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Developmental Coordination Disorder

Developmental Coordination Disorder

Morven Ball


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Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is a term used to describe children who have difficulty with movement and specific aspects of learning, and includes dyspraxia, Asperger Syndrome and associated conditions. This easy-to-read booklet answers commonly asked questions about DCD and presents all the necessary information to aid parents, carers and professionals in selecting the best options for their child; sometimes correcting the little things can lead to big results.

In clearly laid out chapters, the author describes the features of Developmental Coordination Disorder and provides practical solutions ranging from maintaining posture and personal care through to the more complex tasks of learning. Practical exercises to help improve the DCD child's motor and sensory skills are included, plus an extensive list of useful addresses and resources.

This book contains lots of useful information. The features of the condition - co-ordination, perceptual, organisational, language and behaviour difficulties - are clearly outlined. Tips are offered for schoolwork and personal care. The simple format and diagrams are generally user friendly. A list of useful contacts and resources is also included at the back of the publication. This is a useful book, and I'm sure many paediatric occupational therapists will find it worth recommending to parents even after long-awaited intervention has started.
Afasic News
This is a practical, pocketsize book giving many useful common- sense hints and ideas that can be used to optimise occupational performance of children with DCD. The book begins with a brief and simple description of what DCD is, and stresses the importance of using a positive approach with these children.
Napot Journal
Morven F. Ball worked in the paediatric field as an occupational therapist for over ten years and had a particular interest in the field of DCD. Now a full-time mother to her three children, she continues to support and educate those with DCD through the Highland Developmental Coordination Disorder Group, a charitable organisation providing information, support and group activities for its members and their families.