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Book Details
Interpersonal Skills for the People Professions fosters understanding of the work of the people professionals through an exploration of the interpersonal skills that are employed when working with people in nursing, social care, welfare, education, mental health, midwifery, policing and general practice.
Comparing and contrasting the interpersonal skills of the different professions will stimulate and enhance students’ understanding and learning. This learning will also increase the potential for flexible, responsive and innovative working within professions, as well as in interprofessional and multidisciplinary teams.
Based on interviews with practising professionals, the book also acts as an introduction to the range of people professions for students on Foundation Degree programmes and for all those considering a career in the professions that involve working closely with people in a caring and/or supportive role. By providing role models for those new to these professions it is hoped that the book will be an inspiration for both students and newly qualified practitioners.
The book begins with a service user’s perspective on the people professions. Each of the following chapters then:
• shows how each professional applies theory to practice;
• demonstrates the ways in which they employ interpersonal skills;
• explores the ethical base of each profession;
• highlights the importance of continuing professional development;
• considers the pressures and challenges of the role.
There are numerous case studies in each chapter that demonstrate interpersonal skills in practice, as well as reflection activities and further reading recommendations.