against Infection 169
Specific Defenses against Infection—Immune Response 169
Antibody-Mediated (Immediate) Immunity 169
Cell-Mediated (Delayed) Immunity 170
Inflammatory Process 170
Actions in the Inflammatory Process 170
Cardiovascular Changes 170
Increased Permeability 170
Chemical Mediators 170
Antiinflammation 170
Signs and Symptoms of Inflammation 171
Wound Healing 171
Infection 172
Infectious Agents 173
Bacteria 173
Viruses 173
Fungi 173
Protozoa 173
Rickettsiae 173
Helminths 174
Prions 174
Transmission of Infection 174
Causative Agent 174
Reservoir 174
Portal of Exit 174
Mode of Transfer 174
Portal of Entry 174
Susceptible Host 174
Signs and Symptoms of Infection 174
Types of Infections 175
Community-Acquired Infections 175
Prevention and Control. 175
Health Care–Associated Infections 176
Care of Patients with Infection 178
Medical Asepsis 179
Hand Hygiene 179
Surgical Asepsis 180
Standard Precautions 180
Transmission-Based (Isolation) Precautions 181
Airborne Infection Isolation Precautions 181
Droplet Precautions 181
Contact Precautions 181
Personal Protective Equipment for Health Care Personnel 182
Protective Environment 183
Bioterrorism 184
Immunocompromised Patients 184
Nursing Care of Patients with Infections 184
Immunodeficiency 185
Causes and Risk Factors 185
Unit III Acute Care 234
16 First Aid, Emergency Care, and Disaster Management 234
Objectives 234
Key Terms 234
General Principles of Emergency Care 234
Guidelines for First-Aid Treatment 235
Nursing Assessment in Emergencies 235
Health History 235
Chief Complaint 235
Medical Treatment 235
Past Medical History 235
Physical Examination 235
Specific Emergencies 236
Cardiopulmonary Arrest 236
Causes. 236
Signs and Symptoms. 236
Nursing Assessment. 236
Interventions. 236
Choking or Airway Obstruction 236
Unit IV Long-Term Care and Home Health Care 315
20 Falls 315
Objectives 315
Key Terms 315
Definition of Falls 315
Incidence and Risk Factors 315
Restraints 316
Safety Restraint Device (Srd) 316
Chemical Restraints 318
Nursing Assessment and Intervention 318
Fall Prevention 318
Reducing Fear 320
Reducing Fall-Related Injuries 321
When a Fall Occurs 321
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Key Points 322
Additional Learning Resources 323
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 323
21 Immobility 325
Objectives 325
Key Terms 325
Nursing Assessment and Intervention 327
Exercise 327
Range-of-Motion Exercises 328
Isometric Exercises 328
Positioning 328
Skin Integrity 328
Development of Pressure Ulcers 329
Preventing Pressure Ulcers 329
Stages of Pressure Ulcers 331
Stage I: Nonblanchable Erythema. 331
Stage II: Partial Thickness. 331
Stage III: Full-Thickness Skin Loss. 331
Stage IV: Full-Thickness Tissue Loss. 332
Additional Stages. 332
Treatment 332
Respiratory Status 332
Food and Fluid Intake 333
Elimination 333
Constipation 333
Urinary Incontinence 334
Circulatory Effects 334
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Key Points 334
Additional Learning Resources 335
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 335
22 Delirium and Dementia 336
Objectives 336
Key Terms 336
Delirium 336
Mild Neurocognitive Disorder 338
Major Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia) 338
Nursing Care of the Patient with a Neurocognitive Disorder 339
Assessment 339
Interventions: Delirium 340
Acute Confusion 340
Disturbed Sleep Pattern 341
Risk for Injury 341
Interventions: Dementia 341
Self-Care Deficit 341
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 343
Disturbed Sleep Pattern 344
Risk for Injury 344
Chronic Confusion and Impaired Verbal Communication 344
Guidelines for Working with Patients with Dementia 344
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Key Points 345
Additional Learning Resources 345
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 345
23 Incontinence 347
Objectives 347
Key Terms 347
Urinary Incontinence: Prevalence and Costs 347
Physiology of Urination 347
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 348
Laboratory Tests 348
Postvoid Residual Volume 349
Provocative Stress Testing 349
Common Therapeutic Measures 349
Behavioral Interventions 349
Bladder Training 349
Habit Training 349
Prompted Voiding 349
Pelvic Muscle Rehabilitation 349
Urge Suppression. 350
Reflex Training 350
Drug Therapy 350
Urine Collection Devices 350
External Devices 350
Indwelling Catheters 352
Intermittent Self-Catheterization 352
Garments and Pads for Incontinence 352
Penile Compression Device 352
Pelvic Organ Support Devices 353
Surgical Treatment 353
Types of Urinary Incontinence 353
Urge Incontinence 353
Description 353
Management 354
Overflow Incontinence 354
Description 354
Management 355
Stress Incontinence 355
Description 355
Management 356
Functional Incontinence 357
Description 357
Management 357
Nursing Care of the Patient with Urinary Incontinence 357
Assessment 357
Health History 357
Chief Complaint. 357
Pattern. 357
Volume. 357
Related Symptoms. 357
Medical History. 357
Review of Systems. 357
Functional Assessment. 357
Physical Examination 357
Interventions 358
Deficient Knowledge 358
Incontinence 359
Bladder Training or Retraining 359
Habit Training 359
Social Isolation 359
Situational Low Self-Esteem 359
Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity 359
Risk for Infection 360
Bowel (Fecal) Incontinence 361
Physiologic Process of Defecation 361
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 361
Common Therapeutic Measures 361
Enemas 361
Pouches 362
Drug Therapy 362
Surgical Treatment 362
Biofeedback 362
Dietary Changes 362
Types of Bowel (Fecal) Incontinence 363
Overflow Incontinence 363
Unit V Cancer 384
25 The Patient with Cancer 384
Objectives 384
Key Terms 384
Why Study Cancer? 384
What is Cancer? 385
Normal Body Cells 385
Benign Tumors 385
Malignant Tumors 385
Malignant Transformation 386
Classification of Tumors 386
Anatomic Site 386
Staging System for Cancer 386
Risk Factors 387
Seven Warning Signs 388
Prevention and Early Detection 388
Health Promotion 388
Avoidance of Carcinogens 388
Identification of High-Risk People 389
Screening for Cancer 389
Diagnosis of Cancer 389
Medical Treatment of Cancer 389
Surgery 389
Radiotherapy 393
Caregiver Safety 393
External Radiation 394
Procedure. 394
Patient Preparation. 394
Internal Radiation 394
Sealed-Source Radiation. 394
Unsealed-Source Radiation. 394
Side Effects 395
Bone Marrow Suppression. 395
Alopecia. 395
Anorexia. 395
Dry Mouth. 395
Effects on Reproduction. 395
Chemotherapy 395
Types of Antineoplastic Drugs 395
Side Effects 398
Biotherapy 399
Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation 400
Hormone Therapy 400
Complementary and Alternative Therapies 400
Unproven Methods of Cancer Treatment 400
Nursing Care of the Patient Who Has Cancer 401
Diagnostic Phase 401
