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Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, Global Edition

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, Global Edition

Timothy M. Henry | Frank M. Carrano


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Book Details


Data Structures and Abstractions with Java is suitable for one- or two-semester courses in data structures (CS-2) in the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business, and Management Information Systems.


This is the most student-friendly data structures text available that introduces ADTs in individual, brief chapters – each with pedagogical tools to help students master each concept. Using the latest features of Java, this unique object-oriented presentation makes a clear distinction between specification and implementation to simplify learning, while providing maximum classroom flexibility.


Teaching and Learning Experience

This book will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. It will help:

  • Aid comprehension and facilitate teaching with an approachable format and content organization: Material is organized into small segments that focus a reader’s attention and provide greater instructional flexibility.
  • Keep your course current with updated material: Content is refreshed throughout the book to reflect the latest advancements and to refine the pedagogy. All of the Java code is Java 8 compatible.
  • Support learning with student-friendly pedagogy: In-text and online features help students master the material.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page Title Page
Copyright Copyright
Contents 15
Introduction: Organizing Data 31
Prelude: Designing Classes 35
Encapsulation 36
Specifying Methods 38
Comments 38
Preconditions and Postconditions 39
Assertions 40
Java Interfaces 41
Writing an Interface 42
Implementing an Interface 43
An Interface as a Data Type 45
Extending an Interface 46
Named Constants Within an Interface 47
Choosing Classes 49
Identifying Classes 50
CRC Cards 51
The Unified Modeling Language 51
Reusing Classes 54
Chapter 1: Bags\r 61
The Bag 62
A Bag’s Behaviors 62
Specifying a Bag 63
An Interface 69
Using the ADT Bag 71
Using an ADT Is Like Using a Vending Machine 75
The ADT Set 77
Java Class Library: The Interface set 77
Java Interlude 1: Generics\r 83
Generic Data Types 83
Generic Types Within an Interface 84
Generic Classes 85
Chapter 2: Bag Implementations That Use Arrays\r 89
Using a Fixed-Size Array to Implement the ADT Bag 90
An Analogy 90
A Group of Core Methods 91
Implementing the Core Methods 92
Making the Implementation Secure 99
Testing the Core Methods 101
Implementing More Methods 103
Methods That Remove Entries 106
Using Array Resizing to Implement the ADT Bag 114
Resizing an Array 114
A New Implementation of a Bag 117
The Pros and Cons of Using an Array to Implement the ADT Bag 120
Java Interlude 2: Exceptions\r 125
The Basics 126
Handling an Exception 128
Postpone Handling: The throws Clause 128
Handle It Now: The try-catch Blocks 129
Multiple catch Blocks 130
Throwing an Exception 131
Chapter 3: A Bag Implementation That Links Data\r 133
Linked Data 134
Forming a Chain by Adding to Its Beginning 135
A Linked Implementation of the ADT Bag 137
The Private Class Node 137
An Outline of the Class LinkedBag 138
Defining Some Core Methods 139
Testing the Core Methods 143
The Method getFrequencyOf 144
The Method contains 145
Removing an Item from a Linked Chain 146
The Methods remove and clear 147
A Class Node That Has Set and Get Methods 151
The Pros and Cons of Using a Chain to Implement the ADT Bag 154
