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Reflective Primary Teaching

Reflective Primary Teaching

Tony Ewens


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An essential text helping student teachers, classroom teachers at all stages in their careers, school mentors and teacher educators develop their effectiveness by analysing and improving their practice in the light of a deeper understanding of the professional Standards. The new format of the Teachers’ Standards means it is now necessary to develop shared understandings about, for example, what constitutes high expectations or good progress. Rather than making simple judgements about discrete skills or fragments of knowledge, a more holistic, rounded vision of teaching and learning is required.

Each aspect of the Standards is dealt with in a chapter of its own, where the central topic is presented as both complex and contested in a way that invites readers to formulate their own interpretations. The approach used accentuates the importance of reflection as a key professional attribute and readers are encouraged to reflect on their own experiences and on their responses to case studies and quotations as a means of helping them to develop their understandings.  

This book is set out in a very readable way and is packed with ideas for self-help through the reflective tasks.  Having references and focused 'Take it further' readings at the end of each chapter allows the reader to delve deeper into a specific area of interest more quickly than having to search through the Bibliography for details.  Setting out clearly the Learning Outcomes at the start of each chapter makes it clear exactly what the content will be.

Miriam Walker, Winchester University

Tony Ewens worked as a teacher and headteacher in primary and middle schools in Devon, then as the county’s advisory teacher for religious and moral education, before moving into Initial Teacher Education as a lecturer at St Martin’s College (now the University of Cumbria).  Specialising in philosophy of education as well as RE, he became Head of Education and Associate Dean at St Martin’s College.  Upon the formation of the University of Cumbria Tony was appointed Head of Education Studies.  He retired in 2008 and is now a freelance consultant, an external examiner for ITE courses and an author.  

It has a good balance of theory and practice.  The broad range of topics will be very useful as students prepare for interviews as well as starting points for workshop discussions.  The reflective tasks will be especially useful here.  The topics link very well to the Teachers’ Standards and students could use the book to get a bigger picture of what meeting each Standard could involve.  The book is well-written and well-structured, and the style is engaging with anecdotes enhancing the more theoretical elements.  The author has credibility, given his breadth of experience.

David Waugh, Durham University

Very clearly presented text that incorporates all the relevant aspects related to reflective teaching.  Reflective teaching is a very important aspect of the role and it is vital that trainees are given structure to be able to do so effectively - this text will be used to support this process.

Helen Childerhouse, Sheffield Hallam University