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For students who need to understand and use statistics but find the mathematical formulae daunting, Statistics without Maths for Psychology is the ideal guide. The clear, straightforward style and step-by-step SPSS walkthroughs take you through all the statistical procedures you will need. Activities and questions enable you to test your learning and increase your understanding in a practical, manageable way.
Statistics without Maths for Psychology can also be packaged with MyResearchLab, an online resource covering key qualitative and quantitative research topics, packed with interactive digital learning tools, testing facilities and robust feedback for both students and teachers.
To find out more about this exciting and powerful new resource or to request your free trial access, please contact your Pearson representative.
You need both an access card and a course ID to access MyResearchLab.
1. Is your lecturer using MyResearchLab? Ask your lecturer for your course ID.
2. If you have a course ID but no access code, please go to www.myresearchlab.co.uk to buy access to this interactive online study resource.