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Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology - E-Book

Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology - E-Book

Bradley G. Klein


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Book Details


Understanding the normal functions of the body is essential for successful veterinary practice and for understanding the mechanisms of disease. The 5th edition of Textbook of Veterinary Physiology approaches this vast subject in a practical, user-friendly way that helps you understand how key concepts relate to clinical practice. From cell physiology to body system function to homeostasis and immune function, this comprehensive text gives you the solid foundation you need to provide effective veterinary care.

  • Clinical Correlations boxes present case studies that illustrate how to apply physiology principles and concepts to the diagnosis and treatment of veterinary patients.
  • Key Points at the beginning of each chapter introduce new concepts and help you prepare for exams.
  • Practice questions at the end of each chapter test your understanding of what you’ve just read and provide valuable review for exams.
  • Full-color format highlights helpful information and enhances learning with a wealth of illustrations that visually depict specific functions and conditions.
  • Expanded resources on the companion Evolve website include state-of-the-art 3D animations, practice questions, a glossary, and additional Clinical Correlations not found in the text.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Endsheets 2-3 FM1
Evolve page FM3
Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology i
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Contributors vi
Preface ix
Table of Contents xi
Section I The Cell 1
Chapter 1 The Molecular and Cellular Bases of Physiological Regulation 1
Key Points 1
All Physiological Change Is Mediated by Proteins 1
Protein Function Depends on Protein Shape and Shape Changes 2
A Series of Enzymatic Reactions Converts Tyrosine into the Signaling Molecules Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Epinephrine 3
Muscle Contraction and its Initiation and Cessation Depend on the Binding Specificity and Allosteric Properties of Proteins 4
Biological Membranes Are a Mosaic of Proteins Embedded in a Phospholipid Bilayer 5
Transport 7
Only Small, Uncharged Molecules and Oily Molecules Can Penetrate Biomembranes Without the Aid of Proteins 7
Molecules Move Spontaneously from Regions of High Free Energy to Regions of Lower Free Energy 7
Important Transport Equations Summarize the Contributions of the Various Driving Forces 8
Starling’s Hypothesis Relates Fluid Flow Across the Capillaries to Hydrostatic Pressure and Osmotic Pressure 9
Membrane Proteins that Serve the Triple Functions of Selective Transport, Catalysis, and Coupling Can Pump Ions and Molecules to Regions of Higher Free Energy 9
Many Membrane Proteins Selectively Facilitate the Transport of Ions/Molecules from High to Low Electrochemical Potential 11
Passive Transport of K+ Across the Plasma Membrane Creates an Electrical Potential 12
Spatial Organization of Active and Passive Transport Proteins Enables Material to Pass Completely Through the Cell 13
Membrane Fusion Allows for a Combination of Compartmentalization and Transport of Material 14
Information Transmission and Transduction 15
Cell Signaling Usually Occurs by a Lengthy Chain of Sequential Molecular Interactions 15
Signaling Pathways Begin with the Binding of an Extracellular Molecule to a Receptor 16
Specific Physiological Information Is Inherent in the Receptor/Ligand Complex, Not in the Hormone/Neurotransmitter Molecule 16
G-Protein–Coupled Receptors Are the Largest Family (a Superfamily) of Receptors and Help Regulate Almost All Physiological Processes 16
Most G-Protein–Linked Information Is Sent to the Cytoplasm by Second Messengers 19