Chapter 4: The Efficiency of Algorithms\r 159
Motivation 160
Measuring an Algorithm’s Efficiency 161
Counting Basic Operations 163
Best, Worst, and Average Cases 165
Big Oh Notation 166
The Complexities of Program Constructs 168
Picturing Efficiency 170
The Efficiency of Implementations of the ADT Bag 173
An Array-Based Implementation 173
A Linked Implementation 175
Comparing the Implementations 176
Chapter 5: Stacks\r 183
Specifications of the ADT Stack 184
Using a Stack to Process Algebraic Expressions 188
A Problem Solved: Checking for Balanced Delimiters in an Infix Algebraic Expression 189
A Problem Solved: Transforming an Infix Expression to a Postfix Expression 194
A Problem Solved: Evaluating Postfix Expressions 199
A Problem Solved: Evaluating Infix Expressions 201
The Program Stack 203
Java Class Library: The Class Stack 204
Chapter 6: Stack Implementations\r 211
A Linked Implementation 211
An Array-Based Implementation 215
A Vector-Based Implementation 219
Java Class Library: The Class Vector 220
Using a Vector to Implement the ADT Stack 220
Chapter 7: Recursion\r 227
What Is Recursion? 228
Tracing a Recursive Method 232
Recursive Methods That Return a Value 235
Recursively Processing an Array 237
Recursively Processing a Linked Chain 240
The Time Efficiency of Recursive Methods 241
The Time Efficiency of countDown 242
The Time Efficiency of Computing xn 243
A Simple Solution to a Difficult Problem 244
A Poor Solution to a Simple Problem 249
Tail Recursion 251
Indirect Recursion 253
Using a Stack Instead of Recursion 254
Java Interlude 3: More About Generics\r 265
The Interface Comparable 265
Generic Methods 267
Bounded Type Parameters 268
Wildcards 270
Bounded Wildcards 271
Chapter 8: An Introduction to Sorting\r 275
Organizing Java Methods That Sort an Array 276
Selection Sort 277
Iterative Selection Sort 278
Recursive Selection Sort 280
The Efficiency of Selection Sort 281
Insertion Sort 281
Iterative Insertion Sort 283
Recursive Insertion Sort 285
The Efficiency of Insertion Sort 287
Insertion Sort of a Chain of Linked Nodes 287
Shell Sort 290
The Algorithm 292
The Efficiency of Shell Sort 293
Comparing the Algorithms 293
Chapter 9: Faster Sorting Methods\x0B 301
Merge Sort 302
Merging Arrays 302
Recursive Merge Sort 303
The Efficiency of Merge Sort 305
Iterative Merge Sort 307
Merge Sort in the Java Class Library 307
Quick Sort 308
The Efficiency of Quick Sort 308
Creating the Partition 309
Implementing Quick Sort 312
Quick Sort in the Java Class Library 314
Radix Sort 314
Pseudocode for Radix Sort 315
The Efficiency of Radix Sort 316
Comparing the Algorithms 316
Java Interlude 4: More About Exceptions\r 323
Programmer-Defined Exception Classes 323
Inheritance and Exceptions 327
The finally Block 328
Chapter 10: Queues, Deques, and Priority Queues\r 331
The ADT Queue 332
A Problem Solved: Simulating a Waiting Line 336
A Problem Solved: Computing the Capital Gain in a Sale of Stock 342
Java Class Library: The Interface Queue 345
The ADT Deque 346
A Problem Solved: Computing the Capital Gain in a Sale of Stock 349
Java Class Library: The Interface Deque 350
Java Class Library: The Class ArrayDeque 351
The ADT Priority Queue 351
A Problem Solved: Tracking Your Assignments 353
Java Class Library: The Class PriorityQueue 355
Chapter 11: Queue, Deque, and Priority Queue Implementations\r 361
A Linked Implementation of a Queue 362
An Array-Based Implementation of a Queue 366
A Circular Array 366
A Circular Array with One Unused Location 369
Circular Linked Implementations of a Queue 374
A Two-Part Circular Linked Chain 375
Java Class Library: The Class AbstractQueue 380
