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Therapy with Children

Therapy with Children

Ms Debbie Daniels | Mr Peter Jenkins


Additional Information

Book Details


`Debbie Daniels and Peter Jenkins approach the complex issue of the rights of children to seek and sustain psychotherapy with skill and sensitivity. They provide a lucid and accurate account of psychoanalytically-orientated counselling and psychotherapy and illustrate how the needs of the child for a place of confidential safety is essential for any child to trust a therapist, and eventually, for the society of `childhood' at large to appreciate the sanctuary provided by this trust.... Daniels and Jenkins' book arrives at a crucial moment in history of the therapeutic treatment of children and adults. It is fair-minded, exceptionally informative, well written, and compelling' - Christopher Bollas - from the Foreword

`This book raises issues of relevance to teachers, health professionals, youth workers and social workers as well as counsellors working with children. It provides a stimulating read, is an excellent source of reference and is very accessible' - Educational Review

`This book provides much material that will enable therapists to work within a basic framework of understanding and knowledge of legal processes and for that reason should be highly recommended' - Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal

`This is as concise a book as one could hope for on such a wide-ranging and rapidly evolving arena of work. It is not only concise but it is also crammed with content of a high order. I have to admit to half expecting a rather dry and uninspiring dialectic on the subject of children's rights and the consequent implications in terms of confidentiality and the law. I am happy to admit that I was rapidly disabused of that notion.... It is a challenge rather than an easy read. The text flows well but is so packed with succinctly presented content that one can easily overlook the richness of the meal, or the complexity of the ingredients. I would certainly expect that this book will play a longstanding role as a place to test and explore one's own thoughts and practice in the complex area of work' - British Journal of Guidance and Counselling

`...the authors have produced a work which is informative and thought-provoking without avoiding the difficulties of the subject matter or offering simplistic answers' - Journal of Interprofessional Care

`Debbie Daniels and Peter Jenkins approach the complex issue of the rights of children to seek and sustain psychotherapy with skill and sensitivity. They provide a lucid and accurate account of psychoanalytically-orientated counselling and psychotherapy and illustrate how the needs of the child for a place of confidential safety is essential for any child to trust a therapist, and eventually, for the society of `childhood' at large to appreciate the sanctuary provided by this trust.... Daniels and Jenkins' book arrives at a crucial moment in history of the therapeutic treatment of children and adults. It is fair minded, exceptionally informative, well written, and compelling' - Christopher Bollas - from the Foreword

`This is a thought-provoking book, raising and discussing the important questions that pervade the minefield that is therapy with children. This book is thorough and detailed, referencing many useful and significant legal and official documents by way of answering some of the thorny questions that it raises....This book should prove beneficial for any adults working with children in need of therapeutic support. It carefully highlights the main legal issues, and equally and importantly, sensitively takes the reader through the process and practice of therapy, and its implications for the psychological well-being of both child client, and the therapist' - British Journal of Educational Psychology

`The layout of this book allows for selective reading of relevant sections. It is very readable and well presented with excellent summary tables and bulleted lists in shaded boxes....There is particularly useful material for health professionals, teachers and social workers in relation to consent...This book contributes some excellent material to the debate on children's rights' - Child Abuse and Neglect

`There are many cases in which the therapist's ability to provide confidentiality in working with children will be constrained by law. As the authors of this volume argue: "in working therapeutically with children, as with adult clients, therapists will increasingly discover that ignorance of the law is no excuse"' - Childright

`The authors provide a thoughtful consideration of work with young people' - Children and Society

`The layout of this book allows for selective reading of relevant sections. It is very readable and well presented, with excellent summary tables and bulleted lists in shaded boxes…. This book contributes some excellent material to the debate on children's rights' - Linda Naylor, Child Abuse Review

`The strengths of this book are that the legal issues of competence and confidentiality are well covered with a clear application to working as a therapist' - Anne Woodhouse, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
One: Rural industrialization
Identifying a strategy for small-scale rural
industrialization 1
The blacksmiths of Manie, Zaire 3
In-house shortcomings restraining informal
industrialization 12
Resource deficiencies which restrain informal
industrialization 15
Rural industrial viability 19
Industrial origins: traditional or implanted? 21
Two: Rural workshops
The comparative viability of urban and rural informal
manufacturing 25
The significance of innovation 31
Sustainability and growth 35
Form of design input required by primary and
secondary workshops 39
The comparative viability of primary and secondary
workshops 46
Categorization of small workshop production in
developing countries 47
Three: Relevance and ignorance
The contribution of the small workshop 52
The relevance of the small workshop within
African development 55
The failure of interventions 60
Perception of success 67
Four: Artisan-orientated intervention
The recognition of indigenous technical'knowledge 77
The control of interventions 81
Respectful collaboration 85
External agents 99
Clients and targets 102
Success indicators 104
Five: The way forward
The manner of interventions 108
Approach to training 114
Implications for intervention agents 120