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Mosby's Nursing Drug Cards E-Book

Mosby's Nursing Drug Cards E-Book

Patricia A. Nutz | Joseph A. Albanese


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Get a head start in becoming a pharmacology pro with Mosby's Nursing Drug Cards! More than 375 pre-made cards make it easy to find pharmacologic details and nursing management guidelines for over 750 generic and 600 brand-name drugs. Each durable 4 x 6-inch card lists the most up-to-date nursing information — including descriptions, use(s), mechanism(s), pharmacokinetics, side/adverse effects, contraindications/precautions, interactions, dosing, and nursing management priorities. Organized alphabetically, these all-in-one cards are your portable way to drug proficiency!

  • Coverage of over 750 generic and 600 brand-name drugs provides one-stop access to the information most needed for clinical practice.
  • Alphabetic organization helps you find information quickly.
  • Portable 4x6-inch cards are smaller than most drug cards and fit easily into a pocket.
  • Consistent format features a drug’s generic name, pronunciation, category, pregnancy category, brand name, dosage forms, use, action, pharmacokinetics, side/adverse effects, contraindications, interactions, dosage, and nursing management priorities.
  • Black Box Warnings highlight high-alert drugs.
  • Nursing management priorities follow a nursing process format: assess, diagnose, implement, and evaluate.
  • Comprehensive index contains generic and trade names, drug classes and combination products.
  • Tall Man lettering offers an easy, visual way to differentiate between similar drug names.
  • Drug side effects information distinguishes between common and life-threatening side effects for drugs.
  • Critical Thinking fill-in-the-blank card may be used on any drug prompting you to think about the drug category, action, patient teaching, and more.
  • NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses for all drug categories show the application of nursing diagnoses in pharmacology.
  • Information on nutritional supplements found in the appendix includes information on both herbal and non-herbal supplements.
  • Drug interaction information includes subheadings for drug, food, and laboratory interactions.
  • Drug pronunciations are listed for each generic drug and drug category.
  • Common conversion formulas are found on the inside lid of the box.
  • Dosage calculation formulas are listed in the appendix.
  • Blank card template lets you create additional cards.
  • NEW! 15 additional drugs and drug categories have been added to this edition to reflect the most recent FDA-approved drugs.
  • NEW! 100 new drug facts offer the latest information on dosage forms, new brand names, contraindications, side effects, actions, drug interactions, uses, and nursing management priorities.
  • NEW! Condensed category cards feature more concise information to help you easily find the information you need.