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Problem Solving in Oncology

Problem Solving in Oncology

D O'Donnell, M Leahy, M Marples, A Protheroe, P Selby.


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Book Details


This new volume brings together the current thinking in both investigation and management of the cancer patient. It presents a comprehensive caseload as seen by the oncologist. These are common yet challenging real-life patient scenarios, which the authors resolve by drawing on the latest published literature. Each case begins with a few practical questions to stimulate the reader. This is followed by clinical presentation and the reader is led through the logical work-up of a case to reach a diagnosis. An algorithm accompanies most cases to provide a rapid pictorial overview of the clinical steps involved. Essential references are provided. Each of the major areas of cancer is covered, along with pain, management of chemotherapy, and psychological issues. This book provides an up to date reference for the busy practitioner. It will be an essential companion for the oncologist, for the specialist in other areas seeking to improve his understanding of cancer, and for the interested GP.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
A Word from ICCO.
Introduction: A Framework for Understanding Transnational Agrarian Movements.
Transnational Agrarian Movements: Histories and Diversity.
Linking the International, the National and the Local in TAMs.
Internally Differentiated TAMs: Competing Class, Identity and Ideological Interests.
Class, Identity and Ideological Differences between TAMs.
TAMs, NGOs and Donor Agencies.
TAMs and Intergovernmental Institutions.
Conclusion: Current and Future Challenges