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How to Get Into Medical School in Australia

How to Get Into Medical School in Australia

Timothy Shiraev


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Book Details


‘How to Get into Medical School in Australia’ is the definitive guide on how to succeed in your application to medical school – and how to excel once there. The book provides comprehensive detail on the admissions processes – both undergraduate and graduate – in an easy-to-digest, chronological format, to help you manage your application step by step. Featuring study tips and techniques for high school, undergraduate and medical school entry exams (UMAT and GAMSAT), information on sought-after characteristics and how to optimise them for your application, profiles of all of the medical schools in Australia, and everything you ever wanted to know about the medical school interview, ‘How to Get into Medical School’ is the perfect companion for any prospective medical student. The guide also contains tips on how to enjoy and excel at medical school (and beyond), including study techniques and tips to use on the wards.

‘This is an excellent resource – compiling the necessary information on how you get into medical school in a concise and practical format.’ —Professor Gordian Fulde, Director, Emergency Department, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney; Professor, Notre Dame University Sydney; and Associate Professor, New South Wales University

 ‘This is a thoroughly researched and well-written book that will be an invaluable resource for all people intending to apply for medical school, and also for people who are considering the possibility of a medical career. It is the most comprehensive overview to date, and provides excellent advice on how to approach decisions on which medical school to choose and on the options for support.’ —Associate Professor Ray Garrick, Consultant Neurologist, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney

‘How to Get into Medical School in Australia’ is the definitive guide on how to succeed in your application to medical school – and how to excel once there. The book provides comprehensive details of the admissions processes – both undergraduate and graduate – in an easy-to-digest, chronological format, to help you manage your application step by step.

This detailed handbook includes an overview of the admissions process and the career of a doctor, characteristics sought in potential medical students and how to optimise them, study techniques for high school and undergraduate students, information on how to prepare for the medical school entry exams (UMAT and GAMSAT), the pros and cons of undergraduate and postgraduate medical school, and timelines on when to begin preparing for each step of the application process.

The guide also features advice on special applications (for mature age, indigenous, rural and international students), non-traditional routes of entry, how to optimise your medical school application form (including sample resumés), and the all-important medical school interview – including how to prepare, how to dress and how to answer questions successfully on the day, as well as several pages of practice interview questions.

Once you have succeeded in gaining admission, the book also offers information on what medical school is like, and advice on how to excel and enjoy it (including a list of necessary textbooks). Additionally, the guide includes advice from people who have excelled in various parts of the process: those who aced their high school leaver’s exams, medical students, and junior and senior doctors. They describe their experiences and, most importantly, provide tips and guidance on how to succeed in getting into and studying at medical school. Also included are the profiles of every medical school in Australia, detailing entry requirements, contact details, fees, numbers of places for students and the focus and academic ranking of each individual school. 

‘This is a “must-read” for anyone contemplating becoming a doctor in Australia. This profession demands a special set of skills, values and behaviours. This text is a great insight – Dr Shiraev has assembled an extraordinary set of information, advice and wisdom. A tool kit and mentor’s notes combined!’ —Professor James A. Angus AO, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne

Dr Timothy Shiraev completed his Bachelor of Science (Honours) in 2007 and his Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (Honours) in 2012. He has published various research articles in international peer-reviewed journals. 

