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The Year in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Volume 2

The Year in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Volume 2

J Hunter, TM Cook, H-J Priebe, M Struys


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Specialists in anaesthesia, analgesia and critical care contribute their expertise to a wide range of clinical cases, from minor surgical procedures through to the most challenging and complex operations, in the emergency situation and in the long term care of the critically ill. To meet the challenges that these cases present the specialty continues to advance and embrace new technologies and procedures, new drugs and equipment, and more innovative programmes of training. In this latest update, the editors and contributors review these developments and drawing on the recent literature address the questions to which practitioners are seeking authoritative answers:- · Perioperative cardioprotection - how can it be effected? · Perioperative respiratory function - how can it best be improved? · What's new in blood component therapy and haemostasis? · How is it best to survive sepsis in the 21st Century? · Does hypothermia improve outcome after cardiac arrest? An indispensable guide to the latest advances in thinking, training and clinical practice.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1 Introduction
Rosalind Eyben and Irene Guijt
2 Uncovering the politics of evidence and results
Rosalind Eyben
3 Mapping the results landscape: insights from a crowdsourcing survey
Brendan Whitty
4 The politics and practice of value for money
Cathy Shutt
5 The politics of juggling multiple accountability disorder
Chris Roche
6 Theory of change as best practice or next trick?
Marjan van Es and Irene Guijt
7 Aid bureaucracy and support for disabled peoples’ organizations
Ola Abu Alghaib
8 The results agenda in Swedish development cooperation: cycles of failure or reform Success?
Janet Vähämäki
9 Valuing children’s knowledge: the politics of listening
Vicky Johnson
10 Unwritten reports: lessons from an NGO collective
Bernward Causemann and Eberhard Gohl
11 Playing the rules of the game and other strategies
Irene Guijt