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I'm not Naughty - I'm Autistic

I'm not Naughty - I'm Autistic

Jean Shaw


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At eighteen months old, Jodi Shaw suddenly changed from being a happy, lively, loving baby into the toddler from hell - withdrawn, refusing to talk, play or be touched, unable to concentrate or be still. Written by his mother but told from Jodi's perspective, this is a fascinating, funny, and insightful account of growing up with autism. The difficulties faced by the now 13-year-old Jodi and his family (obtaining a diagnosis, seeking support and, above all, learning to live with autism twenty-four hours a day) are not underplayed, but are recounted with empathy and humour.
A lovely, lighthearted version of a life living with autism. This is a view of autism through the eye of Jodi written by his mother. It encompasses some funny moments that many parents of autistic children can relate to. The book shows that autism is not the be all and end all, and that we as neuro-typical types are as odd to the autistic community as society deems them to be. Jean Shaw also gives a lovely insight into the Son Rise programme and how well it can work if given enough commitment. A really lovely, easy to read biography of Jodi's life thus far.
Action for ASD Newsletter
I'm Not Naughty- I'm Autistic takes the reader beneath the skin of an autistic child, and it is not a cosy or happy place to be. Just how uncomfortable and frustrating - and terrifying - is easier to identify with after reading this mothers account. Do read this book.
Jean Shaw, the mother of two children, is a housewife and full time carer. She hopes that the story of her autistic son will reassure and help many other ordinary families and also educate the general public about the problems associated with autism.