Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing: Pearson New International Edition
Audrey J. Berman | Shirlee Snyder
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For fundamentals of nursing courses in the nursing curriculum.
KOZIER & ERB'S FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING, 9/e thoroughly addresses the key concepts of contemporary professional nursing, helping nurses grow and evolve to meet the demands of a dramatically changing health care system. The Ninth Edition’s content has been systematically revised to reflect new evidence, and a stronger emphasis on aging, wellness, safety, and home- and community-based care. Its objectives have been updated and mapped to support QSEN Competencies, AACN Essentials, the NCLEX-RN® 2010 test plan, and the 2010 ANA Scope and Standards of Practice. Coverage includes: health promotion, disease prevention, holistic care, multiculturalism, nursing theories, informatics, research, ethics, advocacy, and many other topics. Designed for use with any nursing theory or conceptual framework, this edition contains several new pedagogical features, including new Safety and Self-Care alerts.