Ca2+ Transport Across Plasma and Intracellular Membranes Is an Important Second Messenger 19
Cyclic Amp Is Produced by Activation of a Membrane-Bound Enzyme in Response to Hormone/Neurotransmitter Binding to Receptors 20
The Receptor-Mediated Hydrolysis of a Rare Phospholipid of the Plasma Membrane Produces Two Different Second Messengers with Different Actions 23
Steroid Hormones and Other Lipid Signals Interact with Nuclear Receptors, Which Are Transcription Factors Within the Cell 24
Clinical Correlations 25
Peripheral Edema 25
History. 25
Clinical Examination. 26
Comment. 26
Treatment. 26
Practice Questions 26
Bibliography 26
Chapter 2 Cancer: 27
Key Points 27
Cancer Arises from Genetic Dysfunction in the Regulation of the Cell Cycle, Cell Life Span, and Cell Suicide 28
Control of the Cell Cycle (Proliferation) 29
Cell Division Is the Result of a Clocklike Cell Cycle 29
Cyclin-Dependent Kinases Are the “Engines” Driving the Cell Cycle 29
The CDK “Engines” Are Controlled by Both Throttle (Oncogene) and Brake (Tumor Suppressor) Controls 30
Growth Factor Pathway: Stimulator of Cell Proliferation 31
The Cell Cycle Is Stimulated by Growth Factors that Bind to and Activate Receptor Tyrosine Kinases 31
The Ras Oncogene Contributes to Many Cancers and Serves as a Model for Understanding Small G Proteins 32
The MAP Kinase Pathway Leads to the Expression of Cyclins and Other Stimulators of the Cell Cycle 33
The MAP Kinase Pathway also Mediates the Stimulation of the Cell Cycle by Cell Adhesion 33
Tumor Suppressors: Inhibitors of Cell Cycle 34
Checkpoints in the Cell Cycle Are Manned by Tumor Suppressors 34
The Retinoblastoma and P53 Proteins Are the Main Gatekeepers for the Cell Cycle 35
Mechanisms Regulating Cell Suicide and Cell Life Span 37
Apoptosis Is the Process of Cell Suicide 37
Resistance to Apoptosis Via the Intrinsic Pathway Is a Hallmark of Cancer 38
Cellular Life Span Is Determined by Dna Sequences at the Ends of Chromosomes 39
Tumor Origin and the Spread of Cancer 40
Cancer Cells May Be Related to Stem Cells 40
Death by Cancer Is Usually the Result of Its Spread, Not the Original Tumor 41
Growth of Solid Tumors Depends on Development of New Blood Vessels 43
Prospective Cancer Therapy 44
Cancer Therapy Has a Hopeful but Challenging Future 44
Clinical Correlations 45
Dog That Collapsed While Running 45
History. 45
Clinical Examination. 45
Comment. 46
Treatment. 46
Practice Questions 46
Vocabulary 46
Bibliography 47
Section II Neurophysiology 48
Chapter 3 Introduction to the Nervous System 48
Key Points 48
The Neuron Is the Major Functional Unit of the Nervous System 48
The Mammalian Nervous System Has Two Major Subdivisions: the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System 48
The Central Nervous System Can Be Divided Into Six Anatomical Regions 49
The Central Nervous System Is Protected By the Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid 51
The Nervous System Collects and Integrates Sensory Information, Formulates a Response Plan, and Produces a Motor Output 51
Clinical Correlations 52
Neurological Disease in a Horse 52
History. 52
Clinical Examination. 52
Comment. 52
Treatment. 52
Practice Questions 52
Bibliography 52
Chapter 4 The Neuron 53
Key Points 53
Neurons Have Four Distinct Anatomical Regions 53
Neuronal Membranes Contain a Resting Electrical Membrane Potential 54
The Resting Membrane Potential Is the Result of Three Major Determinants 54
The Resting Membrane Potential Can Be Changed By Synaptic Signals from a Presynaptic Cell 56
Action Potentials Begin at the Axon’s Initial Segment and Spread Down the Entire Length of the Axon 57
Clinical Correlations 58
Hypoglycemia 58
History. 58
Clinical Examination. 58
Comment. 58
Section III Cardiovascular Physiology 158
Chapter 18 Overview of Cardiovascular Function 158
Key Points 158
Because Normal Cardiovascular Function Is Essential for Life and Health, a Practical Understanding of Cardiovascular Function and Dysfunction Is Vital to the Veterinary Clinician 158