Assessment 401
Health History 401
Chief Complaint. 401
Past Medical History. 401
Family History. 401
Review of Systems. 401
Functional Assessment. 401
Physical Examination 403
Interventions 403
Ineffective Denial 403
Anxiety 403
Deficient Knowledge 404
Treatment Phase 404
Assessment 404
Health History 404
Physical Examination 404
Interventions 405
Anxiety 405
Ineffective Coping 406
Risk for Injury 406
Pneumonitis and Pulmonary Fibrosis. 406
Cardiac Toxicity. 406
Neurotoxicity. 406
Cystitis and Diarrhea. 406
Thrombocytopenia. 406
Anemia. 406
Reproductive Cells. 406
Risk for Infection 406
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 407
Impaired Oral Mucous Membranes 407
Constipation 408
Fatigue 409
Disturbed Body Image 409
Grieving 409
Interrupted Family Processes 409
Ineffective Self-Health Management 409
Chemotherapy. 409
Recovery and Rehabilitation 410
Terminal Illness 410
Oncologic Emergencies 411
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 412
Key Points 412
Additional Learning Resources 412
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 413
26 The Patient with an Ostomy 414
Objectives 414
Key Terms 414
Indications and Preparation for Ostomy Surgery 414
Nursing Care of the Patient Having Ostomy Surgery 415
Assessment 415
Interventions 415
Anxiety and Grieving 415
Deficient Knowledge 415
Fecal Diversion 415
Ileostomy 416
Procedure 416
Postoperative Nursing Care of the Patient with an Ileostomy 418
Assessment 418
Health History 418
Physical Examination 418
Interventions 419
Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume 419
Risk for Ineffective Tissue Perfusion (of Stoma) 419
Impaired Skin Integrity 419
Disturbed Body Image 420
Sexual Dysfunction and/or Ineffective Sexuality Pattern 420
Ineffective Self-Health Management 421
Risk for Injury 421
Continent (Pouch) Ileostomy 421
Procedure 422
Postoperative Nursing Care of the Patient with a Continent Ileostomy 422
Assessment 422
Interventions 422
Risk for Injury 422
Deficient Knowledge 422
Ileoanal Reservoir (Ileoanal Anastomosis) 422
Procedure 423
Complications 423
Obstruction. 423
Peritonitis. 423
Inflammation. 423
Postoperative Nursing Care of the Patient with an Ileoanal Reservoir 423
Assessment 423
Interventions 423
Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity 423
Bowel Incontinence 424
Risk for Injury 424
Colostomy 424
Procedure 424
Postoperative Nursing Care of the Patient with a Colostomy 424
Assessment 424
Interventions 425
Ineffective Self-Health Management 425
Risk for Injury 427
Urinary Diversion 427
Ileal Conduit 428
Procedure 428
Complications 428
Postoperative Nursing Care of the Patient with an Ileal Conduit 428
Continent Internal Reservoirs 429
Unit VI Neurologic Disorders 435
27 Neurologic Disorders 435
Objectives 435
Key Terms 435
Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System 435
Age-Related Changes 439
Pathophysiology of Neurologic Diseases 439
Nursing Assessment of Neurologic Function 441
Health History 441
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness. 441
Past Medical History. 441
Family History. 443
Review of Systems. 443
Functional Assessment. 443
Physical Examination 443
Basic Neurologic Examination 443
Level of Consciousness. 443
Pupillary Evaluation. 443
Neuromuscular Response. 443
Vital Signs. 443
General Physical Examination. 443
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 445
Advanced Neurologic Examination 445
Cranial Nerves. 445
Coordination and Balance. 445
Neuromuscular Function. 446
Sensory Function. 446
Pain. 446
Temperature. 447
Light Touch. 447
Vibration. 447
Position. 447
Tactile Discrimination. 447
Reflexes. 447
Lumbar Puncture 448
Electroencephalography 448
Electromyography 449
Radiologic Studies 449
Brain Scan. 449
Cerebral Angiography and Digital Subtraction Angiography. 449
Computed Tomography. 449
Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 449
Common Therapeutic Measures 449
Drug Therapy 449
Surgery 449
Preoperative Nursing Care 450
Postoperative Nursing Care 450
Increased Intracranial Pressure 451
Pathophysiology 451
Signs and Symptoms 451
Medical Treatment 452
Disorders of the Nervous System 453
Headache 453
Migraine Headache 453
Cluster Headache 453
Tension Headache 453
Seizure Disorder 453
Medical Diagnosis 453
Seizure Classification 454
Partial Seizures. 454
Generalized Seizures. 454
Status Epilepticus. 454
Aura. 454
Medical Treatment 455
Surgical Treatment 455
Nursing Care of the Patient with a Seizure Disorder 455
Assessment 455
Interventions 455
Risk for Injury 455
Ineffective Coping and Deficient Knowledge 458
Head Injury 458
Types of Head Injuries 458
Scalp Injuries. 458
Concussion. 458
Contusion. 458
Hematomas. 458
Subdural Hematoma. 458
Epidural Hematoma. 458
Intracerebral Hemorrhage. 459
Penetrating Injuries. 459
Surgical Treatment 459
Nursing Care of the Patient with a Head Injury 459
Assessment 459
Interventions 461
Risk for Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion 461
Ineffective Breathing Pattern 461
Risk for Injury 461
Risk for Infection 461
Impaired Physical Mobility 461
Disturbed Body Image and Ineffective Role Performance 461
Brain Tumors 461
Causes and Risk Factors 461
Signs and Symptoms 462
Medical Treatment 462
Nursing Care of the Patient with a Brain Tumor 462
Assessment 462
Interventions 462
Acute Pain 462
Risk for Acute Confusion and Impaired Memory 462
Risk for Injury 462
Impaired Physical Mobility and Self-Care Deficits (Bathing, Dressing, Feeding, Toileting) 462
Ineffective Coping 463
Infectious and Inflammatory Conditions: Meningitis 463
Signs and Symptoms 463
Medical Diagnosis 463
Medical Treatment 463
Nursing Care of the Patient with Meningitis 463
Assessment 463
Interventions 464
Risk for Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion 464
Ineffective Breathing Pattern 464
Acute Pain 464
Risk for Injury 464
Deficient Fluid Volume 464
Risk for Disuse Syndrome 464
Infectious and Inflammatory Conditions: Encephalitis 464
Signs and Symptoms 464
Unit VII Respiratory Disorders 531
30 Disorders of the Upper Respiratory Tract 531
Objectives 531
Key Terms 531
Anatomy and Physiology of the Nose, Sinuses, and Throat 531
Nose 531
Sinuses 531
Throat 532
Age-Related Changes in the Nose, Sinuses, and Throat 532
Nursing Assessment of the Nose, Sinuses, and Throat 533
Health History 533
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness 533
Past Medical History 533
Review of Systems 533
Physical Examination 533
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 533
Throat Culture 533
Laryngoscopy 534
Common Therapeutic Measures 534
Nose Drops 534
Humidification 535
Tracheostomy Suctioning 535
Tracheostomy Care 538
Nasal Surgery 538
Nursing Care of the Patient Having Nasal Surgery 539
Assessment 539
Interventions 539
Decreased Cardiac Output 539
