Instructional Technology and Media for Learning: Pearson New International Edition
Sharon E. Smaldino | Deborah L. Lowther | James D. Russell
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A core text for Intro to Educational Technology courses.
With its hallmark ASSURE technology integration model and classroom cases, this renowned text places readers squarely in the classroom while providing a framework that teaches them to apply what they learn about computers, multimedia, Internet, distance learning, and audio/visual technologies to the 21st Century classroom instruction.
Filled with examples drawn from authentic elementary and secondary education situations, this text paints a vivid picture of technology and media enhancing and supporting teaching and learning. The ASSURE cases are supported by video, guided reflection prompts, and lesson plans that demonstrate strong technology integration and lesson planning. In addition to preparing educators with best practices to incorporate technology and media to meet the needs of 21st Century learners, the book includes strong coverage of copyright concerns, free and inexpensive media resources, as well as learning theory and instructional models. The tenth edition updates reflect the accelerating trend toward digitizing information and school use of technologies, especially in the Web 2.0 era. The tenth edition also addresses the interaction among the roles of teachers, technology coordinators, and school media specialists, all complementary and interdependent teams within the school.