A Doubly Linked Implementation of a Deque 381
Possible Implementations of a Priority Queue 385
Chapter 12: Lists\r 391
Specifications for the ADT List 392
Using the ADT List 399
Java Class Library: The Interface List 403
Java Class Library: The Class ArrayList 403
Chapter 13: A List Implementation That Uses an Array\r 409
Using an Array to Implement the ADT List 410
An Analogy 410
The Java Implementation 412
The Efficiency of Using an Array to Implement the ADT List 420
Chapter 14: A List Implementation That Links Data\r 427
Operations on a Chain of Linked Nodes 428
Adding a Node at Various Positions 428
Removing a Node from Various Positions 432
The Private Method getNodeAt 433
Beginning the Implementation 434
The Data Fields and Constructor 435
Adding to the End of the List 437
Adding at a Given Position Within the List 438
The Methods isEmpty and toArray 439
Testing the Core Methods 441
Continuing the Implementation 442
A Refined Implementation 445
The Tail Reference 445
The Efficiency of Using a Chain to Implement the ADT List 448
Java Class Library: The Class LinkedList 450
Java Interlude 5: Iterators\r 457
What Is an Iterator? 457
The Interface Iterator 459
The Interface Iterable 461
Using the Interface Iterator 461
Iterable and for-each Loops 465
The Interface ListIterator 466
The Interface List Revisited 469
Using the Interface ListIterator 470
Chapter 15: Iterators for the ADT List\r 473
Ways to Implement an Iterator 474
A Separate Class Iterator 474
An Inner Class Iterator 477
A Linked Implementation 478
An Array-Based Implementation 481
Why Are Iterator Methods in Their Own Class? 484
An Array-Based Implementation of the Interface ListIterator 486
The Inner Class 487
Java Interlude 6: Mutable and Immutable Objects\r 499
Mutable Objects 500
Immutable Objects 502
Creating a Read-Only Class 502
Companion Classes 504
Chapter 16: Sorted Lists\r 507
Specifications for the ADT Sorted List 508
Using the ADT Sorted List 511
A Linked Implementation 512
The Method add 513
The Efficiency of the Linked Implementation 520
An Implementation That Uses the ADT List 520
Efficiency Issues 523
Java Interlude 7: Inheritance and Polymorphism\r 529
Further Aspects of Inheritance 529
When to Use Inheritance 529
Protected Access 530
Abstract Classes and Methods 531
Interfaces Versus Abstract Classes 533
Polymorphism 534
Chapter 17: Inheritance and Lists\r 541
Using Inheritance to Implement a Sorted List 542
Designing a Base Class 544
Creating an Abstract Base Class 549
An Efficient Implementation of a Sorted List 551
The Method add 551
Chapter 18: Searching\r 557
The Problem 558
Searching an Unsorted Array 558
An Iterative Sequential Search of an Unsorted Array 559
A Recursive Sequential Search of an Unsorted Array 560
The Efficiency of a Sequential Search of an Array 562
Searching a Sorted Array 562
A Sequential Search of a Sorted Array 562
A Binary Search of a Sorted Array 563
Java Class Library: The Method binarySearch 568
The Efficiency of a Binary Search of an Array 568
Searching an Unsorted Chain 569
An Iterative Sequential Search of an Unsorted Chain 570
A Recursive Sequential Search of an Unsorted Chain 570
The Efficiency of a Sequential Search of a Chain 571
Searching a Sorted Chain 571
A Sequential Search of a Sorted Chain 571
A Binary Search of a Sorted Chain 572
Choosing a Search Method 572
Java Interlude 8: Generics Once Again\r 579
More Than One Generic Type 579
Chapter 19: Dictionaries\r 581
Specifications for the ADT Dictionary 582
A Java Interface 586
Iterators 587
Using the ADT Dictionary 588
A Problem Solved: A Directory of Telephone Numbers 589
A Problem Solved: The Frequency of Words 594
