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A History Of Russia Volume 2

A History Of Russia Volume 2

Walter G. Moss


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Book Details


Moss has significantly revised his text and bibliography in this second edition to reflect new research findings and controversies on numerous subjects. He has also brought the history up to date by revising the post-Soviet material, which now covers events from the end of 1991 up to the present day. This new edition retains the features of the successful first edition that have made it a popular choice in universities and colleges throughout the US, Canada and around the world.

In this fully updated second edition of 'A History of Russia' Vol. II, Walter G. Moss has significantly revised his text and bibliography to reflect new research findings and controversies on numerous subjects. He has also brought the history up-to-date by revising the post-Soviet material, which now covers events from the end of 1991 up to the present day. This new edition retains the features of the successful first edition that have made it a popular choice in universities and colleges throughout the US, Canada and around the world. Moss’s accessible history includes full treatments of politics, economics, foreign affairs and wars, and also of everyday life, women, legal developments, religion, literature, art and popular culture. In addition, it provides many other features that have proven successful with both academics and students, including a well-organized and clearly written text, references to varying historical viewpoints, numerous illustrations and maps that supplement and amplify the text, fully updated bibliographies accompanying each chapter as well as a general bibliography of more comprehensive works, a glossary and a chronology of important events. Moss's 'A History of Russia' will appeal to academics, students and general readers alike.

