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Disengaged employees cost companies billions in lost productivity and high turnover rates. Integrating sustainability into the soul of your business can unleash an 'upward spiral' of engagement, and turn your employees into sustainability champions. Making business sustainability part of the job description drives employees towards collaboration, community and commitment. It transforms employees into authentic brand ambassadors and companies into movements. In addition, companies that embed sustainability are better positioned to anticipate and adapt to changing market conditions. Creating Employee Champions offers a three-step method for sustainability engagement training, and a paradigm shift in employee engagement and business sustainability. Use it transplant NGO DNA into business DNA, so you can inspire hearts and minds, engage employees, foster dynamic commitment to meet sustainability goals and equip employees to engage with external stakeholders.
For future just societies we need to bring sustainability to the heart of business. Joanna Sullivan shows how this helps our planet flourish - and even more the people involved. Dr. Maja Göpel, Head Berlin Office, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany * "In future companies will be evaluated not only according to earnings and profit, but in how companies educate their employees on sustainable development to care for society, for our planet." Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, Right Livelihood Award Laureate 2003, Founder SEKEM, Egypt * "A must read and must act upon. Our engagement with the health sector shows again and again, if managers apply sustainability criteria in their work they achieve a triple win: improved satisfaction of patients, engaged and highly motivated staff and less harm for the environment. I can highly recommend reading this book, a win all round.” Anja Leetz, Executive Director, Health Care Without Harm Europe