Acute Pain 539
Impaired Gas Exchange 539
Disturbed Body Image 539
Disorders of the Nose and Sinuses 539
Sinusitis 539
Signs and Symptoms 540
Complications 540
Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 540
Surgical Treatment 540
Nursing Care of the Patient Having Sinus Surgery 540
Nasal Polyps 540
Nursing Care of the Patient Having Nasal Polyp Surgery 540
Allergic Rhinitis 541
Pathophysiology 541
Unit VIII Hematologic and Immunologic Disorders 622
33 Hematologic Disorders 622
Objectives 622
Key Terms 622
Anatomy and Physiology of the Hematologic System 622
Anatomic Structures and Components of the Hematologic System 622
Bone Marrow 622
Kidneys 622
Liver 622
Spleen 622
Blood 623
Red Blood Cells (RBCs or Erythrocytes). 623
Platelets (Thrombocytes). 623
Clotting Factors. 623
Plasma. 624
Physiologic Functions of the Hematologic System 624
Oxygenation 624
Hemostasis 624
Age-Related Changes 624
Nursing Assessment of the Hematologic System 624
Health History 624
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness 624
Past Medical History 624
Family History 625
Review of Systems 625
Functional Assessment 626
Occupation and Hobbies. 626
Self-Concept. 626
Activity and Exercise. 626
Sleep and Rest. 626
Nutrition. 626
Interpersonal Relationships. 626
Coping and Stress. 626
Perception of Health. 626
Physical Examination 626
General Survey 627
Skin 627
Head and Neck 627
Thorax 627
Lungs. 627
Heart and Vascular System. 627
Abdomen 627
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 627
Blood Tests 627
Bone Marrow Biopsy 629
Common Therapeutic Measures 629
Nursing Actions for the Patient at Risk for Injury from Low Red Blood Cell Counts 629
Nursing Actions for the Patient at Risk for Injury from Bleeding 629
Blood Product Transfusions 629
Typing for Transfusions 629
Transfusions of Packed Red Blood Cells 630
Platelet Transfusions 630
Fresh Frozen Plasma Transfusions 630
Reactions to Blood Transfusions 630
Colony-Stimulating Factors 632
Disorders of the Hematologic System 632
Red Blood Cell Disorders 632
Polycythemia Vera 632
Aplastic Anemia 633
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia 634
Iron Deficiency Anemia 635
Pernicious Anemia (Vitamin B12 Anemia) 635
Sickle Cell Anemia 635
Signs and Symptoms of Sickle Cell Crisis. 636
Medical Diagnosis of Sickle Cell Disease. 636
Medical Treatment of the Patient in Sickle Cell Crisis. 636
Nursing Care of the Patient in Sickle Cell Crisis 636
Assessment 636
Interventions 636
Acute Pain 636
Anxiety 637
Risk for Injury 637
Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume 638
Ineffective Self-Health Management 638
Coagulation Disorders 638
Thrombocytopenia 638
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 639
Hemophilia 639
Signs and Symptoms. 639
Medical Diagnosis. 639
Medical Treatment. 639
Nursing Care of the Patient with Hemophilia 639
Assessment 639
Interventions 639
Risk for Injury 639
Acute Pain 640
Ineffective Self-Health Management 640
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 640
Key Points 640
Additional Learning Resources 641
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 641
34 Immunologic Disorders 642
Objectives 642
Key Terms 642
Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune System 642
Anatomic Structures and Components of the Immune System 642
Bone Marrow 642
Stem Cells 642
White Blood Cells (Leukocytes) 642
Neutrophils. 642
Monocytes and Macrophages. 643
Eosinophils. 643
Basophils. 643
Mast Cells. 643
B Lymphocytes (B Cells). 643
T Lymphocytes (T Cells). 643
Cytokines 643
Eicosanoids 644
Thymus 644
Lymph, Lymphatics, and Lymph Nodes 644
Liver 644
Spleen 644
Peyer Patches 644
Physiologic Functions of the Immune System 644
Innate Immunity 644
Anatomic and Physiologic Barriers. 644
Inflammation. 645
Phagocytosis. 645
Acquired Immunity 645
Antibody-Mediated Immunity. 645
Cell-Mediated Immunity. 646
Tolerance 646
Age-Related Changes 646
Nursing Assessment of the Immune System 646
Health History 646
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness 646
Past Medical History 646
Family History 646
Review of Systems 647
Functional Assessment 647
Occupation and Hobbies. 647
Self-Concept. 647
Activity and Exercise. 648
Sleep and Rest. 648
Nutrition. 648
Interpersonal Relationships. 648
Coping and Stress. 648
Perception of Health. 648
Physical Examination 648
General Survey 648
Skin 648
Head and Neck 648
Thorax 648
Lungs. 648
Heart and Vascular System. 648
Abdomen 648
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 648
Blood Tests 651
Cultures of Blood, Urine, Sputum, and Stool 651
Skin Tests 651
Common Therapeutic Measures 651
Nursing Actions for the Patient at Risk for Injury from Infection 651
Bone Marrow Transplantation and Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation 651
White Blood Cell Disorders of the Immune System 653
Neutropenia 653
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 654
Hodgkin Disease 654
Leukemia 654
Signs and Symptoms of Acute Leukemia 654
Medical Diagnosis of Acute Leukemia 655
Medical Treatment of the Patient with Acute Leukemia 655
Nursing Care of the Patient with Acute Leukemia 655
Assessment 655
Interventions 656
Risk for Injury 656
Infection. 656
Thrombocytopenia. 656
Anemia. 656
Fatigue 656
Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane 656
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 656
Anxiety 656
Ineffective Self-Health Management 657
Other Immune System Disorders 657
Hypersensitivity Reactions 657
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura 657
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura 657
Autoimmune Diseases 658
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 658
Signs and Symptoms 658
Medical Diagnosis 658
Medical Treatment 658
Nursing Care of the Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 659
Assessment 659
Interventions 659
Fatigue 659
Acute Pain 659
Disturbed Body Image 659
Ineffective Coping 659
Ineffective Self-Health Management 659
Transplant Rejection 660
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 660
Key Points 660
Additional Learning Resources 661
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 661
35 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 663
Objectives 663
Key Terms 663
History 663
Demographics 664
Pathophysiology 664
Life Cycle of Human Immunodeficiency Virus 667
Body’s Response to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 668
Stages of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 668
Signs and Symptoms of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 668
Complications 668
Opportunistic Infections 669
Parasitic Infections 669
Cryptosporidiosis and Isosporiasis 669
Toxoplasmosis 669
Fungal Infections 670
Microsporidiosis 670
Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia 670
