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Storytelling in the Classroom: Enhancing Oral and Traditional Skills for Teachers

Storytelling in the Classroom: Enhancing Oral and Traditional Skills for Teachers

Alison Davies


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Book Details


Drawing on her experience as a professional storyteller, in this book, Alison Davies show teachers how to develop storytelling skills as part of a new engaging approach to creative teaching and learning. Packed with hands on, practical advice, the book also includes a range of stories for teachers to use in different class situations. The stories are in an easy to learn format, with pointers and tips on how to tell them and how to involve the class. Topics covered include: - bullying - disabilities - computer games - friendship - greed. There are also lots of lesson plans with ideas for starters, mains and plenary sessions, and tips on developing creativity and presentation of ideas in an engaging manner to suit any topic or situation across the curriculum. As well as giving the reader the opportunity to practice their new skills and giving them the confidence to develop their own stories, the activities help them to develop these skills in young people. The book is ideal for teachers, teaching assistants, youth club workers-anyone in a primary level setting who has the opportunity to develop storytelling as a creative and inspirational experience.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
The top of the world
The desired nation
The curse of wealth
On the road to revolution
People and power
Who owns the land?
Human capita
An economy in crisis
Life or debt
The state of politics
Leaf of contention
A nation on the move
Exploiting the environment
The spice of life
Dates & events
Facts & figures
Sources & further reading
Oxfam in Bolivia