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Outsiders Looking In

Outsiders Looking In

David Clifford | Laurence Roussillon


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Book Details


The essays in this volume demonstrate how the Rossettis – from the celebrated Dante Gabriel and Christina to the comparatively neglected Maria and William – drew upon a shared cultural experience, and describe how each contributed to the intellectual debates of the age and played a substantial role in their various fields. Bringing together significant contributions from some of the most renowned experts on the Rossettis, 'Outsiders Looking In' provides important new perspectives on this talented family and their brilliant legacy.

This new interdisciplinary collection of writing explores the achievements of the Rossettis in the context of the Victorian era and in the light of modern cultural and literary criticism. 'Outsiders Looking In' considers the position that the Anglo-Italian Rossettis occupied in the cultural melee of mid-Victorian London, a status that was both central and fringe owing to their dual nationality.

'This is a satisfying collection in which all the essays present original material which helps shed light on English culture in the nineteenth century.' —'The Burlington Magazine'

David Clifford is a Lecturer and Fellow of Homerton College, Cambridge.

Laurence Roussillon is Maitre de Conférence in Nineteenth-Century British Literature at the University of Louis Lumiere, Lyon 2, France.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Matter\r 1
Half Title\r 1
Series Page\r 2
Title\r 3
Copyright\r 4
Contents\r 5
List of Illustrations\r 7
Acknowledgements\r 9
Contributors\r 11
Main Body\r 15
Introduction, by David Clifford and Laurence Roussillon\r 15
Part I. Italy and Italianness\r 21
Chapter 1. Sibling Cultures, by Jan Marsh\r 23
Notes\r 40
Chapter 2. William Michael and Lucy Rossetti: Outsider Insiders - The True Cosmopolitans, by Angela Thirlwell\r 43
Notes\r 58
Part II. Aesthetics in a Commerical World\r 61
Chapter 3. The Taxman and the Aesthete: The Canon According to WM Rossetti, by Peter Mandler\r 63
Notes\r 72
Chapter 4. Copyright and Control: Christina Rossetti and her Publishers, by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra\r 75
Notes\r 87
Chapter 5. Recollections of PB Shelley: William Michael Rossetti, Political Commitment and Literary Capital, by Michelle Hawley\r 91
5.1 Shelley's Heart\r 95
5.2 Collections\r 97
5.3 Utopianism\r 99
5.4 The Fleshly School\r 103
Notes\r 105
Part III. Faith in an Age of Science\r 109
Chapter 6. Pews, Periodicals and Politics: The Rossetti Women as High Church Controversialists, by Mary Arseneau\r 111
Appendix\r 120
Notes\r 124
Chapter 7. 'A Sort of Aesthetico-Catholic Revival': Christina Rossetti and the London Ritualist Scene, by Emma Mason\r 129
Notes\r 140
Chapter 8. In the footsteps of his Father? Dantean Allegory in Gabrielle Rossetti and Dante Gabriel Rosetti, by Valeria Tinkler-Villani\r 145
Notes\r 157
Chapter 9. Mystic, Madwoman or Metaphysician?: The Analogical Theodicy of Christina Rossetti, by Maria Keaton\r 159
Notes\r 166
Chapter 10. Christina Rossetti's Challenge to Victorian Mentality: The Parodic, Unconventional Pattern of 'My Dream', Mariaconcetta Costantini\r 169
Notes\r 179
Part IV. Radical Poetics\r 183
Chapter 11. DG Rossetti and the Art of the Inner Standing-Point, by Jerome McGann\r 185
Notes\r 200
Chapter 12. Maundering Medievalism: Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris's Poetry, by Clive Wilmer\r 203
Notes\r 214
Chapter 13. The Aesthetics of Morbidity: DG Rossetti and Buchanan's 'The Fleshly School of Poetry', by Gavin Budge\r 217
Notes\r 232
Part V. Literary Tradition and the Rossetti Legacy \r 235
Chapter 14. 'It Once Should Save as Well as Kill': DG Rossetti and the Feminine, by Catherine Maxwell\r 237
Notes\r 247
Chapter 15. Pushing the Well-Beloved: Thomas Hardy, Jocelyn Pearston and the School of Rossetti, by John Holmes \r 251
Notes\r 264
Chapter 16. Dante Gabrial Rossetti's Poetic Daughters: Fin De Siecle Women Poets and the Sonnet, by Florence S Boos\r 267
The First Generation\r 270
The Second Generation\r 280
Conclusion\r 287
Appendix: Ten More Rossettian Sonnets\r 288
Notes\r 293
End Matter\r 297
Selected Bibliography\r 297