Cardiovascular Dysfunctions Sometimes Reflect Primary Cardiovascular Disturbances or Diseases, But More Often They Are Secondary Consequences of Noncardiovascular Disturbances or Diseases 159
Substances Transported by the Cardiovascular System Include Nutrients, Waste Products, Hormones, Electrolytes, and Water 159
Two Modes of Transport Are Used in the Cardiovascular System: Bulk Flow and Diffusion 160
Because Diffusion Is Very Slow, Every Metabolically Active Cell in the Body Must Be Close to a Capillary Carrying Blood by Bulk Flow 160
The Pulmonary and Systemic Circulations Are Arranged In Series, But the Various Organs Within the Systemic Circulation Are Arranged in Parallel 162
Cardiac Output Is the Volume of Blood Pumped Each Minute by One Ventricle 163
The Perfusion Pressure for the Systemic Circulation Is Much Greater Than the Perfusion Pressure for the Pulmonary Circulation 163
Each Type of Blood Vessel Has Physical Properties Suited to Its Particular Function 164
Blood Is a Suspension of Cells in Extracellular Fluid (Plasma) 165
The Cellular Component of Blood Includes Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and Platelets 166
Most of the Oxygen in Blood Is Carried in Chemical Combination with the Protein Hemoglobin Within Red Blood Cells 167
Clinical Correlations 168
Lethargic Kid Goat 168
History. 168
Clinical Examination. 168
Section IV Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract 263
Chapter 27 Regulation of the Gastrointestinal Functions 263
Key Points 263
The Gastrointestinal Tract, or Gut, Supplies the Body with Nutrients, Electrolytes, and Water by Performing Five Functions: Motility, Secretion, Digestion, Absorption, and Storage 263
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Control Systems Regulate Various Functions of the Gut 263
The Intrinsic Neuronal Control System of the Gastrointestinal Tract Is the Enteric Nervous System 265
The Intrinsic Hormonal Control System of the Gut Consists of Five Hormones Including Secretin, Gastrin, Cholecystokinin, Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide, and Motilin 268
Secretin 269
Gastrin 269
Cholecystokinin 270
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide 270
Motilin 270
The Immune System of the Gut Is Extensive and Interacts with the Gastrointestinal Regulatory Systems to Control the Various Functions of the Gut 270
The Extrinsic Neuronal Control System of the Gut Is Comprised of Two Nerves: the Vagus and the Splanchnic 270
The Vagus Nerve 270
The Splanchnic Nerve 271
The Extrinsic Hormonal Control System of the Gut Is Limited to One Hormone: Aldosterone 271
Aldosterone 271
Acknowledgment 271
Practice Questions 272
Bibliography 273
Chapter 28 Motility Patterns of the Gastrointestinal Tract 274
Key Points 274
Slow Waves of Electrical Depolarization Are a Unique Feature of Gut Smooth Muscle 274
When Slow Waves Reach Sensitized Smooth Muscle Cells, Action Potentials and Contraction Result 275
Coordinated Motility Enables the Lips, Tongue, Mouth, and Pharynx to Grasp Food and Propel It Down the Gastrointestinal Tract 276
Motility of the Esophagus Propels Food from the Pharynx to the Stomach 277
The Function of the Stomach Is to Process Food into a Fluid Consistency and Release It into the Intestine at a Controlled Rate 278
The Proximal Stomach Stores Food Awaiting Further Gastric Processing in the Distal Stomach 278
The Distal Stomach Grinds and Sifts Food Entering the Small Intestine 278
Control of Gastric Motility Differs in the Proximal and Distal Stomach 279
The Rate of Gastric Emptying Must Match the Small Intestine’s Rate of Digestion and Absorption 279
Between Meals, the Stomach Is Cleared of Indigestible Material 280
Vomiting Is a Complex Reflex Coordinated from the Brainstem 280
Motility of the Small Intestine Has Digestive and Interdigestive Phases 281
The Ileocecal Sphincter Prevents Movement of Colon Contents Back into the Ileum 281
