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Choosing Home

Choosing Home

Stephen Shore | Martha Hartnett


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Martha Kennedy Hartnett is the mother of a child with Asperger's Syndrome who made the courageous choice to homeschool. Emerging from the author's personal experience, this book is a step by step account of successful home education.

Choosing Home will take you into the homes of Asperger families as they journey from survival of the playground bully to making it work at home. Hartnett embraces those pertinent questions raised by parents: Will I be limiting my child's emotional and social development? How will I know if my teaching is good enough? What if I can't cope? These questions and many more are answered in this touching and insightful narrative.

This is a book of hope and encouragement to all parents with an interest in homeschooling.

Choosing Home will empower parents with its realistic portrayal of the challenges and rewards of homeschooling a child with Aspergers.
Home Education Magazine
Martha Kennedy Hartnett lives in Dover, New Hampshire and successfully homeschooled her AS son for six years. He is now in his third year of college. Formerly on the Board of Directors of the American Hyperlexia Association, she is currently on the Board of Directors of the New Hampshire Chapter of the Asperger's Association of New England.
This is a very encouraging book for anyone who doubts their ability to home educate a child with Asperger's, or who may be fearful about not being able to cope with the demands from their child 24/7. It is well worth sifting through for the wise insights and practical tips. In addition the author promotes the idea of self care for the weary parent. A nicely balanced, positive book.
Education Otherwise