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Integrating China

Integrating China

Peter Nolan


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In this highly relevant collection, Peter Nolan argues that every effort of policy has to be directed towards avoiding this potentially catastrophic outcome. In their search for a way forward, China’s leaders are looking to the lessons from the country’s own past, as well as to those from other countries, in order to find a way to build a stable, cohesive and prosperous society. This effort is of vital importance, not only for China, but also for the whole world.

China is becoming ever more deeply integrated with global political economy. This book addresses critical issues in this process. The author examines the paradox of the global market economy that is presided over by 70 million members of the Chinese Communist Party, and analyses China’s policy of 'innovation in an open environment', attempting to nurture a group of globally competitive, large-scale companies.

In addition, the book analyses the challenges that China’s political economy faces in the twenty-first century, identifying the way in which China is attempting to resolve these contradictions by building on its rich historical experience to regulate market forces. It further examines the wider context of global capitalism within which Chinese development is taking place. Capitalism is the key propulsive force in technical progress. The recent period has seen an unprecedented liberation of this force. However, this force is a two-edged sword. The unprecedented advances have come hand-in-hand with unprecedented challenges that threaten the very survival of the human species.

Finally, it studies the relationship between the United States and China. Through cooperative behaviour, the US and China can help lead the world towards a sustainable future for mankind, with a global market economy regulated in the common interest of all human beings. In the absence of such a mechanism, the prospects for humanity are bleak.

'I find myself agreeing with virtually every point that Nolan takes on in this outstanding volume... This is a book that should be read by all. ' —Doug Guthrie, Professor of Management, New York University, in ‘China Quarterly’

Peter Nolan is Sinyi Professor of Chinese Management at the Judge Institute of Management, Cambridge University, and Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge University.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Matter\r 1
Half Title\r 1
Series Page\r 2
Title\r 3
Copyright\r 4
Dedication\r 5
Also from Peter Nolan\r 6
Contents \r 7
Acknowledgements\r 8
Author and Co-Authors\r 8
Foreword\r 9
Main Body\r 13
Chapter 1. Reflections on 4th June 1989 by Peter Nolan\r 13
Introduction\r 13
1.1 China's Political Economy Pre-1976\r 15
1.2 An Assessment of the Post-1978 Reforms\r 17
1.3 The Causes of 4th June 1989\r 19
1.4 Prospects\r 25
1.5 Policies Towards China\r 28
Notes\r 29
Chapter 2. The Global Business Revolution and Developing Countries, by Peter Nolan, Jim Zhang and Chunhang Liu\r 31
2.1 Contrasting Views on Globalization and Industrial Structure\r 31
2.2 The Evidence: The Global Business Revolution\r 35
2.3 Interpreting the Evidence\r 47
2.4 Conclusion\r 49
Notes\r 51
References\r 52
Chapter 3. The Globalisation Challenge and the Catch-Up of Developing Countries: The Case of the Brewing Industry, by Peter Nolan and Yuantao Guo\r 55
3.1 Introduction\r 55
3.2 The Globalisation Challenge\r 56
3.3 The Global Brewing Industry\r 59
3.4 The Chinese Brewing Industry\r 62
3.5 Conclusions\r 78
Notes\r 79
References\r 79
Chapter 4. The Global Industrial Consolidation and the Challenge for China: The Case of the Steel Industry, by Peter Nolan and Huaichuan Rui\r 83
4.1 Introduction\r 83
4.2 Forces of Consolidation\r 87
4.3 Consolidation and its Consequences\r 90
4.4 The Challenge for Chinese Steel Firms\r 95
4.5 Conclusion\r 104
References\r 105
Chapter 5. China in the Asian Financial Crisis: 'Cutting the Trees to Save the Forest', by Peter Nolan and Wang Xiaoqiang\r 107
Introduction \r 107
5.1 A Complex and Critical Challenge\r 109
5.2 The Response: the 'Three Steps' to Resolve the Financial Crisis\r 123
5.3 The Problem Remaining\r 141
5.4 Conclusion\r 152
Notes\r 154
Chapter 6. China at the Crossroads, by Peter Nolan 157
Introduction\r 158
6.1 The Challenges to China's Economic and Political Stability\r 158
6.2 China at the Crossroad: Which Direction?\r 168
6.3 Conclusion\r 183
Notes\r 185
References\r 186
Chapter 7. Capitalism and Freedom: The Contradictory Character of Globalisation, by Peter Nolan\r 189
Introduction: Humanity at the Crossroads\r 189
7.1 Capitalist Globalisation in Historical Perspective\r 190
7.2 Capitalist Rationality in the Epoch of the Global Business Revolution\r 192
7.3 Capitalist Irrationality in the Epoch of the Global Business Revolution\r 207
7.4 Groping for a Way Forward\r 234
Notes\r 235
References\r 240
Chapter 8. Capitalism, Conflict and Cooperation: US-China Relations Under Capitalist Globalisation, by Peter Nolan and Jin Zhang\r 243
Introduction\r 243
8.1 China\r 244
8.2 The United States\r 252
8.3 Resolving the Contradictions: Conflict or Cooperation?\r 257
Conclusion\r 270
Notes\r 272
References\r 275
End Matter\r 277
Index\r 277