Motility of the Colon Causes Mixing, Retropulsion, and Propulsion of Ingesta 281
The Colon Is an Important Site of Storage and Absorption in All Animals 282
Despite Large Anatomical Differences in the Colons of Herbivores Compared to Omnivores and Carnivores, There Are Similarities in Motility 283
The Anal Sphincter Has Two Layers with Separate Innervation 283
The Rectosphincteric Reflex Is Important in Defecation 283
Major Differences Between Avian and Mammalian Digestive Systems Include, in Birds, Both the Lack of Teeth and the Separation of Gastric Functions into Distinct Anatomical Regions 284
Clinical Correlations 285
Equine Rabies 285
History. 285
Clinical Examination. 285
Comment. 285
Treatment. 285
Practice Questions 285
Bibliography 286
Chapter 29 Secretions of the Gastrointestinal Tract 288
Key Points 288
The Salivary Glands 288
Saliva Moistens, Lubricates, and Partially Digests Food 288
Salivary Secretions Originate in the Gland Acini and Are Modified in the Collecting Ducts 288
Salivary Glands Are Regulated by the Parasympathetic Nervous System 289
Ruminant Saliva Is a Bicarbonate-Phosphate Buffer Secreted in Large Quantities 289
Gastric Secretion 289
Depending on the Species, There May Be Two General Types of Gastric Mucosa: Glandular and Nonglandular 289
The Gastric Mucosa Contains Many Different Cell Types 290
The Gastric Glands Secrete Hydrochloric Acid 290
Pepsin Is Secreted by Gastric Chief Cells in an Inactive Form and Is Subsequently Activated in the Stomach Lumen 291
The Parietal Cells Are Stimulated to Secrete by the Action of Acetylcholine, Gastrin, and Histamine 291
The Pancreas 291
Pancreatic Exocrine Secretions Are Indispensable for the Digestion of the Complex Nutrients: Proteins, Starches, and Triglycerides 291
Acinar Cells Secrete Enzymes, Whereas Centroacinar Cells and Duct Cells Secrete an Electrolyte Solution Rich in Sodium Bicarbonate 291
Pancreatic Cells Have Cell Surface Receptors Stimulated by Acetylcholine, Cholecystokinin, and Secretin 292
Bile Secretion 292
The Liver Is an Acinar Gland with Small Acinar Lumina Known as Canaliculi 292
Bile Contains Phospholipids and Cholesterol Maintained in Aqueous Solution by the Detergent Action of Bile Acids 293
The Gallbladder Stores and Concentrates Bile During the Periods Between Feeding 294
Bile Secretion Is Initiated by the Presence of Food in the Duodenum and Stimulated by the Return of Bile Acids to the Liver 294
Clinical Correlations 294
Horse in Pain with Weight Loss 294
History. 294
Clinical Examination. 294
Comment. 294
Section V Endocrinology 359
Chapter 33 The Endocrine System 359
Key Points 359
General Concepts 359
Hormones Are Chemicals Produced by Specific Tissues That Are Transported by the Vascular System to Affect Other Tissues at Low Concentrations 359
The Endocrine and Nervous Systems Are Integrated in Their Control of Physiological Processes 360
Synthesis of Hormones 360
Protein Hormones Are Initially Synthesized as Preprohormones and Then Cleaved in the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum to Form Prohormones and in the Golgi Apparatus to Form the Active Hormones, Which Are Stored in Granules Before Being Released by Exocytosis 360
Steroids Are Synthesized from Cholesterol, Which Is Synthesized by the Liver; Steroids Are Not Stored but Are Released as They Are Synthesized 361
Transport of Hormones in the Blood 361
Protein Hormones Are Hydrophilic and Carried in the Plasma in Dissolved Form 361
Steroids and Thyroid Hormones Are Lipophilic and Carried in Plasma in Association with Both Specific and Nonspecific Binding Proteins; the Amount of Unbound, Active Hormone Is Relatively Small 363
Hormone-Cell Interaction 363
Protein Hormones Have Specific Receptors on Target Tissue Plasma Membranes, Whereas Steroids Have Specific Receptors Within the Cytoplasm or Nucleus 363
Postreceptor Cell Responses 363
