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Book Details
Music therapists, as in medical and paramedical professions, have a rich diversity of approaches and methods, often developed with specific relevance to meet the needs of a certain client population. This book reflects the many components of such diversity, and is a thoroughly comprehensive guide to accessing and understanding the ideas, theory, research results and clinical outcomes that are the foundations of this field. Providing a detailed insight into the field of music therapy from an international perspective, this book enables the reader to see the complete picture of the multifaceted and fascinating world that is music therapy.
Tony Wigram was Professor and Head of PhD Studies in Music Therapy at the University of Aalborg, Denmark, Honorary Research Fellow in the Faculty of Music at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and Reader in Music Therapy at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK. He was Associate Editor of the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, and a former President of both the European Music Therapy Confederation and the World Federation of Music Therapy. He was also Head Music Therapist at the Harper Children's Service in Hertfordshire, UK, and Research Advisor to Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Trust. Inge Nygaard Pedersen is the head of the Music Therapy Clinic in Aalborg, a centre for treatment and research that is run by the University of Aalborg and Aalborg Psychiatric Hospital. She worked at Aalborg University from 1982-1995 where she created and expanded the MA programme in music therapy. Lars Ole Bonde is an associate professor on the music therapy programme at Aalborg University, having previously been head of PhD studies and associate professor of musicology at the university.
The Comprehensive Guide is an indispensable book for both music therapy students and graduates. To stroll along its pages is not only a necessary intellectual exercise, but also a pleasure.
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy
I especially like this book. It is a wonderful overview of the profession and is very well written. A bonus, it includes musical examples and a CD-ROM of resources. If you don't want them to read the whole book, you might want to review it yourself and use some of the materials. The book covers the historical uses of music in medicine, theoretical foundation of music psychology, music therapy theory, models of practice, population specific applications, research in the field and resources for further learning and exploration. I bought it at regional conference last spring and was ever so glad that I did.
Carol Shultis, M.Ed., MT-BC, Pittsburgh, PA
Adeptly written in a sophisticated, informative style, this guide offers a uniquely thorough description of music therapy that underscores the vast breadth and profound depth of the field. Material in the book is presented in an orderly, meaningful way, with detailed explanations of specific concepts that emerge in the text. It is a wellspring of information for the music therapist who wishes to enrich her or his work.
Music Therapy Perspectives
As a practicing Music Therapist and researcher, I feel the world of music therapy has waited a long time for a book of this quality and depth which provides a unique insight into current research, the theory and practical application of music therapy techniques.
The three Authors who are all well known Music Therapists, have produced a truly enlightening and enthralling read through the balancing of traditional text and the use of modern multi-media in the form of the accompanying CD and CD ROM which provides both musical and clinical examples in video and through case study, ensuring that the theory is more audible, thus complementing the learning process and capturing the imagination of the reader.
The structure of the book is such that it is highly suitable for training purposes, be it for people with a well established knowledge of music therapy methods and there application, or for the student and practicing health care worker who wish to supplement their current knowledge. The international bibliography and supporting material ensures that as a source of material for training it really provides you with an all in one package.
Prof. Jos De Backer, Director of the Master training course, college of Science and Art, campus Lemmensinstituut (Leuven , Belgium), President of the European Music Therapy Confederation (EMTC)
This book demonstrates that music therapy has emerged as a profession internationally. It reveals a rich diversity of methodologies and approaches which are well established, appropriately researched, and effectively clinically practised. It is suitable for medical practitioners, other allied health professionals and of course specifically music therapists, and trainees of all disciplines. It provides a comprehensive overview originally from a Danish perspective but which has been expanded and adapted for an international audience. It is the first such comprehensive reference book to be published in Europe, and covers a wide variety of aspects of music therapy in all clinical fields providing an international perspective with clarity and reflection. I recommend it to all who come into contact with music therapy, including clinicians, researchers and managers.
Helen Odell-Miller, Anglia Polytechnic University, Advisor to Department of Health in the UK.
The book is intended as an introductory text on music therapy, suitable for the general public and also for potential music therapy students. Not only is there current information on music therapy, but also the CD of music examples provides "live" illustrations of music therapy practice. The text lives up to its title in two ways - it is comprehensive in its coverage of music therapy theory, practice, and research. It is also comprehensive in that it includes copious amounts of information from Europe, the USA, Australia, and other countries. This is a text to be recommended to professionals wanting to know about the extent of music therapy theory, practice, and research. The accompanying CD of music examples brings the written material to life, and the CD-ROM IV (compiled at the University of Witten-Herdecke) gives access to an impressive collection of music therapy research.
Denise Grocke, Australian Journal of Music Therapy
I feel I must congratulate the three well-known Music Therapists who have produced the most comprehensive, all in one guide to music therapy currently available.
As a practicing Clinical Music Therapist and researcher, I find the book provides a unique blend of theory and the practical application of music therapy techniques, which will be invaluable to practicing professionals, students and health carers. The international bibliography and accompanying CD ROM, which provides both musical and clinical examples, provides a first class platform for the composition of training courses suitable for all levels.
The world of music therapy has waited a long time for a book of this quality.
Prof. Jos De Backer, Director of the Master training course, college of Science and Art, campus Lemmensinstituut (Leuven , Belgium), President of the European Music Therapy Confederation (EMTC)
Wigram and his colleagues have created a sophisticated and multidimensional reference book. It will provide the student, clinician, administrator, and academic with a dazzling array of international sources and reference materials, in addition to cdase studies and recordings of clinical work that are elegant and inspiring. The book is a welcome international guide to the ever-growing profession of music.
Journal of Music Therapy