A Problem Solved: A Concordance of Words 597
Java Class Library: The Interface Map 600
Chapter 20: Dictionary Implementations\r 605
Array-Based Implementations 606
An Unsorted Array-Based Dictionary 606
A Sorted Array-Based Dictionary 611
Linked Implementations 616
An Unsorted Linked Dictionary 617
A Sorted Linked Dictionary 618
Chapter 21: Introducing Hashing\r 625
What Is Hashing? 626
Hash Functions 629
Computing Hash Codes 629
Compressing a Hash Code into an Index for the Hash Table 632
Resolving Collisions 633
Open Addressing with Linear Probing 633
Open Addressing with Quadratic Probing 638
Open Addressing with Double Hashing 639
A Potential Problem with Open Addressing 641
Separate Chaining 642
Chapter 22: Hashing as a Dictionary Implementation\r 649
The Efficiency of Hashing 650
The Load Factor 650
The Cost of Open Addressing 651
The Cost of Separate Chaining 653
Rehashing 654
Comparing Schemes for Collision Resolution 655
A Dictionary Implementation That Uses Hashing 656
Entries in the Hash Table 656
Data Fields and Constructors 657
The Methods getValue, remove, and add 659
Iterators 664
Java Class Library: The Class HashMap 665
Jave Class Library: The Class HashSet 666
Chapter 23: Trees\r 669
Tree Concepts 670
Hierarchical Organizations 670
Tree Terminology 672
Traversals of a Tree 676
Traversals of a Binary Tree 677
Traversals of a General Tree 679
Java Interfaces for Trees 680
Interfaces for All Trees 680
An Interface for Binary Trees 681
Examples of Binary Trees 682
Expression Trees 683
Decision Trees 684
Binary Search Trees 688
Heaps 690
Examples of General Trees 693
Parse Trees 693
Game Trees 693
Chapter 24: Tree Implementations\r 703
The Nodes in a Binary Tree 704
A Class of Binary Nodes 705
An Implementation of the ADT Binary Tree 706
Creating a Basic Binary Tree 707
The Method privateSetTree 708
Accessor and Mutator Methods 711
Computing the Height and Counting Nodes 711
Traversals 712
An Implementation of an Expression Tree 717
General Trees 718
A Node for a General Tree 718
Using a Binary Tree to Represent a General Tree 719
Java Interlude 9: Cloning\r 727
Cloneable Objects 727
Cloning an Array 733
Cloning a Chain 736
A Sorted List of Clones 739
Cloning a Binary Node 741
Chapter 25: A Binary Search Tree Implementation\r 743
Getting Started 744
An Interface for the Binary Search Tree 745
Duplicate Entries 747
Beginning the Class Definition 748
Searching and Retrieving 749
Traversing 750
Adding an Entry 751
A Recursive Implementation 752
An Iterative Implementation 755
Removing an Entry 756
Removing an Entry Whose Node Is a Leaf 757
Removing an Entry Whose Node Has One Child 757
Removing an Entry Whose Node Has Two Children 758
Removing an Entry in the Root 761
A Recursive Implementation 762
An Iterative Implementation 765
The Efficiency of Operations 769
The Importance of Balance 770
The Order in Which Nodes Are Added 770
An Implementation of the ADT Dictionary 770
Chapter 26: A Heap Implementation\r 783
Reprise: The ADT Heap 784
Using an Array to Represent a Heap 784
Adding an Entry 787
Removing the Root 790
Creating a Heap 793
Heap Sort 796
Chapter 27: Balanced Search Trees\r 805
AVL Trees 806
Single Rotations 806
Double Rotations 809
Implementation Details 813
2-3 Trees 817
Searching a 2-3 Tree 818
Adding Entries to a 2-3 Tree 819
Splitting Nodes During Addition 821
2-4 Trees 822
Adding Entries to a 2-4 Tree 823
Comparing AVL, 2-3, and 2-4 Trees 825
Red-Black Trees 826
Properties of a Red-Black Tree 827
Adding Entries to a Red-Black Tree 828
Java Class Library: The Class TreeMap 834
B-Trees 834
Chapter 28: Graphs\r 841
Some Examples and Terminology 842