Steroids Interact Directly with the Cell Nucleus Through the Formation of a Complex with Its Cytosolic Receptor, Whereas Protein Hormones Need a Messenger Because They Cannot Enter the Cell 363
Metabolism of Hormones 365
Steroid Hormones Are Metabolized by Conjugation with Sulfates and Glucuronides, Which Makes Steroids Water Soluble 365
Feedback Control Mechanisms 365
The Most Important Feedback Control for Hormones Is the Negative-Feedback System, in Which Increased Hormone Concentrations Result in Less Production of the Hormone, Usually Through an Interaction with the Hypothalamus or Pituitary Gland 365
Endocrine Secretory Patterns Can Be Influenced by Factors Such as Sleep or Light and Can Produce Circadian Rhythms 366
The Hypothalamus 366
The Hypothalamus Coordinates the Activity of the Pituitary Gland Through the Secretion of Peptides and Amines 366
The Pituitary Gland 366
The Neurohypophysis Has Cell Bodies That Originate in the Hypothalamus, with Cell Endings That Secrete Oxytocin and Vasopressin 366
Oxytocin and Vasopressin Are Synthesized in Cell Bodies Within the Hypothalamus and Are Carried by Axon Flow to the Posterior Lobe, Where They Are Released 367
The Main Effects of Oxytocin Are on the Contraction of Smooth Muscle (Mammary Gland and Uterus); the Effects of Vasopressin Are Primarily on the Conservation of Water (Antidiuresis) and Secondarily on Blood Pressure 367
Plasma Osmolality Controls the Secretion of Vasopressin 367
The Anterior Pituitary Produces Growth Hormone, Prolactin, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, and Corticotropin 369
Adenohypophyseal Activity Is Controlled by Hypothalamic Releasing Hormones, Which Are Released into the Portal System, Which in Turn Connects the Median Eminence of the Hypothalamus and the Anterior Pituitary Gland 370
Clinical Correlations 372
Equine Cushing’s Disease 372
History. 372
Clinical Examination. 372
Comment. 372
Section VI Reproduction and Lactation 408
Chapter 35 Control of Gonadal and Gamete Development 408
Key Points 408
Development of the Reproductive System 408
Organization of the Gonads Is Under Genetic Control (Genetic Sexual Differentiation) 408
Sexual Orientation of the Genitalia and Brain Depends on the Presence or Absence of Testosterone 408
Hypothalamopituitary Control of Reproduction 410
The Hypothalamus and Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis) Secrete Protein and Peptide Hormones, Which Control Gonadal Activity 410
The Adenohypophysis (Pars Distalis) Produces Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, and Prolactin, All of Which Control Reproductive Processes 410
Modification of Gonadotropin Release 411
The Pulsatile Release of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Induces the Critical Pulsatile Production of the Gonadotropins, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) 411
Gonadotropin Release Is then Modulated by the Process of Negative Feedback from Estrogen and Progesterone 411
Ovarian Follicle Development 413
Gamete Development Occurs Initially Without Gonadotropin Support and Subsequently with Pulsatile Gonadotropin Secretion 413
In the Preantral Follicle, Gonadotropin Receptors for Luteinizing Hormone Develop on the Theca, Which Results in Androgen Synthesis; Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Directs the Granulosa to Transform the Androgens to Estrogens 413
Late in the Ovarian Follicular Phase, Luteinizing Hormone Receptors Develop on the Granulosa, Which Permits the Preovulatory Surge of Luteinizing Hormone to Cause Ovulation 414
Clinical Correlations 414
Androgen Insensitivity 414
History. 414
Clinical Examination. 414
Comment. 414
Treatment. 414
Practice Questions 414
Bibliography 415
Chapter 36 Control of Ovulation and the Corpus Luteum 416
Key Points 416
Ovulation 416
Ovulatory Follicles Are Selected at the Onset of Luteolysis (in Large Domestic Animals) 416
Ovulation Is Caused by an Estrogen-Induced Preovulatory Surge of Gonadotropins 416
Corpus Luteum 418
