Graphic Anaesthesia
Tim Hooper | James Nickells | Sonja Payne | Annabel Pearson | Ben Walton
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From reviews:
"Graphic Anaesthesia is a well-written, easy-to-read book, ideal for trainees studying for primary FRCA examinations... It will be an ideal companion for preparing for exams." Ulster Medical Journal, May 2016
"Graphic Anaesthesia is an excellent revision tool that allows trainees approaching exams to prepare in an efficient and simple format. It is a refreshing and unique resource that should be included on any essential revision reading list". European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2016; 33:610.
"The diagrams are very clear, the explanations accurate and concise and to pack 245 items into a small reference book is no mean feat…. Each diagram is drawn in just four colours to enable them to be reproduced easily from memory. This intuitive approach was an eye-opener to me and a valuable lesson in simplicity without losing any essential detail. This is something from which many educators could learn and indeed transfer that skill…This is a quality book that could be a useful investment across the spectrum of practitioners involved in anaesthesia and the teaching of anaesthesia." Journal of Perioperative Practice March 2017, volume 27, issue 3
Graphic Anaesthesia is a compendium of the diagrams, graphs, equations and tables needed in anaesthetic practice.
Each page covers a separate topic to aid rapid review and assimilation. The relevant illustration, equation or table is presented alongside a short description of the fundamental principles of the topic and with clinical applications where appropriate. All illustrations have been drawn using a simple colour palette to allow them to be easily reproduced in an exam setting.
The book includes sections covering:
- physiology
- pharmacodynamics and kinetics
- physics
- equipment
- anatomy
- drugs
- clinical measurement
- statistics.
By combining all the illustrations, equations and tables with concise, clinically relevant explanations, Graphic Anaesthesia is therefore:
- the ideal revision book for all anaesthetists in training
- a valuable aide-memoire for senior anaesthetists to use when teaching and examining trainees.