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How to Account for Sustainability

How to Account for Sustainability

Laura Musikanski



Learn how to measure, manage and account for sustainability in your business in clear, simple and feasible steps. This book takes you from concept to innovation and back to action items for all aspects of sustainability. Each chapter has four sections: (1) a specific description of sustainability challenges, (2) an example of a business making a profit by sustainability problem, (3) an exercise challenging the reader to identify business solutions and (4) clear, simple takeaways. The book is structured around the world’s most accepted guidelines for sustainability reporting, the Global Reporting Initiative.
“This book is a great tool for business leaders and managers who wish to introduce sustainability into management and enhance the bottom line. It is simple, clear and useful” Chip Conley, Founder of Joie de Vivre Hotels and Author of PEAK and Emotional Equations "In this short, clear volume, Laura Musikanski summarizes lessons learned from a career in sustainable management--as an attorney, MBA, environmental director of a large corporation and Executive Director of two of America's groundbreaking altenative indicators organizations, Sustainable Seattle and The Happiness Initiative. 'How to Account for Sustainability' contains essential advice for businesses focusing on doing well by doing good with a "triple bottom line" of profits, people and planet. I've learned a lot from Laura Musikanski and you will too, from this book!" John de Graaf, co-author, 'Affluenza: The all-consuming epidemic' and Executive Director of Take Back Your Time