The Corpus Luteum Secretes Progesterone, Which Is Essential for Pregnancy 418
Luteinizing Hormone Is Important for the Maintenance of the Corpus Luteum 418
Regression of the Corpus Luteum in Nonpregnant Large Domestic Animals Is Controlled by Uterine Secretion of Prostaglandin F2α 418
Changes in Luteal Life Span in Large Domestic Animals Occur Because of Changes in Prostaglandin F2α Synthesis by the Uterus 419
Ovarian Cycles 420
In Spontaneously Ovulating Animals, Ovarian Cycles Have Two Phases: Follicular and Luteal; Animals That Require Copulation for Ovulation Can Have Only a Follicular Phase 420
The Luteal Phase Is Modified by Copulation in Some Species 420
Clinical Correlations 420
Inability to Impregnate a Mare 420
History. 420
Clinical Examination. 420
Comment. 420
Treatment. 420
Persistent luteal phase in the mare 421
History. 421
Clinical Examination. 421
Comment. 421
Treatment. 421
Practice Questions 421
Bibliography 422
Chapter 37 Reproductive Cycles 423
Key Points 423
Reproductive Cycles 423
The Two Types of Reproductive Cycles Are Estrual and Menstrual 423
Puberty and Reproductive Senescence 424
Puberty Is the Time When Animals Initially Release Mature Germ Cells 424
Reproductive Senescence in Primates Occurs Because of Ovarian Inadequacy, Not Inadequacy of Gonadotropin Secretion 426
Sexual Behavior 426
Sexual Receptivity Is Keyed by the Interaction of the Hormones Estrogen and Progesterone via Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone in the Female and Testosterone in the Male 426
External Factors Controlling Reproductive Cycles 427
Photoperiod, Lactation, Nutrition, and Animal Interaction Are Important Factors That Affect Reproduction 427
Photoperiod 427
Lactation 428
Pheromones 428
Inadequate Nutrition Results in Ovarian Inactivity, Especially in Cattle 429
Clinical Correlations 429
Sexual Attractiveness in the Spayed Bitch 429
Section VII Renal Physiology 460
Chapter 41 Glomerular Filtration 460
Key Points 460
Introduction to the Physiology of the Kidney 460
The Glomerulus Filters the Blood 460
The Structure of the Glomerulus Allows Efficient, Selective Filtration 460
Glomerular Filtration Rate Is Determined by the Mean Net Filtration Pressure, Permeability of the Filtration Barrier, and Area Available for Filtration 462
The Filtration Barrier Is Selectively Permeable 463
Glomerular Filtration Rate Is Regulated by Systemic and Intrinsic Factors 464
Glomerular Filtration Rate Is Measured by Determining the Plasma Clearance Rate of a Substance 466
Clinical Correlations 466
Chronic Renal Failure 466
History. 466
Section VIII Respiratory Function 495
Chapter 45 Overview of Respiratory Function: 495
Key Points 495
Respiratory Function 495
The Respiratory System’s Primary Function Is the Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Between the Environment and the Tissues 495
Ventilation 495
Ventilation Is the Movement of Gas Into and Out of the Lung 495
Ventilation Requires Muscular Energy 497
The Respiratory Muscles Generate Work to Stretch the Lung and Overcome the Frictional Resistance to Airflow Provided by the Airways (Airway Resistance) 498
Lung Elasticity Results from Tissue and Surface Tension Forces 498
The Lung Is Mechanically Connected to the Thoracic Cage by the Pleural Liquid 499
Airflow Is Opposed by Frictional Resistance in the Airways 500
Smooth Muscle Contraction Affects the Diameters of the Trachea, Bronchi, and Bronchioles 501
Dynamic Compression Can Narrow the Airways and Limit Airflow 502
The Distribution of Air Depends on the Local Mechanical Properties of the Lung 503
In Some Species, Air Travels Between Adjacent Regions of Lung Through Collateral Pathways 503
Clinical Correlations 504
Lung Fibrosis in the Dog 504
Section IX Homeostasis 543
Chapter 51 Fetal and Neonatal Oxygen Transport 543
Key Points 543
The Fetus Depends on the Placenta for the Exchange of Gas, Nutrients, and Metabolic Byproducts 543
