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Histological and Histochemical Methods, fifth edition

Histological and Histochemical Methods, fifth edition

John Kiernan


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Book Details


From reviews:

"Histological and Histochemical Methods is a tour de force wholly suited to the modern age of histology and Professor Kiernan has triumphed again. To cover so much ground clearly and concisely while including the justification of the underlying chemistry makes this book unique. There should not be a histology laboratory or an undergraduate library that does not own a copy."
Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2016, 91(2): 145.

"This book should be present on the bookshelves of every research or analysis laboratory where histology and histochemistry are routinely used, as an essential reference source of basic and practical information for scientists and technicians."
European Journal of Histochemistry 2016, vol. 60.

This fifth edition of Histological and Histochemical Methods continues to provide a clear and consistent introduction to the techniques, description and analysis of the chemical and physical principles of fixation, tissue processing, staining, enzyme location, immunohistochemistry and other key procedures.

The overall structure of the book remains unchanged, but the content has been heavily revised to update the techniques used in line with recent technological advances. Additionally, there are new sections on:

Artefacts and troubleshooting
Methods for microorganisms and fungi in sections
Methods for various pigments and mineral deposits in tissues
Methods for skeletal elements (bone, cartilage) in whole-mounts

Histological and Histochemical Methods 5e is essential reading for students, lecturers, researchers and professionals using histological and histochemical techniques.

"This book should be present on the bookshelves of every research or analysis laboratory where histology and histochemistry are routinely used, as an essential reference source of basic and practical information for scientists and technicians."
"This book is an exceptional reference guide that we would highly recommend to any researcher interested in studying microscopic anatomy/morphology."
"Histological and Histochemical Methods is a tour de force wholly suited to the modern age of histology and Professor Kiernan has triumphed again."

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
00_Histo-5e_Prelims_ccp 2
01_Histo-5e_Chapter1_cpp 18
02_Histo-5e_Chapter2_ccp 29
03_Histo-5e_Chapter3_cpp 62
04_Histo-5e_Chapter4_cpp 69
05_Histo-5e_Chapter5_ccp 89
06_Histo-5e_Chapter6_ccp 154
07_Histo-5e_Chapter7_cpp 187
08_Histo-5e_Chapter8_ccp 201
09_Histo-5e_Chapter9_ccp 223
10_Histo-5e_Chapter10_cpp 248
11_Histo-5e_Chapter11_ccp 280
12_Histo-5e_Chapter12_cpp 310
13_Histo-5e_Chapter13_ccp 338
14_Histo-5e_Chapter14_cpp 359
15_Histo-5e_Chapter15_ccp 365
16_Histo-5e_Chapter16_cpp 388
17_Histo-5e_Chapter17_cpp 423
18_Histo-5e_Chapter18_cpp 436
19_Histo-5e_Chapter19_ccp 471
20_Histo-5e_Chapter20_cpp 508
21_Histo-5e_Biblio_ccp 522
22_Histo-5e_Glossary_cpp 566
23_Histo-5e_Index_ppp 572