Aspergillosis 671
Candidiasis 671
Coccidioidomycosis 671
Cryptococcosis 671
Histoplasmosis 671
Viral Infections 671
Cytomegalovirus Infections 671
Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster 671
Oral Hairy Leukoplakia 672
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy 672
Bacterial Infections 672
Bacillary Angiomatosis 672
Mycobacterium avium Complex 672
Tuberculosis 672
Oncologic Conditions 672
Kaposi Sarcoma 672
Diagnosis. 673
Treatment. 673
Lymphoma 673
Medical Diagnosis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus 673
Medical Treatment 673
Pharmacology 674
Nursing Care of the Patient with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 674
Assessment 674
Health History 677
Physical Examination 677
Interventions 678
Ineffective Self-Health Management 678
Anxiety 678
Risk for Infection 678
Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane 678
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 678
Deficient Fluid Volume 678
Acute Confusion or Chronic Confusion 679
Acute Pain or Chronic Pain 679
Ineffective Coping 679
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 679
Key Points 679
Additional Learning Resources 680
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 680
Unit IX Cardiovascular Disorders 681
36 Cardiac Disorders 681
Objectives 681
Key Terms 681
Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart 681
Chambers 681
Muscle Layers 682
Valves 682
Atrioventricular Valves 682
Semilunar Valves 682
Heart Sounds 683
Coronary Blood Flow 683
Conduction System 684
Cardiac Innervation 685
Cardiac Function 685
Cardiac Cycle 685
Cardiac Output 685
Preload. 685
Contractility. 685
Afterload. 685
Myocardial Oxygen Consumption 685
Age-Related Changes 685
Heart 686
Blood Vessels 686
Nursing Assessment of Cardiac Function 686
Health History 686
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness 686
Medical History 686
Family History 686
Review of Systems 686
Functional Assessment 686
Physical Examination 687
Vital Signs 687
Blood Pressure. 687
Pulses. 687
Respirations. 687
Skin 687
Heart Sounds 687
Heart Murmurs. 688
Extremities 688
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 688
Electrocardiogram 688
Ambulatory Electrocardiogram (Holter Monitor) 691
Implantable Loop Recorder 691
Echocardiogram (Heart Sonogram) 692
Transesophageal Echocardiogram 692
Stress Test (Exercise Tolerance Test) 692
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 692
Multiple-Gated Acquisition Scan 692
Myocardial Perfusion Imaging 692
Ultrafast Computed Tomography 693
Cardiac Catheterization (Cardiac Angiography, Coronary Arteriography) 693
Electrophysiology Study 694
Laboratory Tests 694
Arterial Blood Gases 694
Pulse Oximetry 694
Cardiac Markers 694
Troponin. 694
Creatine Kinase. 694
Myoglobin. 695
Complete Blood Count 695
White Blood Cell Count. 695
Red Blood Cell Count. 695
Hematocrit. 695
Hemoglobin. 695
Platelet (Thrombocyte) Count. 695
Lipid Profile 695
B-Type Natriuretic Peptide 696
C-Reactive Protein 696
Common Therapeutic Measures 696
Drug Therapy 696
Cardiac Glycosides 696
Antianginals 696
Antidysrhythmics 696
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors 696
Diuretics 696
Anticoagulants 702
Heparin. 702
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin. 702
Warfarin. 703
Dabigatran. 703
Antiplatelet Agents 703
Fibrinolytic Agents 703
Lipid-Lowering Agents 703
Analgesics 703
Diet Therapy 704
Sodium 704
Potassium 704
Oxygen Therapy 704
Pacemakers 704
Temporary Pacemakers 704
Permanent Pacemakers 704
Nursing Care of the Patient with a Pacemaker 704
Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD) 705
Complications. 705
Nursing Care of the Patient with an Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator 705
Cardioversion 705
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 706
Defibrillation 706
Cardiac Surgery 706
Preoperative Nursing Care of the Cardiac Surgery Patient 706
Assessment 706
Unit X Digestive Disorders 785
39 Upper Digestive Tract Disorders 785
Objectives 785
Key Terms 785
Anatomy and Physiology of the Upper Digestive Tract 785
Mouth 785
Pharynx 785
Esophagus 786
Stomach 786
Age-Related Changes 786
Nursing Assessment of the Upper Digestive Tract 786
Health History 786
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness 786
Functional Assessment 787
Physical Examination 787
Head and Neck 787
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 787
Endoscopic Examination 787
Radiographic Studies 787
Laboratory Studies 788
Common Therapeutic Measures 788
Gastrointestinal Intubation 788
Tube Feedings 788
Gastrointestinal Decompression 790
Total Parenteral Nutrition 792
Gastrointestinal Surgery 793
Preoperative Nursing Care of the Patient Having Gastrointestinal Surgery 793
Postoperative Nursing Care of the Patient Who Has Had Gastrointestinal Surgery 794
Drug Therapy 794
Disorders Affecting Ingestion 794
Anorexia 798
Causes 798
Medical Diagnosis 798
Medical Treatment 798
Nursing Care of the Patient with Anorexia 798
Assessment 798
Interventions 798
Feeding Problems 799
Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 799
Nursing Care of the Patient with Feeding Problems 799
Assessment 799
Interventions 799
Oral Inflammation and Infections of the Oral Cavity 799
Stomatitis 799
Vincent Infection 800
Herpes Simplex Type 1 Infection 800
Aphthous Stomatitis 800
Candida Albicans 800
Nursing Care of the Patient with Oral Inflammation or Infection 800
Assessment 800
Interventions 800
Disorders of the Teeth and Gums 800
Dental Caries 800
Periodontal Disease 801
Nursing Care of the Patient with a Tooth or Gum Disorder 801
Assessment 801
Interventions 801
Oral Cancer 801
Risk Factors 801
Signs and Symptoms 801
Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 802
Nursing Care of the Patient with Oral Cancer 802
Assessment 802
Interventions 802
Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane 802
Ineffective Breathing Pattern 802
Acute Pain 803
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 803
Impaired Verbal Communication 803
Disturbed Body Image 803
Risk for Infection 803
Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion of Graft 803
Parotitis 803
Achalasia 803
Esophageal Cancer 804
Pathophysiology 804
Signs and Symptoms 804
Medical Diagnosis 804
Medical and Surgical Treatment 804
Nursing Care of the Patient with Esophageal Cancer 804
Assessment 804
Interventions 805
Acute Pain 805
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 805
Anxiety 805
Risk for Injury 805
Impaired Gas Exchange 805
Deficient Knowledge 806
Disorders Affecting Digestion and Absorption 806
Nausea and Vomiting 806
Complications 806
Medical Treatment 806
Nursing Care of the Patient with Nausea and Vomiting 806
Assessment 806
Interventions 806