The Efficiency of Gas Exchange at the Placenta Depends on the Species-Variable Arrangement of Fetal and Maternal Blood Vessels 543
The Fetal Circulation Mixes Oxygenated and Deoxygenated Blood at Several Points, So the Fetus Exists in a State of Hypoxemia 545
Fetal Oxygen Transport Is Assisted by Fetal Hemoglobin, Which Has a High Affinity for Oxygen 546
The Lung Develops in Three Stages, and Pulmonary Surfactant Must Be Present at Birth 546
At or Shortly After Birth, Umbilical Vessels Rupture, Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Decreases, and the Foramen Ovale and Ductus Arteriosus Close 547
Clinical Correlations 547
Patent Ductus Arteriosus in a Pomeranian 547
History. 547
Clinical Examination. 547
Comment. 547
Treatment. 548
Practice Questions 548
Bibliography 548
Chapter 52 Acid-Base Homeostasis 549
Key Points 549
Acid-Base Regulation 549
Relative Constancy of the Body’s pH Is Essential Because Metabolism Requires Enzymes That Operate at an Optimal pH 549
Hydrogen Ion Concentration Is Measured as pH 549
An Acid Can Donate a Hydrogen Ion, and a Base Can Accept a Hydrogen Ion 550
Buffers Are Combinations of Salts and Weak Acids That Prevent Major Changes in pH 550
Hemoglobin and Bicarbonate Are the Most Important Blood Buffers 550
The First Defense Against a Change in Blood pH Is Provided by the Blood Buffers, but the Lungs and Kidneys Must Ultimately Correct the Hydrogen Ion Load 551
Changes in Ventilation Can Rapidly Change Carbon Dioxide Tension and Therefore Alter pH 551
Metabolic Production of Fixed Acids Requires That the Kidneys Eliminate Hydrogen Ions and Conserve Bicarbonate 552
Intracellular pH Is Regulated by Buffers and Ion Pumps 552
Acid-Base Disturbances 552
Acid-Base Abnormalities Accompany Many Diseases, and Restoration of Normal Blood pH Should Be a Consideration in the Treatment of Any Disease 552
Respiratory Acidosis Is Caused by the Accumulation of Carbon Dioxide, Which Decreases Blood pH 552
Respiratory Alkalosis Is Caused by the Loss of Carbon Dioxide, Which Increases Blood pH 553
Metabolic Acidosis Is Caused by the Accumulation of Fixed Acids or the Loss of Buffer Base, Which Decreases Blood pH 553
Metabolic Alkalosis Is Caused by the Excessive Elimination of Hydrogen Ions or by the Intake of Base, such as Bicarbonate, Which Increases Blood pH 554
Respiratory Compensations for Acid-Base Abnormalities Occur Rapidly; Renal Compensations Occur Over Several Hours 554
Hydrogen and Potassium Ions Are Interrelated in Acid-Base Homeostasis 554
The Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disturbances Depends on Interpretation of Measurements of Arterial Blood pH and Carbon Dioxide Tension, from Which Bicarbonate Concentration and Total Buffer Base Are Calculated 554
Over the Years, Many Terms Have Been Used to Explain Acid-Base Balance 555
Clinical Correlations 555
Upper Airway Obstruction in a Boston Terrier 555
Section X The Immune System 569
Chapter 54 Antigens and Innate Immunity 569
Key Points 569
Antigens 569
Antigens (or Immunogens) Stimulate Immune Cells to Induce an Immune Response 569
The Degree of Immune Response Depends on Several Characteristics of the Antigen 570
Body’s Defense Against Invading Antigens 571
Both Nonimmune and Immune Mechanisms Defend Against Invading Antigens 571
A First Line of Defense Includes Physical and Chemical Barriers such as the Skin and Internal Body Fluids 571
A Second Line of Defense Consists of Phagocytic Cells of the Myeloid and Macrophage-Monocyte Lineages 572
Macrophage-Derived Cytokines Can Induce a Variety of Physiological Processes to Help Combat Infectious Antigens 574
Clinical Correlations 575
Swollen Lymph Nodes in a Colt 575
History. 575
Clinical Examination. 575
Comment. 575
Appendix A Answers to Practice Questions 587
Index 588
A 588
B 590
C 590
D 593
E 594
F 595
G 595
H 596
I 597
J 598
K 598
L 598
M 599
N 600
O 601
P 601
Q 603
R 603
S 604
T 606
U 607
V 607
W 608
Y 608
Z 608
PageBurst page BM1
Endsheets 6-7 BM2