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The Retreat of Democracy and Other Itinerant Essays on Globalization, Economics, and India

The Retreat of Democracy and Other Itinerant Essays on Globalization, Economics, and India

Kaushik Basu


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Book Details


‘The Retreat of Democracy’ presents an expanded and reworked selection of Basu's best journalistic and academic writings on political and economic themes since the late 1990s. As well as essays on globalization and democracy, the book provides analyses of ideas in economics, as well as anthroplogical observations on social norms, the role of culture, and travel in India and abroad. It also includes an intellectual biography of Amartya Sen, with a discussion of his scientific contributions.

'This creative, lucid and forthright collection of essays is a joy to read, even where one disagrees. It will be of great value in sensitizing economists to political realities, and others to economic realities.' —Jean Drèze, former Lecturer in Development Economics at the London School of Economics

'Kaushik Basu is that triply rare being - an Indian intellectual who is open-minded, an economic theorist who is interested in human beings, and an American academic who has a sense of style.' —Ramachandra Guha, author of 'India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy'

'This is a rare book that combines the wisdom of market economy with social upliftment. Basu shows he is a clear and deep thinker with his heart in the right place.' —N. R. Narayana Murthy, founder of Infosys Technologies

Kaushik Basu is the Carl Marks Professor of Economics and Chairman of the Department of Economics at Cornell University. He has to his credit a large number of monographs, edited volumes, and essay collections on development economics and democracy.

'The Retreat of Democracy' presents an expanded and reworked selection of Basu's best journalistic and academic writings on political and economic themes since the late 1990s. In addition to Basu’s critical essays on globalization and democracy, the book also moves onto wider terrain – to ideas in economics, anthropological observations on social norms, the role of culture, and travel in India and abroad.

While the essays range from studies on major economists such as Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz, to humorous encounters with Indian bureaucracy, two recurring themes run thoughout: first, that the ultimate objective of policy-making must be the progress of the disadvantaged, and ignoring market laws and individual incentives courts failure; second, that for the successful crafting of economic policy it is important to recognize markets as embedded in specific cultures and social norms. This volume is a clear, intelligible and highly engaging showcase of Basu’s global and humanistic views on politics, economics and democracy.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Matter\r 1
Half Title\r 1
Title\r 3
Copyright\r 4
Dedication\r 5
Contents\r 7
Main Body\r 11
Introduction\r 11
Part I. Democracy and Globalization\r 19
1. Ele Bele: The Subversion of Democracy\r 21
2. The Retreat of Global Democracy\r 25
3. Child Labour and International Labour Standards 31
4. International Labour Standards: A View from the Tropics\r 41
5. Labour vs. Labour: The Politics of Business Outsourcing \r 46
6. The Politics of Economics\r 52
7. Groucho Marx and Global Currency Flows\r 56
8. From Cowries to the Euro: Towards a One-Currency World\r 59
9. The WTO and North-South Bargains\r 62
10. Globalization and the Politics of International Finance: The Stiglitz Verdict\r 66
References\r 91
Part II. India and the World\r 93
11. Jakotra Village, Santalpur Taluka: Debating Globalization\r 95
12. India at Fifty and the Road Ahead\r 107
13. The Indian Economy: Take-Off and Strategic Policy Issues\r 115
14. Has Poverty Declined in India?\r 124
15. Infant Mortality and the Anti-Female Bias\r 128
16. Labour Laws and the Role of Contracts\r 132
17. The Reform of Small Things\r 144
18. Is India's e-Economy for Real?\r 150
19. India's Trade Policy and the WTO\r 154
20. The Coming Textile Turmoil\r 157
Part III. Social Norms and Political Economy\r 161
21. Social Norms, Law, and Economics\r 163
Bibliography\r 175
22. Methodological Individualism in the Social Sciences\r 178
References\r 185
23. Left Politics and Modern Economics\r 186
24. Hung Parliament: A Voting Scheme for Prveenting It\r 189
25. Money, Music and Harmony\r 192
26. Rules of Engagement\r 195
27. The Enigma of Advertising\r 198
28. The Truth About Lying\r 201
29. Rationality: New Research in Psychology and Economics\r 204
30. Higher and Lower Education\r 208
Part IV. Persons\r 213
31. Amartya Sen\r 215
32. John Nash: Paranoid, Schizophrenic, Nobel Laureate\r 224
33. Nobel for Market Failures: Akerlof, Spence and Stiglitz\r 227
34. Nietzsche Century\r 230
Part V. On the Road, Around the World\r 233
35. Notarizing in Delhi\r 235
36. Traveller's Bihar\r 238
37. Tango of Two Currencies: Buenos Aires\r 241
38. A Vietnam Diary\r 244
39. South Africa: Zebra Country\r 247
40. North Meets South: In and Around Bangalore\r 251
41. Muito Obrigado, Portugal\r 257
42. Queueing in Kolkata and Delhi\r 260
43. Viewing Bengal from Bankura\r 267
44. Loitering in Lahore\r 271
45. Thinking about Currencies in Kathmandu \r 275
End Matter\r 279
Index\r 279