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Developing Sustainable Leadership

Developing Sustainable Leadership

Brent Davies


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Book Details


'School leaders and teachers know a lot more than they think they do. So, what prevents the release of that creative energy? Look, no further than this thought provoking collection of essays from world leading scholars. It treats us to a kaleidoscopic view of what we do know, what we ought to know and what we urgently need to do to harness the power of sustainable leadership. Policy makers, please take careful note!'- John MacBeath, Professor Education Leadership, University of Cambridge. With increasing accountability pressures, developing and sustaining leaders is a major challenge for all those involved in education today. This book brings together eleven outstanding writers to provide insights, frameworks and ideas on how we can sustain our school leaders and develop values-based leadership in order to counter the short-term management solutions that abound. Andy Hargreaves, Dean Fink, Michael Fullan, Brent Davies, Ken Leithwood, David Hopkins, Geoff Southworth, Brian Caldwell, Chris Day, Terry Deal and Gib Hentschke represent some of the most powerful thinkers and writers in the educational leadership field who respond to the challenge of how we can develop and sustain our school leaders. While a great deal has been written on preparation for leadership, this book takes leadership thinking to the next level by providing strategies for enhancing and empowering the leaders we have. This book is a key source of ideas, insights and frameworks for all those involved in sustaining our school leaders.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
The top of the world
The desired nation
The curse of wealth
On the road to revolution
People and power
Who owns the land?
Human capita
An economy in crisis
Life or debt
The state of politics
Leaf of contention
A nation on the move
Exploiting the environment
The spice of life
Dates & events
Facts & figures
Sources & further reading
Oxfam in Bolivia