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements and Deficient Fluid Volume 806
Risk for Aspiration 807
Hiatal Hernia 807
Pathophysiology 807
Causes 808
Signs and Symptoms 808
Medical Diagnosis 808
Medical Treatment 808
Nursing Care of the Patient with Hiatal Hernia 809
Assessment 809
Interventions 809
Chronic Pain 809
Risk for Aspiration 809
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 809
Postoperative Nursing Care of the Patient with Hiatal Hernia Repair 809
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 810
Unit XI Urologic Disorders 890
42 Urologic Disorders 890
Objectives 890
Key Terms 890
Anatomy of the Urinary System 890
Kidneys and Ureters 890
Bladder and Urethra 891
Physiology of the Urinary System 892
Regulation and Excretion 892
Urine Production 892
Glomerular Filtration. 892
Tubular Reabsorption. 893
Tubular Secretion. 893
Urine Elimination 893
Regulation of Serum Calcium and Phosphate 894
Regulation of Blood Pressure 894
Hormonal Stimulation of Red Blood Cell Production 894
Age-Related Changes in the Urinary System 894
Nursing Assessment of the Urinary System 894
Health History 894
Chief Complaint 894
History of Present Illness 895
Past Medical History 895
Family History 895
Review of Systems 895
Functional Assessment 895
Physical Examination 895
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 896
Urine Tests 896
Urinalysis 896
Urine Culture and Sensitivity 896
Creatinine Clearance 896
Blood Tests 896
Blood Urea Nitrogen 896
Serum Creatinine 896
Serum Electrolytes 896
Radiographic Tests and Procedures 900
Kidneys, Ureters, and Bladder 900
Intravenous Pyelogram 900
Renal Arteriogram 900
Cystogram 900
Renal Scan 900
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 901
Renal Ultrasound 901
Invasive Procedures 901
Renal Biopsy 901
Cystoscopy 901
Urodynamic Studies 902
Cystogram and Voiding Cystourethrogram 902
Cystometrogram 902
Common Therapeutic Measures 902
Catheterization 902
Ureteral Catheter 903
Nephrostomy Tube 903
Urinary Stent 903
Urologic Surgery 903
Preoperative Care 903
Postoperative Care 903
Drug Therapy 903
Urinary Tract Inflammation and Infections 906
Urethritis 906
Signs and Symptoms 906
Medical Diagnosis 906
Unit XII Musculoskeletal Disorders 939
43 Connective Tissue Disorders 939
Objectives 939
Key Terms 939
Anatomy and Physiology of Connective Tissues 939
Bone 940
Cartilage 940
Ligaments 940
Tendons 940
Joint Structure and Function 940
Age-Related Changes 940
Nursing Assessment of Connective Tissue Structures 940
Health History 940
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness 940
Past Medical History 940
Accidents and Injuries. 941
Current and Past Medications. 941
Family History 941
Review of Systems 941
Functional Assessment 941
Physical Examination 941
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 941
Common Therapeutic Measures 942
Physical and Occupational Therapy 942
Education and Support 942
Drug Therapy 942
Surgical Treatment 949
Disorders of Connective Tissue Structures 949
Osteoarthritis 949
Pathophysiology 950
Signs and Symptoms 950
Medical Diagnosis 950
Medical Treatment 951
Physical Measures. 951
Drug Therapy. 951
Surgical Management. 951
Nursing Care of the Patient with Osteoarthritis 951
Assessment 951
Interventions 952
Chronic Pain 952
Impaired Physical Mobility 953
Ineffective Coping 954
Ineffective Self-Health Management 954
Nursing Care after Total Joint Replacement 954
Assessment 954
Interventions 955
Acute Pain 955
Risk for Injury 955
Impaired Physical Mobility 955
Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion 955
Risk for Infection 956
Anxiety or Fear 956
Deficient Knowledge 956
Rheumatoid Arthritis 956
Pathophysiology 956
Signs and Symptoms 957
Medical Diagnosis 958
Medical Treatment 958
Nursing Care of the Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis 959
Assessment 959
Interventions 959
Chronic Pain 959
Activity Intolerance 959
Ineffective Coping 960
Social Isolation 960
Ineffective Self-Health Management 960
Osteoporosis 960
Pathophysiology 960
Risk Factors 960
Signs and Symptoms 961
Medical Diagnosis 961
Medical Treatment 961
Nursing Care of the Patient with Osteoporosis 961
Assessment 961
Interventions 962
Risk for Trauma 962
Chronic Pain 962
Ineffective Self-Health Management 962
Gout 962
Pathophysiology 962
Signs and Symptoms 963
Medical Diagnosis 963
Medical Treatment 963
Nursing Care of the Patient with Gout 963
Assessment 963
Interventions 963
Acute Pain 963
Impaired Physical Mobility 964
Impaired Urinary Elimination 964
Ineffective Self-Health Management 964
Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) 964
Pathophysiology 965
Signs and Symptoms 965
Medical Diagnosis 965
Medical Treatment 965
Nursing Care of the Patient with Progressive Systemic Sclerosis 965
Assessment 965
Interventions 966
Impaired Skin Integrity 966
Self-Care Deficits (Bathing, Feeding, Toileting) 966
Chronic Pain 966
Social Isolation 966
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 966
Risk for Injury 967
Ineffective Self-Health Management 967
Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis 967
Pathophysiology 967
Signs and Symptoms 967
Medical Diagnosis 967
Medical Treatment 967
Nursing Care of the Patient with Polymyositis 967
Other Connective Tissue Disorders 968
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 969
Key Points 969
Additional Learning Resources 969
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 969
44 Fractures 971
Objectives 971
Key Terms 971
Classification of Fractures 971
Cause and Risk Factors 971
Fracture Healing 972
Complications 973
Infection 973
Fat Embolism 973
Deep Vein Thrombosis 974
Compartment Syndrome 974
Shock 974
Joint Stiffness and Contractures 974
Malunion, Nonunion, and Delayed Union 974
Posttraumatic Arthritis 975
Avascular Necrosis 975
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 975
Signs and Symptoms 975
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 975
Medical Treatment 976
Reduction 976
Fixation 976
Common Therapeutic Measures 977
Casts, Splints, and Immobilizers 977
Traction 979
Electrical Stimulation and Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) 980
Assistive Devices 980
Crutches 980
Gait Patterns 981
Walkers 982
Canes 982
Nursing Care of the Patient with a Fracture 983
Assessment 983
Health History 983
Physical Examination 983
Interventions 984
Acute Pain 984
Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion 984
Risk for Infection 984
Impaired Physical Mobility 984
Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity 984
Activity Intolerance 985
Management of Specific Fractures 985
Hip Fracture 985
Medical Diagnosis 985
Medical Treatment 985
Postoperative Nursing Care of the Patient with a Hip Fracture 986
Assessment 986
Nursing Diagnoses, Goals, and Outcome Criteria: Hip Fracture 986
