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A Practical Guide for New School Leaders

A Practical Guide for New School Leaders

John C Daresh,Trevor Arrowsmith


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'A Practical Guide for New School Leaders will be appreciated by those taking up new posts as head or deputy and should be part of their personal collections' - Tim Brighouse, Times Educational Supplement. New head teachers need help as they walk the tightrope between surviving the first years in the job and becoming strong and effective instructional leaders. John C Daresh and Trevor Arrowsmith offer concrete strategies, case studies and a personal leadership checklist to help the new school leader develop an individual plan to thrive and survive. This is a practical and essential resource for head teachers, deputy head teachers and all those aspiring towards a leadership role in schools. 'I am sure that this is one of books whose reputation will grow by word of mouth by those who have used it, to their colleagues. It deserves to be, and I am sure will be come a classic' - The International Journal of Educational Management