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Half Title i
Title iii
Copyright iv
Contents vii
Editors and Contributors xiii
1 Introduction 1
Why You Should Read this Book 1
What It’s Like to Become a Doctor 2
Summary of the Application Process 5
Undergraduate Entry 5
Graduate Entry 6
My Experience 8
2 Characteristics of a Doctor 9
Academic Qualities 9
Empathy 10
Communication 12
Teamwork 12
Leadership 13
Conflict Resolution 14
Self-Reflection 15
3 Study Techniques 17
How to Study at High School 18
Exam Study 22
How to Study at University 24
Exam Study 26
4 Overview on Applying to Medical School 27
Undergraduate Medical School Application Timeline 29
Graduate Medical School Application Timeline 29
5 Undergraduate Entry into Medical School and the UMAT 31
Universities that Offer Undergraduate Medicine 31
General Undergraduate Entry Requirements 32
High School Marks and Subjects 33
Introduction to the UMAT 33
Sections of the UMAT 35
How to Study for the UMAT 37
Useful Resources 38
Preparation Courses for the UMAT 38
The Day before the UMAT 39
On the Day of the UMAT 39
6 Graduate Entry into Medical School and the GAMSAT 43
Universities that Offer Graduate Medicine 43
General Graduate Entry Requirements 44
University Marks 45
Introduction to the GAMSAT 45
Sections of the GAMSAT 47
How and What to Study for the GAMSAT 50
Tips on How to Prepare for the GAMSAT 51
Useful Resources 56
Preparation Courses for the GAMSAT 56
The Day before the GAMSAT 57
On the Day of the GAMSAT 58
7 Special Applicants 61
Mature Age Students 61
Graduate Entry into Undergraduate Programs 61
Indigenous Students 62
1. Undergraduate Medical Schools: 63
2. Graduate Medical Schools 66
Rural Students 69
International Students 70
1. Undergraduate Medical Schools 71
2. Graduate Medical Schools 73
8 The Application 77
Where to Apply? 77
The Application Form 79
Curriculum Vitae 79
How to Write a Curriculum Vitae 80
How to Best Present Your Characteristics 82
Lying 85
How to Apply 86
University Places and Fees 87
9 The Interview 91
Dress Code 91
How to Prepare for the Interview 93
In the Interview 96
10 The Letter 99
Acceptance 99
Rejection 99
What Now? 99
Trying Again 101
Alternate Careers 105
11 You’ve Made It into Medical School 107
Pre-clinical Years 109
Anatomy 110
Biochemistry and Physiology 111
Pharmacology 111
Pathophysiology 112
Microbiology 112
Diseases 112
Clinical Years 115
Presenting a Patient 117
On the Wards 119
Ward Rounds 121
Theatre 122
The Emergency Department 123
Radiology 124
Recommended Textbooks 126
Backing Up Work 128
Finances, Accommodation and Transport 129
Finances 129
Accommodation and Transport 130
What Now? 131
12 University Information 135
Undergraduate Medical Schools 135
University of New South Wales 135
University of Newcastle/University of New England (Joint Medical Program) 136
University of Western Sydney 137
Monash University 138
University of Adelaide 139
Bond University 140
James Cook University 140
University of Tasmania 141
University of Otago 142
Graduate Medical Schools 143
University of Sydney 143
University of Notre Dame (Sydney) 144
University of Wollongong 145
University of Melbourne 146
Monash University 146
Deakin University 147
Flinders University 148
University of Queensland 149
Griffith University 149
University of Western Australia 150
University of Notre Dame (Fremantle) 151
Australian National University 152
University of Otago 152
Appendices \r 155
A Practice UMAT Questions 155
Section 1 – Logical Reasoning and Problem Solving 155
Question 1 155
Questions 2–3 155
Questions 4–6 156
Questions 7–8 158
Questions 9–10 159
Answers 160
Section 2 – Understanding People 161
Questions 1–2 161
Questions 3–5 162
Question 6 163
Questions 7–9 163
Question 10 164
Answers 165
Section 3 – Non-verbal Reasoning 166
Answers 170
B Practice GAMSAT Questions 172
Section 1 – Reasoning in Humanities and Social Sciences 172
Questions 1–2 172
Questions 3–7 172
Questions 8–10 174
Answers 175
Section 2 – Written Communication 176
Section 2A 176
Section 2B 177
Answers 177
Section 3 – Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences 178
Question 1 178
Questions 2–3 178
Questions 4–5 179
Question 6 180
Questions 7–8 181
Questions 9–10 182
Answers 182
C Sample Curriculum Vitae 185
Tom Stewart 185
Personal Information 185
Qualifications 185
Work History 185
Awards and Achievements 186
Extra-curricular Activities 186
Volunteer Work 186
Referees 187
Georgina Thompson 188
Personal Information 188
Qualifications 188
Work History 188
Awards and Achievements 189
Extra-curricular Activities 189
Referees 189
D Interview Questions 190
Personal Questions 190
Ethical Questions 191
References 195
Further Reading 197
Curriculum Vitae Writing and Building, and Interview Skills 197
Entry to Medical School 197
Medical Ethics 198
Medical School Resources 198
Medical School Textbooks 198
UMAT, GAMSAT and Study Techniques 200
Index 201