Well-being in the Early Years
Caroline Bligh | Sue Chambers | Chelle Davison | Ian Lloyd | Jackie Musgrave | June O'Sullivan | Susan Waltham
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A multi-disciplinary and holistic approach to the well-being of young children to support child development modules on a variety of programmes. The emotional, physical and social well-being of young children is a prime area of the new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and is at the forefront of current policy and debate. This text goes beyond issues of safeguarding to address how the well-being of young children can be affected by a range of circumstances and how well-being is promoted by professionals from a variety of disciplines. It looks at various aspects of well-being in the young child from a number of perspectives, and examines key issues such as special and additional needs, poverty and deprivation, abuse, race, ethnicity and culture.
Chelle Davison is a Senior Lecturer of Early Years Professional Practice at Leeds Metropolitan University.
Susan Waltham is a Senior Lecturer and the award leader for the BA (Hons) Childhood Studies at Leeds Metropolitan University.
Caroline Bligh is a Senior Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education and Course Leader for the MA in Childhood Studies and Early Years at Leeds Metropolitan University.
Ian Lloyd is a Lecturer in Social Work at Staffordshire University.
Sue Chambers is an independent early years consultant.
June O’Sullivan is Chief Executive at the London Early Years Foundation.
Jackie Musgrave manages the Early Years Foundation Degree at Solihull College.