Interventions 986
Colles Fracture 987
Unit XIII Reproductive Disorders 1005
46 Pituitary and Adrenal Disorders 1005
Objectives 1005
Key Terms 1005
Hormone Functions and Regulation 1005
Pituitary Gland 1006
Anatomy and Physiology of the Pituitary Gland 1006
Nursing Assessment of the Patient with a Pituitary Disorder 1007
Health History 1007
Present Illness 1007
Past Medical History 1008
Family History 1008
Review of Systems 1008
Functional Assessment 1008
Physical Examination 1008
Age-Related Changes 1008
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 1008
Radiographic Studies 1008
Laboratory Studies 1009
Disorders of the Pituitary Gland 1010
Hyperpituitarism 1010
Cause 1010
Prolactinemia. 1011
Gigantism. 1011
Acromegaly. 1011
Signs and Symptoms 1011
Medical Diagnosis 1011
Radiographic Studies. 1011
Laboratory Studies. 1011
Medical Treatment 1012
Surgical Management. 1012
Radiation. 1013
Drug Therapy. 1013
Nursing Care of the Patient with Hyperpituitarism 1013
Assessment 1013
Interventions 1013
Disturbed Body Image 1013
Activity Intolerance 1013
Chronic Pain 1015
Ineffective Self-Health Management 1015
Postoperative Nursing Care of the Patient with Hyperpituitarism 1015
Assessment 1015
Interventions 1016
Anxiety 1016
Decreased Intracranial Adaptive Capacity 1016
Acute Pain and Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane 1016
Risk for Injury 1016
Excess Fluid Volume or Deficient Fluid Volume 1017
Risk for Infection 1017
Hypopituitarism 1017
Cause and Pathophysiology 1017
Signs and Symptoms 1017
Medical Diagnosis 1017
Medical and Surgical Treatment 1018
Nursing Care of the Patient with Hypopituitarism 1018
Assessment 1018
Interventions 1018
Posterior Pituitary Disorders 1019
Diabetes Insipidus 1019
Cause 1019
Pathophysiology 1019
Signs and Symptoms 1019
Medical Diagnosis 1019
Nursing Care of the Patient with Diabetes Insipidus 1020
Assessment 1020
Interventions 1020
Anxiety and Disturbed Body Image 1020
Deficient Fluid Volume 1020
Activity Intolerance 1020
Ineffective Self-Health Management 1021
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone 1021
Cause 1021
Pathophysiology 1021
Signs and Symptoms 1021
Medical Diagnosis 1021
Medical Treatment 1021
Nursing Care of the Patient with Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone 1021
Assessment 1021
Interventions 1022
Risk for Injury 1022
Excess Fluid Volume 1022
Ineffective Self-Health Management 1022
Adrenal Glands 1022
Anatomy and Physiology of the Adrenal Glands 1022
Medulla 1022
Cortex 1023
Function of the Adrenal Glands 1023
Mineralocorticoids 1023
Renin, Angiotensin, and Aldosterone 1023
Glucocorticoids 1023
Sex Hormones 1024
Nursing Assessment of the Patient with an Adrenal Disorder 1024
Health History 1024
Present Illness 1024
Past Medical History 1024
Review of Systems 1024
Functional Assessment 1024
Physical Examination 1024
Age-Related Changes 1024
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 1024
Disorders of the Adrenal Glands 1024
Adrenal Hypofunction (Addison Disease) 1024
Cause 1024
Pathophysiology 1025
Acute Adrenal Crisis (Addisonian Crisis). 1025
Medical Diagnosis 1026
Laboratory Studies. 1026
Electrocardiogram. 1026
Radiographic Studies. 1027
Medical Treatment 1027
Nursing Care of the Patient with Addison Disease 1027
Assessment 1027
Interventions 1027
Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion 1027
Risk for Injury 1027
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 1030
Fatigue 1030
Disturbed Body Image 1030
Ineffective Self-Health Management 1030
Adrenal Hypersecretion (Cushing Syndrome) 1030
Cause 1030
Pathophysiology 1030
Medical Diagnosis 1031
Laboratory Studies. 1031
Radiographic Studies. 1031
Medical Treatment 1031
Drug Therapy. 1031
Radiation. 1031
Surgical Management. 1032
Nursing Care of the Patient with Cushing Syndrome 1032
Assessment 1032
Interventions 1032
Risk for Infection 1032
Anxiety 1032
Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity 1032
Risk for Injury 1032
Disturbed Body Image 1033
Ineffective Self-Health Management 1033
Nursing Care of the Adrenalectomy Patient 1033
Preoperative Nursing Care 1033
Postoperative Nursing Care 1033
Pheochromocytoma 1033
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1034
Key Points 1034
Additional Learning Resources 1034
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1034
47 Thyroid and Parathyroid Disorders 1036
Objectives 1036
Key Terms 1036
Thyroid Gland 1036
Anatomy and Physiology of the Thyroid Gland 1036
Age-Related Changes in Thyroid Function 1036
Nursing Assessment of the Thyroid Gland 1037
Health History 1037
Physical Examination 1037
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 1037
Disorders of the Thyroid Gland 1038
Hyperthyroidism 1038
Signs and Symptoms 1038
Complications 1038
Medical Diagnosis 1040
Medical Treatment 1040
Drug Therapy. 1040
Thionamides. 1040
Iodides. 1040
Radioactive Iodine. 1040
Surgical Treatment. 1040
Nursing Care of the Nonsurgical Patient with Hyperthyroidism 1041
Assessment 1041
Interventions 1042
Decreased Cardiac Output 1042
Disturbed Sleep Pattern 1042
Hyperthermia 1042
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 1042
Risk for Injury 1043
Impaired Comfort 1043
Diarrhea 1043
Nursing Care of the Patient Having a Thyroidectomy 1043
Assessment 1043
Preoperative Care 1043
Postoperative Care 1043
Interventions 1043
Ineffective Airway Clearance 1043
Decreased Cardiac Output 1045
Disturbed Body Image 1045
Acute Pain 1045
Risk for Infection 1045
Hypothyroidism 1045
Cause and Risk Factors 1046
Signs and Symptoms 1046
Medical Diagnosis 1047
Complications 1047
Medical Treatment 1047
Nursing Care of the Patient with Hypothyroidism 1047
Assessment 1047
Interventions 1048
Activity Intolerance 1048
Imbalanced Nutrition: More Than Body Requirements 1049
Hypothermia 1049
Constipation 1049
Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity 1049
Decreased Cardiac Output 1049
Acute Confusion 1049
Disturbed Body Image 1049
Fatigue 1049
Deficient Knowledge 1049
Goiter 1049
Simple Goiter 1049
Nodules 1050
Thyroid Cancer 1050
Parathyroid Glands 1050
Anatomy and Physiology of the Parathyroid Glands 1050
Nursing Assessment of Parathyroid Function 1051
Health History 1051
Physical Examination 1051
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 1051
Disorders of the Parathyroid Glands 1051
Hyperparathyroidism 1051
Signs and Symptoms 1051
Medical Diagnosis 1052
Medical Treatment 1052
Surgical Intervention. 1052
Drug Therapy. 1052
Nursing Care of the Patient with Hyperparathyroidism 1052
Assessment 1052
Interventions 1053
Activity Intolerance and Risk for Injury 1053
Impaired Urinary Elimination 1054
Constipation 1054
Deficient Knowledge 1054
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 1054
Postoperative Care 1054
Hypoparathyroidism 1054
