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My Parent has an Autism Spectrum Disorder

My Parent has an Autism Spectrum Disorder

Barbara Lester


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Discovering that a family member is on the autism spectrum is an experience that affects the entire family, and can particularly disrupt the family when it is a parent receiving the diagnosis. The situation can be difficult to explain to children, especially if a parent has not fully grasped the implication themselves, and any adult facing this challenge will be in need of a helping hand.

The workbook has been designed with precisely this purpose in mind. It will strengthen relationships between parents with ASDs and their children by facilitating understanding of behaviour and situations that all the family will previously have noticed but not understood, and shows how to develop effective problem solving strategies. Chapters cover everything from dealing with the initial diagnosis to understanding special interests, difficulties with social skills and figures of speech, and the need for rules and routines. Every chapter concludes with a worksheet for parent and child to complete together, which encourages mutual understanding and fosters healthy relationships.

This book will an essential tool for any family with a parent on the autistic spectrum, and is equally suitable for children and teens who are on the autistic spectrum and those who are not. It will also be of interest to professionals and anyone else working with a family dealing with autism.

This extremely useful addition to the literature of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is child friendly and sensitively written in a way that fosters open curiosity and both acceptance of, and respect for, differences. The book is easy to read and user friendly, with worksheets for children and parents to do together as part of shared process of learning about each other, and how ASFD may affect families and individuals within them. The clear emphasis on problem-solving and jointly finding solutions to difficulties that may arise out of ASD related differences, give it a positive solution orientated feel... this book may serve as a useful learning process for adults and children alike.
Youth in Mind
an excellent tool for children and teens. It offers a unique perspective which is specifically for the child who has a parent with an ASD. Using kid-friendly language, it serves dual purposes as both an instructional guide and workbook...This book concludes each chapter with a worksheet to be completed by the family together to promote discussion and a better understanding of each other while developing skills for tackling challenges that ASD might present... My Parent Has an Autism Spectrum Disorder is a helpful tool for families with a parent on the autism spectrum... highly recommend this book not only for families who experience this topic, but also as a resource for professionals who work with these families.
Our Journey Thru Autism
Barbara R. Lester is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker at Intermountain Healthcare in Salt Lake City, Utah. She has been a practising psychotherapist for twenty-five years, and works primarily with children, adolescents and their families. She provides parenting classes, social skills groups and individual and family counselling to families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. Her father, now aged eighty-eight, is on the autistic spectrum, giving her both a personal and professional outlook on issues related to ASDs.

This is a very simple, neat little book that has the potential to benefit many individuals and families in understanding autistic spectrum disorder... Children and teenagers may struggle to comprehend the world of their parent with an autistic spectrum disorder... this book may well help them in that understanding.

There are some good tips for both children and parents alike. Professionals with a limited understanding would do well to read through the book.

Mental Health Nursing
This is an excellent book. The style is simple and engaging. The author has a comprehensive grasp of the theory behind ASDs. Her first-hand knowledge shines through, but she avoids assuming her experiences are universal. She is realistic that ASDs can evoke negative emotions... Early on, the author states, "I'm writing this book to my younger self - I could have used the advice back when I was growing up" I echo this sentiment... I hope to see more books like this available in the future.
Disability, Pregnancy & Parenthood international
The book is written in an easy relaxed style suitable for all. It is honest, respectful and informative and when reading it I felt like I was on a journey of understanding with the writer.
Association for Social Workers in Aotearoa New Zealand