Green Materials for Sustainable Water Remediation and Treatment
Anuradha Mishra | James H Clark
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Inadequate access to clean water afflicts people throughout the world, and in developing countries any solution to this challenge must be achieved at a low cost and low energy demand. At the same time, the use of chemicals, and subsequent environmental impact must also be reduced. Green and sustainable water remediation is a rapidly growing field of interest to governments and corporations alike, with considerable input from academics, environmental consultants and public interest groups.
This book presents a focused set of articles covering a range of topics in the field, examining not only the adoption of natural products for water remediation, but also the synthesis of new materials and emerging clean technologies. Contributors from across the globe (including some "on the ground" in the developing world) present a comprehensive digest in the form of review-style articles highlighting the current thinking and direction in the field.
Interested stakeholders from all sectors will find this book invaluable, and postgraduate students of chemical engineering or environmental science will benefit from the real-world applications presented.
Professor Anuradha Mishra has made significant contribution in the field of synthesis of polysaccharide based materials for wastewater treatment. She has more than 70 research publications in reputed journals/Books/conference proceedings to her credit. She has also authored a book on polymers. She is recipient of coveted commonwealth fellowship award, UK and Research Award for teachers by University Grants Commission, India. She had been Head of Chemistry department at CSJM University, Kanpur, India and worked at four internationally reputed institutions including Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence at the University of York, a world leading research centre.
"this book is recommended to all synthetic, analytical and environmental chemists and engineers in academia and industry, who have an interest in environmentally friendly (green) chemistry. The book is also very suitable for use in the training of BSc and MSc students."
Dr György Keglevich