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Mouth and Tongue Let's Have Some Fun!

Mouth and Tongue Let's Have Some Fun!

Karina Hopper



Learning new facial expressions and mouth movements can be great fun, just ask Sam!

Moving the tongue and mouth in different ways is an effective way of strengthening facial muscles, teaching children about emotions and encouraging speech. Children will love copying Sam and Timmy Tongue's silly faces and improve their facial strength and dexterity in the process.

This simple picture book will be an invaluable resource for any parent, teacher or professional looking to encourage children to talk and laugh by making funny facial expressions.

When speech and language therapists recommended mouth exercises for Karina Hopper's children, she and Lisa MacDonald produced an engaging resource with toddler-appeal.
Speech & Language Therapy in Practice
Karina Hopper was inspired to write this book after being unable to find a similar resource to use with two of her children who had delayed speech. She has worked as special needs support assistant and is currently studying for a creative writing diploma. Karina lives with her three children in Romford, UK.
This little book has a definite purpose... Children will enjoy doing the exercises as a kind of game, land lots of laughter and giggles should ensue...This should be a really helpful tool if used often.