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Heart Failure

Heart Failure

Ileana Pina | Elizabeth Madigan


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Heart Failure: Strategies to Improve Outcomes, the first volume in the Cardiovascular Team Approach Series, presents the true integrated care approach to the common syndrome of heart failure. The authors, including advanced practice nurses, physicians, a pharmacist, a social worker, and a dietitian, are professionals who actively practice and care for heart failure patients in the team environment.
This well-written and well-organized book emphasizes the importance of establishing a multidisciplinary, team-based approach to caring for heart failure patients using supporting evidence from peer-reviewed publications. This book is unique in emphasizing how a team-based approach can improve outcomes for these complex patients, making it an ideal guidebook for any caregivers wanting to provide more effective long-term care for their patients with heart failure. - Doody Review (Paul Rogers, MD, PhD)