Walter G. Moss is Professor of History in the Department of History and Philosophy at Eastern Michigan University.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Matter 1
Half Title 1
Title 3
Copyright 4
Dedication 5
Table of Contents 7
List of Maps 12
List of Illustrations 13
Preface to the Second Edition 19
A Note to Students 23
Main Matter 25
Chapter 1: Russia: Geography, Peoples, and Premodern Developments 25
The Land: Physical Features, Climate, and Resources 25
Geography's Impact on Colonization and National Identity 31
The Peoples 32
Ancient Rus to 1855: A Summary of Major Historical Developments 32
Suggested Sources 40
Part One: Late Imperial Russia, 1855-1917 44
Chapter 2: Alexander II, Reformism, and Radicalism 47
Alexander II: The Man and His Times 47
Emancipation of the Serfs 49
Additional Reforms 52
Autocracy and Its Opponents 56
Suggested Sources 63
Chapter 3: Reactionary Politics, Economic Modernization, and Political Opposition, 1881-1905 66
Alexander III and Pobedonostsev: The Autocrat and His Chief Adviser 66
Reactionary Policies of Alexander III 68
Policies of Economic Modernization, 1881-1903 70
Nicholas II and the Politics of Reaction, 1894-1904 74
Public Opinion and Political Opposition, 1881-1904 78
Suggested Sources 86
Chapter 4: Russian Imperial and Foreign Policy, 1856-1905 89
The Far East, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Alaska, 1856-1895 90
Europe, the Poles, and Russia's Western Nationalities, 1856-1875 96
Crisis in the Balkans and the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 98
European Relations, 1881-1905 102
Nationalities, Russification, and Discrimination, 1881-1905 104
Russian Advances in Asia and the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 109
Suggested Sources 112
Chapter 5: Revolution or Evolution? Politics and War, 1905-1917 116
The 1905 Revolution: From Bloody Sunday to the October Manifesto 116
Continuing Disorders and Duma Preparation 119
The First Two Dumas and the Appointment of Stolypin 121
Stolypin's Land Policies 125
The Third and Fourth Dumas, and the Death of Stolypin 126
The Radical Opposition, 1907-1914 129
Russian Foreign Policy, 1906-1914 130
Tsarist Russia and World War I, 1914-1916 133
Conclusion 137
Suggested Sources 139
Chapter 6: Economics and Society, 1855-1917 143
Population, Towns, and Urban Society 144
Entrepreneurs and Civil Society 146
Economic Growth 149
Industrial and Urban Workers 151
Nobles and Peasants 155
Food and Drinking; Famine and Diseases 162
Women and Family Life 164
Legal Developments 168
Suggested Sources 172
Chapter 7: Religion and Culture, 1855-1917 178
Russian Orthodoxy and the State 179
The Non-Orthodox and Other Challenges to Traditional Orthodoxy 181
Education and Scholarship 184
Literature 187
Art and Architecture 191
Music 193
Diagilev and Artistic Cross-Fertilization 194
Popular Culture 195
Suggested Sources 199
Part Two: Russia and the Soviet Union, 1917-1991 205
Chapter 8: The 1917 Revolutions 209
The March Revolution and the Fall of the Romanovs 210
Dual Power 211
Lenin's Return and Leninism 213
Political Realignment 218
Deepening of the Revolution, May-September 218
The Bolsheviks, Classes, and Nationalities 220
The November Revolution: The Bolsheviks Come to Power 224
Analysis of the November Revolution 226
Suggested Sources 227
Chapter 9: Anti-Bolshevism, Civil War, and Allied Intervention 230
Early Opposition, New Policies, and Class Warfare 231
The Fate of the Constituent Assembly and Growing Soviet Authoritarianism 232
Reds Versus Whites and Allied Intervention 234
Nationalities and the Russo-Polish War of 1920 239
Opposition from the Masses 242
Conclusions, Costs, and Legacy 245
Suggested Sources 247
Chapter 10: The Years of the New Economic Policy, 1921-1927 251
New Economic Policy and the Famine of 1921-1922 252
Nepmen and Bourgeois Specialists 253
Changes in the Government and Communist Party 255
Stalin's Rise to Prominence 258
Lenin Versus Stalin 261
Stalin and his Rivals, 1923-1927 263
The NEP Period: Some Concluding Remarks 266
Suggested Sources 266
Chapter 11: Stalin and Stalinism, 1928-1941 268
Why Another Revolution? 269
Stalin, the Right Opposition, and the First Five-Year Plan, and Collectivization 271
Achievements and Failures Under the Five-Year Plans, 1928-1941 275
Stalin and the Early Stalinists 276
Forced Labor, Show Trials, Purges, and Deaths 277
The Stalin Cult, Fostering Patriotism, and Public Opinion 281
Nationality and Constitutional Policies 285
Changes in the Government and Party 287
Stalinism and the Leninist Legacy 292
Suggested Sources 293
Chapter 12: Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1941 298
Overview and the Beginnings of Soviet Diplomacy 299
NEP Years 302
Foreign Policy During the First Five-Year Plan, 1928-1932 306
Search for Security, 1933-1939 308
Soviet \"Neutrality,\" September 1939-June 1941 314
Suggested Sources 316
Chapter 13: The Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 319
On the Eve of Battle 319
Warfare and Major Battles, June 1941-May 1945 320
Government and Peoples; Partisans and Production 326
Lend Lease and Allied Diplomacy 331
The End of World War II and Soviet Gains and Losses 334
Suggested Sources 335
Chapter 14: Postwar and Cold War, 1945-1953 339
Stalin and His Postwar Domestic Policies 340
The Early Cold War 345
Stalin's Postwar Foreign Policy: An Assessment 353
Suggested Sources 354
Chapter 15: An Economic and Social Transformation, 1917-1953 357
Economic Overview and Analysis 357
Population, Towns, and Urban Life 360
Social Structure and the New Elite 364
Food and Famine; Drinking and Health 371
Women, Family Life, and Youth 374
Law and Lawlessness 380
Suggested Sources 386
Chapter 16: Religion and Culture, 1917-1953 390
Church and State 395
Education, Science, and Scholarship 397
Literature 401
Art and Architecture 406
Music 410
Popular Culture and the State 412
Suggested Sources 415
Chapter 17: The Khrushchev Era: Destalinization, Coexistence, and Confrontation 419
Khrushchev's Background, Character, and Beliefs 419
Stalin's Successors and the Execution of Beria 422
Domestic Politics and Khrushchev's Policies 423
Foreign Policy 434
Khrushchev's Decline and Fall 444
Suggested Sources 446
Chapter 18: From Stability to Stagnation, 1964-1985 449
Leaders and Leadership 450
Political Decline, Corruption, and the Party 452
The Economy: From the Command System to Black Marketeering 455
Public Opinion, Nationalities, and Dissent 457
Foreign Policy: Confrontations and Detente 462
Suggested Sources 474
Chapter 19: Gorbachev and the End of the USSR, 1985-1991 477
Gorbachev: The Making of a Reformer 477
Domestic Reforms: The First Stage 479
Glasnost, Perestroika, and Democratization 482
Gorbachev's Three Crises, 1988-1991 485
Gorbachev's \"New-Thinking\" Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War 493
The Coup that Failed and its Aftermath 498
The Collapse of the Soviet Union: A Summary and Analysis 500
Suggested Sources 503
Chapter 20: Economic and Social Life, 1953-1991 507
Economic and Environmental Overview 507
Foreign Trade and Investment 510
Population, Towns, and Urban Conditions 511
Ruling Class, Social Structure, and Civil Society 515
Blue-Collar Workers: Gains and Losses 517
Life in the Countryside 518
Food and Drink; Sickness and Health 520
Women, Family, and Gender Issues 523
Law and Lawlessness 527
Suggested Sources 531
Chapter 21: Religion and Culture, 1953-1991 534
Religious Life: From Repression to Resurgence 535
Education, Science, and Scholarship 539
Literature: From the Thaw to Glasnost 543
Art and Architecture 551
Music: From Classical to Rock 553
Additional Aspects of Popular Culture: Youth, Films, Television, and Sports 556
Suggested Sources 559
Chapter 22: Post-Soviet Russia 562
A Changing Economy 562
Social Tensions and Problems 565
Toward a Democratic and Law-Based Society? 569
Religion, Education, and Culture 582
Foreign Policy 590
Conclusion 597
Suggested Sources 598
End Matter 604
General Bibliography 604
1. Journals and Anthologies Cited in Suggested Sources: A List of Abbreviations 604
2. Bibliographical Works 605
3. Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Handbooks, and Statistics 606
4. Nationalities and Peoples 608
5. Readings Collections, Anthologies, and Documents 611
6. General Histories and Historiography 612
7. Military, Foreign Affairs, and International Relations 614
8. The Social and Economic Spheres; Gender and Family 616
9. Culture, Religion, Science, and Education 618
10. Miscellaneous Works 623
11. Electronic Sources 625
Appendix A: Chronology 626
Some Significant Dates Before 1855 626
Appendix B: Glossary 637
Appendix C: World Oil Prices 642
Index 643