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This essential text for primary trainees and teachers examines the key skill of writing beyond the earliest school years. Teaching writing involves much more than simply teaching the mechanics of spelling, grammar and punctuation, important though these are. There are particular issues around writing in school, including the fact that children’s writing consistently lags behind their reading in external tests such as SATs, boys’ relative lack of success and teachers’ lack of confidence in modelling writing. This book addresses these topics as well as focusing on other pertinent practice issues such as working with proficient writers, engaging disengaged writers and working with children who have EAL and SEN.
David Waugh is a former deputy headteacher who has worked in Initial Teacher Training (ITT) from 1990 at the University of Hull, where he led the PGCE course and became Head of Department. In 2008 he was appointed as a National Strategies Regional Adviser for ITT. He is currently Director of the Primary PGCE at Durham University, where he is also subject leader for English. He has published extensively in primary English, as well as developing e-learning resources for National Strategies for English, mathematics and mentoring and coaching.
Adam Bushnell is a full time author who delivers creative writing workshops in the UK and internationally in both state and private education to all ages. His books have been selected by the School Library Association for the ‘Boys into Books’ recommended reading list. Previously a teacher, Adam now also delivers CPD to teachers and others working in education on how to inspire writing in the classroom.
Sally Neaum is a Senior Lecturer in early childhood, and teaches primary English in Initial Teacher Training (ITT) at Teesside University. She has worked as a nursery and primary school teacher and as an advisor in early years and inclusion. Her doctoral research was in the pedagogy of early literacy. She has published a number of texts focused on child development and on language and literacy in the early years.
I like the balance of references to relevant research and practical ideas. The case studies are useful too!
Fiona Maine, University of Cambridge
The book is good at making links to empirical research and putting ideas into practice. It gives some good ideas for teaching whilst retaining academic rigour.
Glenn Stone, University of Chicester