Martin Harper | Glenn Rondeau | Kevin Ashley | Tom Oatts | T Mark McCleskey | Melecita Archuleta | Brandy Duran | Anoop Agarwal | Nancy Grams | Charles Davis | Mike J Brisson | Amy A Ekechukwu
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Book Details
As the use of beryllium grows worldwide, the need for a single source of information on this important but toxic element is of increasing importance. This comprehensive book describes all aspects of the current sampling and analysis techniques for trace-level beryllium in the workplace. It offers both a historical perspective and a description of the state-of-the-art in a single place. It covers the challenges inherent in sampling procedures such as reproducibility, limited sample volume, surface sampling materials and collection efficiency. It also deals with the problems involved in analytical techniques including lower detection limits, identification and compensation for matrix interferences, greater sensitivity requirements and the need for more robust preparation techniques. Future trends, including development of real-time beryllium sampling and analysis equipment, are also explored. Readers will gain an understanding of sampling and analytical techniques best suited for sensitive and accurate analysis of beryllium at ultra-trace levels in environmental and workplace samples. Many "standard" sampling and analysis techniques have weaknesses that this book will help users avoid. Written by recognized experts in the field, the book provides a single point of reference for professionals in analytical chemistry, industrial hygiene, and environmental science.
Michael J. Brisson has over 30 years experience in analytical chemistry specializing in spectroscopy. His current work includes advisory support for industrial hygiene laboratories handling radioactive samples, and for the design of new nuclear laboratories. He is currently Chair of the Beryllium Health and Safety Committee (U.S. Departments of Energy and Defence) and Secretary of the ASTM International Committee on Air Quality. He is also the technical lead for three ASTM International Standards. He has organized numerous beryllium-related technical sessions at the American Chemical Society and the American Industrial Hygiene Association national meetings and was lead organizer of the Second Symposium on Beryllium Particulates and Their Detection in Salt Lake City, November 2005. He is author or co-author of eight peer-reviewed journal articles and guest edited a special issue of the Journal of Environmental Monitoring on beryllium sampling and analysis. Amy A. Ekechukwu is a senior Fellow Scientist with over 26 years experience in spectrophotometry, chromatography, electrochemical analysis and synthesis, liquid scintillation counting, gamma spectrophotometry, handling of radioactive material, and a variety of wet chemistry methods. She was profiled as International Woman of the Month for Women in Technology International, June 2000 and is currently a member of the Executive Board of the Beryllium Health and Safety Committee (U.S. Departments of Energy and Defence). She has chaired prominent sessions at four International Ion Chromatography Forums, organized numerous sessions at the American Chemical Society and the American Industrial Hygiene Association national meetings. She was lead organizer for the Third International Symposium on Beryllium Particulates and Their Detection in November 2008 in Albuquerque and has had eleven patents granted.