Road Maps 842
Airline Routes 845
Mazes 845
Course Prerequisites 846
Trees 846
Traversals 847
Breadth-First Traversal 848
Depth-First Traversal 849
Topological Order 851
Paths 854
Finding a Path 854
The Shortest Path in an Unweighted Graph 854
The Shortest Path in a Weighted Graph 857
Java Interfaces for the ADT Graph 860
Chapter 29: Graph Implementations\r 871
An Overview of Two Implementations 872
The Adjacency Matrix 872
The Adjacency List 873
Vertices and Edges 874
Specifying the Class Vertex 875
The Inner Class Edge 877
Implementing the Class Vertex 878
An Implementation of the ADT Graph 881
Basic Operations 881
Graph Algorithms 884
Appendix A: Documentation and Programming Style\r 891
Naming Variables and Classes 891
Indenting 892
Comments 892
Single-Line Comments 893
Comment Blocks 893
When to Write Comments 893
Java Documentation Comments 893
Appendix B: Java Basics (online)\r 897
Introduction 897
Applications and Applets 897
Objects and Classes 897
A First Java Application Program 897
Elements of Java 897
Identifiers 897
Reserved Words 897
Variables 897
Primitive Types 897
Constants 897
Assignment Statements 897
Assignment Compatibilities 897
Type Casting 897
Arithmetic Operators and Expressions 897
Parentheses and Precedence Rules 897
Increment and Decrement Operators 897
Special Assignment Operators 897
Named Constants 897
The Class Math 897
Simple Input and Output Using the Keyboard and Screen 897
Screen Output 897
Keyboard Input Using the Class Scanner 897
The if-else Statement 897
Boolean Expressions 897
Nested Statements 897
Multiway if-else Statements 897
The Conditional Operator (Optional) 897
The switch Statement 897
Enumerations 897
Scope 897
Loops 897
The while Statement 897
The for Statement 897
The do-while Statement 897
Additional Loop Information 897
The Class String 897
Characters Within Strings 897
Concatenation of Strings 897
String Methods 897
The Class StringBuilder 897
Using Scanner to Extract Pieces of a String 897
Arrays 897
Array Parameters and Returned Values 897
Initializing Arrays 897
Array Index Out of Bounds 897
Use of = and == with Arrays 897
Arrays and the For-Each Loop 897
Multidimensional Arrays 897
Wrapper Classes 897
Appendix C: Java Classes (online)\r 898
Objects and Classes 898
Using the Methods in a Java Class 898
References and Aliases 898
Defining a Java Class 898
Method Definitions 898
Arguments and Parameters 898
Passing Arguments 898
A Definition of the Class Name 898
Constructors 898
The Method toString 898
Methods That Call Other Methods 898
Methods That Return an Instance of Their Class 898
Static Fields and Methods 898
Overloading Methods 898
Enumeration as a Class 898
Packages 898
The Java Class Library 898
Appendix D: Creating Classes from Other Classes\r 899
Composition 899
Adapters 899
Inheritance 899
Invoking Constructors from Within Constructors 899
Private Fields and Methods of the Superclass 899
Overriding and Overloading Methods 899
Multiple Inheritance 899
Type Compatibility and Superclasses 899
The Class Object 899
Appendix E: File Input and Output (online)\r 917
Preliminaries 917
Why Files? 917
Streams 917
The Kinds of Files 917
File Names 917
Text Files 917
Creating a Text File 917
Reading a Text File 917
Changing Existing Data in a Text File 917
Defining a Method to Open a Stream 917
Binary Files 917
Creating a Binary File of Primitive Data 917
Reading a Binary File of Primitive Data 917
Strings in a Binary File 917
Object Serialization 917
Glossary (online) 918
Index 919
A 919
B 920
C 920
D 921
E 921
F 922
G 922
H 922
I 923
J 923
K 923
L 924
M 924
N 924
O 924
P 925
Q 925
R 925
S 926
T 926
U 927
V 927
W 927