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Therapeutic Strategies in Prostate Cancer

Therapeutic Strategies in Prostate Cancer

Mark Feneley, Heather Payne


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Prostate cancer accounts for nearly a quarter of all male cancers, and the incidence is rising as detection rates continue to improve, and life expectancy increases. Timely intervention affords a wider range of management options and in this new volume the editors review the choices available. In the first section lifestyle interventions, such as nutrition and screening, and evaluation of risk factors are discussed; then follows an update on management strategies for localised and locally advanced cancer in various risk groups, drawing on the results of the latest clinical trials. The third section of the book looks at advanced cancer including the management of metastases, and encompasses hormonal and chemotherapy, and palliative care. The volume concludes with a review of common complications of prostate cancer such as urinary obstruction and erectile dysfunction, and appropriate strategies for pain control. Among the key topics discussed:- - The evidence for and against PSA screening - The value of current prognostic models in predicting clinical outcomes - The role of biomarkers in evaluating therapeutic success - How to determine the endpoint of clinical trials - New horizons in chemotherapy for prostate cancer This new work addresses questions which challenge every clinician involved with the care of cancer patients today, and provides authoritative insights into the thinking that will define best practice in future.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1. Introduction
A framework for action in a changing world
Our inclusive approach
Methodologies for a bottom-up perspective
2. The road to 2030
Energy access: overall trends
Clean cooking
Electricity access
Achieving universal access by 2030: what needs to change
3. Clean cookstoves and fuels
Bottom-up planning for clean cooking solutions
Financing the transition to improved cooking solutions
Delivering clean cooking solutions at scale and inclusively
4. Electrification
Bottom-up planning for electrification: meeting broad energy service needs
Financing the stretch to electricity access for all
Delivering electricity access at scale and inclusively
5.People-focused delivery
Reaching the unserved billions
Unlocking the necessary funding
Planning and policy that meets people’s needs
Reaching the ‘last mile’ through better planning, finance, and delivery
6. Conclusions and recommendations