Signs and Symptoms 1054
Medical Diagnosis 1055
Medical Treatment 1055
Nursing Care of the Patient with Hypoparathyroidism 1055
Assessment 1055
Interventions 1055
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1055
Key Points 1055
Additional Learning Resources 1056
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1056
48 Diabetes Mellitus and Hypoglycemia 1058
Objectives 1058
Key Terms 1058
Diabetes Mellitus 1058
Pathophysiology 1058
Role of Insulin 1059
Glucose. 1059
Fatty Acids. 1059
Protein. 1060
Cause 1060
Risk Factors 1060
Metabolic Syndrome 1060
Complications 1061
Long-Term Complications 1061
Microvascular Complications. 1061
Retinopathy. 1061
Nephropathy. 1061
Macrovascular Complications. 1061
Neuropathic Complications. 1062
Mononeuropathy. 1062
Polyneuropathy. 1062
Autonomic Neuropathy. 1062
Hypoglycemic Unawareness. 1062
Foot Complications of Diabetes. 1062
Prevention of Long-Term Complications. 1063
Acute Emergency Complications 1064
Acute Hypoglycemia. 1064
Treatment. 1064
Diabetic Ketoacidosis. 1064
Dehydration. 1065
Electrolyte Imbalance. 1065
Acidosis. 1065
Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome. 1066
Medical Diagnosis 1066
Prediabetes 1066
Medical Treatment 1066
Nutritional Management 1066
Exercise 1068
Insulin Therapy 1069
Route. 1070
Concentrations. 1070
Premixed Insulin Products. 1070
Dosing Schedules. 1071
Conventional Therapy. 1071
Basal-Bolus Insulin Therapy. 1071
Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion. 1071
Insulin Injection. 1071
Insulin Pump. 1072
Oral Hypoglycemics (Antihyperglycemics or Antidiabetics) 1073
Sulfonylureas. 1073
Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors. 1073
Biguanides. 1074
Thiazolidinediones. 1074
Meglitinides and d-Phenylalanines. 1074
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors. 1074
Sodium Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors. 1074
Combination Oral Medications. 1074
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose. 1075
Glycosylated Glucose Levels 1075
Complications of Therapy 1077
Hypoglycemia. 1077
Somogyi Phenomenon. 1077
Dawn Phenomenon. 1077
Nursing Care of the Patient with Diabetes Mellitus 1077
Assessment 1077
Health History 1077
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness. 1077
Past Medical History. 1077
Family History. 1077
Review of Systems. 1077
Functional Assessment. 1078
Physical Examination 1078
Interventions 1078
Ineffective Self-Health Management 1079
Ineffective Family Therapeutic Regimen Management 1082
Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume 1083
Risk for Injury 1083
Activity Intolerance 1083
Chronic Pain 1083
Impaired Skin Integrity 1083
Acute Confusion 1083
Ineffective Coping 1083
Hypoglycemia 1084
Pathophysiology 1084
Signs and Symptoms 1084
Medical Diagnosis 1084
Medical Treatment 1084
Nursing Care of the Patient with Hypoglycemia 1086
Assessment 1086
Interventions 1086
Deficient Knowledge 1086
Risk for Injury 1086
Ineffective Self-Health Management 1086
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1086
Key Points 1086
Additional Learning Resources 1087
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1087
Unit XIV Reproductive Disorders 1088
49 Female Reproductive Disorders 1088
Objectives 1088
Key Terms 1088
Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Reproductive System 1088
External Genitalia 1088
Internal Genitalia 1089
Breasts 1089
Menstrual Cycle 1089
Nursing Assessment of the Female Reproductive System 1092
Health History 1092
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness 1092
Past Medical History 1092
Menstrual History. 1092
Obstetric-Gynecologic History. 1092
Family History 1092
Review of Systems 1092
Functional Assessment 1092
Physical Examination 1092
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 1093
Pelvic Examination 1093
Stains and Cultures 1094
Endometrial and Cervical Biopsies 1095
Colposcopy 1095
Culdoscopy 1095
Laparoscopy 1096
Dilation and Curettage 1096
Mammography 1096
Breast Self-Examination 1097
Breast Biopsy 1097
Common Therapeutic Measures 1098
Douching 1098
Cauterization 1098
Application of Heat 1098
Drug Therapy 1099
Surgical Procedures 1099
Disorders of the Female Reproductive System 1103
Uterine Bleeding Disorders 1103
Pathophysiology 1103
Cause and Risk Factors 1103
Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 1103
Nursing Care of the Patient with Uterine Bleeding 1103
Assessment 1103
Interventions 1105
Deficient Knowledge 1105
Anxiety 1105
Infections 1105
Vulvitis and Vaginitis 1105
Pathophysiology. 1105
Cause and Risk Factors. 1105
Signs and Symptoms. 1105
Complications. 1105
Unit XV Integumentary Disorders 1183
52 Skin Disorders 1183
Objectives 1183
Key Terms 1183
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin 1183
Functions of the Skin 1183
Protection 1183
Temperature Regulation 1184
Secretion 1184
Sensation 1184
Synthesis of Vitamin D 1184
Blood Reservoir 1184
Age-Related Changes in the Skin 1184
Nursing Assessment of the Skin 1185
Health History 1185
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness 1185
Past Medical History 1185
Review of Systems 1185
Functional Assessment 1185
Physical Examination 1186
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 1188
Culture and Microscopic Examination of Skin Specimens 1188
Wood’s Light Examination 1188
Patch Testing for Allergy 1188
Biopsy 1188
Common Therapeutic Measures 1188
Dressings 1188
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy 1190
Soaks and Wet Wraps 1190
Phototherapy 1190
Drug Therapy 1190
Disorders of the Skin 1190
Pruritus 1190
Cause and Risk Factors 1193
Medical Treatment 1193
Nursing Care of the Patient with Pruritus 1193
Assessment 1193
Interventions 1193
Inflammatory Conditions and Infections 1194
Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) 1194
Pathophysiology. 1194
Cause and Risk Factors. 1194
Medical Diagnosis. 1194
Medical Treatment. 1194
Nursing Care of the Patient with Atopic Dermatitis 1194
Assessment 1194
Interventions 1194
Impaired Skin Integrity 1194
Risk for Infection 1195
Disturbed Body Image 1195
Contact Dermatitis 1195
Seborrheic Dermatitis 1195
Pathophysiology. 1195
Cause and Risk Factors. 1195
Medical Diagnosis. 1195
Medical Treatment. 1195
Nursing Care of the Patient with Seborrheic Dermatitis 1195
Assessment 1195
Interventions 1195
Psoriasis 1196
Pathophysiology. 1196
Cause and Risk Factors. 1196
Medical Diagnosis. 1196
Medical Treatment. 1196
Nursing Care of the Patient with Psoriasis 1196
Assessment 1196
Interventions 1197
Ineffective Self-Health Management 1197
Disturbed Body Image 1197
Social Isolation 1197
Intertrigo 1197
Pathophysiology. 1197
Unit XVI Disorders of the Eyes and Ears 1219
53 Eye and Vision Disorders 1219
Objectives 1219
Key Terms 1219
Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye 1219
External Structures 1219
Eyeball 1220
Sclera 1220
Choroid 1220
Retina 1220
Optic Nerve 1220
Fluid Chambers 1221
Anterior Chamber. 1221
Posterior Chamber. 1221
Lens 1221
Visual Pathway 1221
Age-Related Changes in the Eye 1222
Nursing Assessment of the Eye 1222
Health History 1222
History of Present Illness 1222
Past Medical History 1222
Family History 1222
Functional Assessment 1222
Physical Examination 1222
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 1223
Ophthalmoscopic Examination 1224
Refractometry 1224
Visual Fields 1224
Tonometry 1224
Measure of Electrical Potential 1224
Fluorescein Angiography and Corneal Staining 1225
Imaging Procedures 1226
Amsler Grid Test 1226
Common Therapeutic Measures 1226
Eye Irrigation 1226
Topical Medications 1227
Eye Surgery 1229
Preoperative Nursing Care 1229
Unit XVII Mental Health and Illness 1272
55 Psychologic Responses to Illness 1272
Objectives 1272
Key Terms 1272
Definition of Mental Health 1272
Stress 1273
Homeostasis 1274
Personality 1274
Growth and Development 1274
Behavioral Theory 1274
Psychologic Responses to Illness 1274
Coping with Illness 1274
Factors That Affect Coping with Illness 1275
Age. 1275
Cultural Beliefs. 1275
Spirituality. 1275
Self-Concept. 1276
Family and Community Resources. 1276
Emotions. 1276
Stress. 1276
Fear. 1277
Anxiety. 1277
Loss. 1277
Grief and Mourning. 1277
Coping Mechanisms and Strategies 1278
Defense Mechanisms 1278
Conscious Coping Strategies 1278
Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms and Strategies 1279
Helplessness 1279
Powerlessness 1279
Denial 1279
Nursing Process in Illness 1280
Assessment 1280
Nursing Diagnosis 1280
Nursing Goals, Outcome Criteria, and Interventions 1280
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1281
Key Points 1281
Additional Learning Resources 1281
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1281
56 Psychiatric Disorders 1283
Objectives 1283
Key Terms 1283
Establishing Therapeutic Relationships 1284
Being Available 1284
Listening 1284
Clarifying 1284
Sharing Observations 1284
Accepting Silence 1285
Nursing Assessment of the Psychiatric Patient 1285
Mental Status Examination 1286
Appearance 1286
Mood and Affect 1286
Speech and Language 1286
Thought Content 1286
Perceptual Disturbances 1287
Insight and Judgment 1287
Sensorium 1287
Memory and Attention 1287
General Intellectual Level 1287
Suicide Risk Assessment 1287
Types of Psychiatric Disorders 1287
Anxiety Disorders 1287
Panic Disorder 1288
Specific Phobia 1288
Agoraphobia 1288
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 1288
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 1288
Acute Stress Disorder 1289
Somatic Symptom Disorder 1289
Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurologic Symptom Disorder) 1289
Illness Anxiety Disorder 1289
Dissociative Disorders 1289
Medical Treatment 1290
Drug Therapy. 1290
Nursing Care of the Patient with an Anxiety Disorder, Somatic Symptom Disorder, or Dissociative Disorder 1291
Assessment 1291
Interventions 1291
Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorders 1291
Cause and Risk Factors 1291
Medical Treatment 1292
Drug Therapy. 1292
Nursing Care of the Patient with Schizophrenia 1294
Assessment 1294
Interventions 1294
Acute Confusion 1294
Disturbed Personal Identity 1294
Impaired Verbal Communication 1294
Self-Neglect 1295
Schizoaffective Disorder 1295
Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders 1295
Cause and Risk Factors 1295
Medical Treatment 1295
Drug Therapy. 1295
Electroconvulsive Therapy. 1296
Nursing Care of the Patient with Major Depression 1298
Assessment 1298
Interventions 1298
Risk for Self-Directed Violence 1298
Chronic Low Self-Esteem or Situational Low Self-Esteem 1298
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 1298
Disturbed Sleep Pattern 1298
Nursing Care of the Patient with Bipolar Disorder with Manic Episodes 1299
Assessment 1299
Interventions 1300
Risk for Injury 1300
Risk for Other-Directed Violence 1300
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 1300
Disturbed Sleep Pattern 1300
Neurocognitive Disorders 1300
Personality Disorders 1301
Borderline Personality Disorder 1301
Nursing Care of the Patient with Borderline Personality Disorder 1302
Assessment 1302
Interventions 1302
Risk for Self-Directed Violence and Risk for Self-Mutilation 1302
Impaired Social Interaction 1302
Disturbed Personal Identity 1302
Summary 1302
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1302
Key Points 1302
Additional Learning Resources 1303
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1303
57 Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders 1305
Objectives 1305
Key Terms 1305
The Science of Addiction 1305
Cause and Risk Factors 1306
Biology and Genes 1306
Environmental Factors 1306
Other Factors 1307
Comorbidity 1307
Prescription Drugs 1307
Prevention and Treatment 1307
Prevention 1307
Treatment 1308
Gambling Disorder 1308
Nursing Assessment of the Person with an Addiction 1309
Health History 1309
Patterns and Consequences of Substance Use and Addictive Disorders 1309
Defense Mechanisms 1309
Physical Examination 1310
Diagnostic Tests 1310
Blood Alcohol Study 1310
Urine Drug Screening 1310
Hair Analysis 1310
Substance-Related Disorders 1310
Alcohol and Alcoholism 1312
Medical Complications 1313
Wernicke Encephalopathy. 1313
Korsakoff Psychosis. 1313
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. 1313
Treatment for Alcohol Addiction 1313
Intervention. 1314
Detoxification. 1314
Rehabilitation. 1314
Alcoholics Anonymous. 1314
Relapse Prevention. 1315
Aftercare and Recovery. 1316
Medications. 1316
Caffeine 1317
Cannabis (Marijuana) 1318
Hallucinogens 1318
LSD 1318
PCP 1318
Inhalants 1318
Opioids 1318
Heroin 1318
Sedatives, Hypnotics, and Anxiolytics 1319
Stimulants 1319
Amphetamines 1319
Methamphetamine. 1319
Cocaine 1319
Crack 1320
Tobacco 1320
Other or Unknown Substances 1320
Conditions Associated with Substance use Disorders 1320
Treatment for Substance use Disorders 1321
Detoxification 1321
Medications 1321
Methadone 1321
Clonidine 1321
Naloxone 1322
Rehabilitation 1322
Aftercare and Recovery 1322
Methadone Maintenance 1322
Nursing Care of the Person with a Substance Use Disorder 1323
Assessment 1323
Interventions 1323
Special Problems for Populations of People with Substance Use Disorders 1324
Older Adults 1324
Adolescents 1325
Comorbidity or Dual Diagnosis 1325
Peer Assistance Programs 1326
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1326
Key Points 1326
Additional Learning Resources 1327
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1327
Glossary 1329
A 1329
B 1330
C 1330
D 1332
E 1333
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Index 1343
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