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Edward FitzGeralds Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

Edward FitzGeralds Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

William H. Martin | Sandra Mason


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The book presents the text of Edward FitzGerald’s three main versions of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, together with non-technical commentary on the origins, role and influence of the poem, including the story of its publication. The commentary also addresses the many spin-offs the poem has generated in the fields of art and music, as well as its message and its worldwide influence during the 150 years since its first appearance.

‘[“Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám: A Famous Poem and Its Influence” and “FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám: Popularity and Neglect”] are dual complementary works of scholarship, reflection, and academic research, in the strongest sense of the adjectives. Scholars, academics, literary critics, translators, and those who love poetry and share Khayyam’s and FitzGerald’s twofold concerns with the human lived experience of being and nonbeing will find these twin texts of much interest.’ —Erick Nakjavani, ‘Iranian Studies’

The book presents the text of Edward FitzGerald’s three main versions of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám in an easily accessible form, together with a non-technical commentary on the origins, role and influence of the poem. The reader is given a chance to evaluate each of FitzGerald’s alternative texts as a whole and to examine how the poet presented his texts to the public and annotated the verses. The commentary discusses the lives and work of Khayyám and FitzGerald, and recounts the fascinating story the publication of the Rubáiyát and its rise to great fame and popularity, including a look at the wide-ranging spin-offs the poem has generated in art, music and other fields. The editors use the latest research to analyze the poem’s worldwide influence during the 150 years since its first appearance and the continuing relevance of the poem in the world of the 21st century.

Bill Martin and Sandra Mason are independent researchers with a long-standing interest in the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, particularly the interpretation of these quatrains by Edward FitzGerald. They were actively involved in creating exhibitions and other projects to celebrate the FitzGerald anniversaries in 2009 as a Year of the Rubaiyat.

‘William H. Martin and Sandra Mason’s edition is a worthy addition. Seeming to respond to Edmund Gosse’s entreaty, in an introduction to a deluxe 1902–1903 American edition of FitzGerald’s works, to “regain in the study of him a little of his own chaste moderation,” Martin and Mason have succeeded, as is their stated aim, in producing a highly accessible version of the text.’ —Ailise Bulfin, ‘English Literature in Transition, 1880–1920’

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Matter i
Half Title\r i
Title iii
Copyright\r iv
Contents v
Introduction vii
Acknowledgements ix
List of Illustrations xi
Main Matter 1
Part 1 Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám 1
A Note on the Texts 3
First Edition (1859) 5
Second Edition (1868) 21
Fourth Edition (1879) 43
Edward FitzGerald’s Notes 65
Edward FitzGerald’s Prefaces 71
Notes to the Preface 80
Illustrations Inset 83
Part 2 The Rubáiyát, Its Story and Its Influence 91
Omar Khayyám and His Rubáiyát 93
The Historical Omar Khayyám 93
Omar Khayyám the Poet 94
The Discovery of Khayyám in the West 96
Edward FitzGerald and His Rubáiyát 97
FitzGerald’s Origins and Upbringing 97
The Importance of Friendship 98
An Early Interest in Language 99
Creating the Rubáiyát 100
A Work Continually in Progress 102
The Poem Itself 105
What is a Rubáiyát? 105
How FitzGerald Used His Sources 106
The Structure and Content of the Poem 108
A Source of Religious and Social Controversy 109
How the Rubáiyát Became Popular 111
A Total Failure to Start With 111
The Rubáiyát Takes Off in the 1880s 112
Interest Sustained Through the Twentieth Century 114
Worldwide Spread and Influence 117
The Rubáiyát Enters Our Culture 117
Stimulating International Interest in Omar Khayyám 118
The Iranians Look Again at Their Heritage 120
Exploitation in Many Forms 121
A Stimulus to Creative Activities, and Much More 121
Rubáiyát Artwork Since 1884 121
Music, Plays and Dance 123
The Story of the Great Omar 124
Parodies Become Fashionable 125
Popularity Brings Forgeries 126
Commercial Exploitation of the Omariana Cult 128
Relevance to the Modern Day 129
The Rubáiyát is Still Being Published 129
The Anniversary Year of 2009 129
Some Modern Comments and Controversies 130
A Poem That is Still Relevant 131
Notes to Part 2 133
Part 3 Further Notes and References 141
The Texts Presented – Editors’ Notes 143
Quatrain Numbers in the Rubáiyát 147
Note References in the Rubáiyát 153
Glossary of Names and Terms 157
Further Reading and Online Resources 161
End Matter\r 163
Index 163