Study Guide for Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book
Adrianne Dill Linton | Nancy K. Maebius
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Book Details
Student-friendly and easy to use, the Study Guide for Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing, 5th Edition, is designed to help you master content and evaluate your progress through practical, useful exercises and activities, including a wealth of multiple-choice and alternate-format questions. This edition places an increased emphasis on higher-level application questions, including exercises to encourage practice in setting priorities, to prepare you to transfer your knowledge of medical-surgical concepts to patient care in the clinical setting.
- Helps you hone critical thinking skills essential for success on licensure exams and in clinical practice.
- Reinforces textbook content and provides ample opportunity for self-assessment with a wide variety of learning activities, including matching (key term and vocabulary review), completion, listing, labeling (illustrations), ranking/ordering, and application questions for textbook nursing care plans.
- Includes textbook page references, making self-assessment easier and faster.
- Emphasizes application of nursing concepts with new knowledge and comprehension exercises and activities that ask you to apply your knowledge to patient care situations.
- Features a new section at the end of each chapter: Challenge Yourself! Getting Ready for the NCLEX includes both standard multiple-choice and alternate-format questions (over 1,800) that test your knowledge of chapter content while providing practice for the Boards.
- Provides valuable practice in prioritizing (deciding what to do first) and assignment (giving specific tasks to health care providers who may be supervised by LPNs) -- skills that are essential for providing effective nursing care and are covered on the NCLEX-PN Examination.
- Links you to online Evolve resources, where you'll find an additional set of review questions, encouraging utilization of and familiarity with an electronic format.