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The Project Manager's Guide to Making Successful Decisions

The Project Manager's Guide to Making Successful Decisions

Robert A. Powell | Dennis Buede


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Decision-making is critical in project management. Lack of decision-making knowledge, avoidable mistakes, and improper definitions can negatively impact your company’s ability to generate profit. The Project Manager’s Guide to Making Successful Decisions is a practical handbook that focuses on the significance of project decision-making skills that will all you to reach workable and effective results. This valuable resource highlights numerous decisions necessary to support the project management life cycle, presents various techniques that facilitate the decision-making process, provides an overview of decision analysis as it relates to project management, and much more! Understand different types of decision-making processes and cycles Recognize how to frame the decision and gather better information Define alternatives and assessments to make the right decision Analyze short case studies demonstrating project decision making success Contents Chapter 1: Good Decision-Making: The Key to Project Success • Chapter 2: Managerial Decision-Making • Chapter 3: Decisions and the Project Management Life Cycle • Chapter 4: Overview of Decision-Making • Chapter 5: Project Management Decisions • Chapter 6: Framing the Decision • Chapter 7: Generating Decision Alternatives • Chapter 8: Analyzing the Alternatives • Chapter 9: Handling Risk and Uncertainty • Chapter 10: Training Project Managers as Decision Makers About the Authors Col. Robert Powell was the systems management program director and course director at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He received his PhD in systems engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. Dennis Buede, PhD, is executive decision analyst, vice president, and chairman of the board at Innovative Decisions. He was formerly a professor at Stevens Institute of Technology and George Mason University. He has a PhD and an MS in engineering-economic systems from Stanford University and is the author of The Engineering Design of Systems and Decision Synthesis: The Principles and Practice of Decision Analysis.