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Groundwater Science and Policy

Groundwater Science and Policy

Anne-Marie Fouillac | Dietmar Muller | Philippe Negrel | Dominique Darmendrail | Adriaan F L Slob | Johannes Grath | Andreas Scheidleder | Crystal Rodgers-Jenkins | Lorenzo Galbiati | Giovanni Bidoglio | Geo Arnold | Claudia Pahl-Wostl | Emilio Custodio | Klaus Hinsby | Jos Brils | Madjid Bouzit | Jan Joziasse | Peter Grathwohl | Thomas Ertel | Rob Ward | Catherine Gonzalez | Maria Teresa Condesso Melo | Huub Rijnaarts | David N Lerner | Ramon Laplana | Thomas Track | Nadine Turpin | Anne-Marie Fouillac | Christophe Mouvet | Hans Jorgen Henriksen | Lars Troldborg | Per Nyegaard | Anker L Hojberg | Torben O Sonnenborg | Jens Christian Refsgaard | Dominique Darmendrail | Wim de Lange | Michiel Blind | Jens Newig | Dagmar Ridder | Marisol Manzano | Roland Purtschert | W Mike Edmunds Edmunds | Carol Kendall | Thomas Ptak | Christos Tsakiroglou | Jerker Jarsjo | Matthias Piepenbrink | Georg TEUTSCH | Johann van Veen | Jorg Frauenstein | Thomas Track | Hermann Kirchholtes | Hans Peter Broers | Jasper Griffioen | Ruth Heerdink | B Grift | Florian Mermillod-Blondin | Dan L Danielopol | Christian Griebler | Janine Gibert | Amara Gunatilaka | Hans Jurgen Hahn | Giuseppe Messana | Jos Notenboom | Boris Sket | Jean-Daniel Rinaudo | Jeroen Ter Meer | Ryan D Wilson | Stephen Foster | Antony Chapman | Philippe Quevauviller


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Until recently, focus on groundwater mainly concerned its use as drinking water and as an important resource for industry (e.g. cooling waters) and agriculture (irrigation). It has, however, become increasingly obvious that groundwater should not only be viewed as a drinking water reservoir, but that it should also be protected for its environmental value. In this respect, groundwater represents an important link of the hydrological cycle through the maintenance of wetlands and river flows, acting as a buffer through dry periods. Hence, deterioration of groundwater quality may directly affect other related aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The groundwater legislative framework under the EU Water Framework Directive and the newly adopted Groundwater Directive establishes criteria linked to environmental objectives which have to be met by 2015 following successive operational steps including characterisation, risk assessment (analysis of pressures and impacts), monitoring and design of programmes of measures. These milestones require that sound technical and scientific information be made accessible to water managers, which is so far still not sufficiently streamlined. In this context, this book describes the groundwater legislative milestones and presents series of research and development activities that aim to directly support them. It has, therefore, the ambition to become a vehicle liaising policy requirements and available scientific knowledge in this area.
Philippe QUEVAUVILLER is a member of the Water & Marine Unit of the EC Environment Directorate-General where he is responsible for the development and implementation of a new Groundwater Directive which will complement the existing water policy framework. He has worked as a researcher in marine geochemistry for over 20 years during which he has published more than 200 papers in the international literature and several books linked to environmental quality measurements. He is also a part-time professor at the K.U. Leuven teaching "water quality and treatment".