Maternal & Child Nursing Care, Global Edition
Marcia L. London | Patricia W. Ladewig | Michele C. Davidson | Jane W. Ball | Ruth C. Bindler | Author
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For all courses in maternal and child nursing care in any nursing program.
This dynamic, up-to-date text offers an integrated framework and philosophy for teaching the nursing of childbearing families and nursing of children together. Accurate, readable, and concise,Maternal & Child Nursing Caresupports faster and more efficient learning in briefer, more compressed courses; while helping students develop essential skills for fast-changing healthcare environments. Core themes in this edition include family-centered and community-based care; health promotion (including Healthy People 2020); patient and family education; clinical reasoning; evidence-based practice, and developing cultural competence. This edition adds new Safety Alerts; more coverage of pain as the fifth vital sign; greater focus on care of families where a child is dying; and updated content on assessment, nutrition, communication, and many other key topics. Multiple pedagogical tools help students focus both learning and review, including intuitive Pathophysiology Illustrated visuals; Family Quotes presenting the family’s perspective; Learning Outcomes and Critical Concept Review Features; Key Terms, and an online audio glossary.