Handbook of Surface Plasmon Resonance
Rob P H Kooyman | Robert M Corn | Alastair Wark | Hye Jin Lee | Erk Gedig | Gerard Engbers | Lennart Walstrom | Nico J de Mol | Damien R Hall | Paul Yager | Timothy Chinowsky | Elain Fu | Kjell Nelson | Alan McWhirter | Marcel J E Fischer | Angelique M C Lokate | J Bianca Beusink | Ger J M Pruijn | Wolfgang Knoll | Amal Kasry | Jing Liu | Thomas Neumann | Lifang Niu | Hyeyoung Park | Harald Paulsen | Rudolf Robelek | Fang Yu | Peter Schuck | Richard B M Schasfoort | Anna J Tudos | Richard A Frazier
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Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) plays a dominant role in real-time interaction sensing of biomolecular binding events. This book focuses on a total system description including optics, fluidics and sensor surfaces. It covers all commercial SPR systems in the market. It is the first of its kind and fills a gap in the technical literature as no other handbook on SPR is currently available. The final chapter discussed new trends and a vision is given for future developments and needs of the SPR market. This excellent handbook provides comprehensive information with easy to use, stand-alone chapters and will be of great use to anyone one working with or affiliated to the technology.
Richard B.M. Schasfoort is currently head of the Biochip Group at the University of Twente (UT), the Netherlands, as well as director of the BioMultianalyte Detection program, strategic research orientation at MESA+ UT. He earned his MSc in biotechnology from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands and his PhD in biosensors. His research interest is focused on the coupling of lab-on-a-chip liquid handling to bio- and chemical sensors for the determination of multiple analytes in complex matrices. Relevant application areas include disease monitoring, biomarkers and food safety. Richard Schasfoort is founder of IBIS Technologies BV that has committed itself to SPR imaging technology. Richard B.M. Schasfoort has (co-)authored about 60 peer reviewed articles and 15 patent applications and was in 2002 awarded a grant for young scientists (vernieuwingsimpuls) by Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Dr Tudos was senior scientist at the Biochip Group, University of Twente and now Shell Global Solutions International BV, P.O. Box 38000, 1030 BN Amsterdam, the Netherlands, She earned her PhD at the University of Amsterdam in analytical chemistry. Her post doctoral study at Iowa State University focused on electrochemical detection in miniaturized devices. Her major interest is translating scientific concepts, like SPR-based sensors or lab-on-a-chip devices into products for example for application in the food, health or defence industry. Dr Tudos is member of the editorial board of Food Chemistry (Elsevier) and head of the Analytical Chemistry Section of the Royal Dutch Society of Chemists.